Disgusted at celebrities...



  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    I have been reprimanded for my response last time so I will just sumarize here in a polite way. Most of us lamenting this 72 day divorce are not interested in Kim K's personal life at all. Personally I had to look up with a US weekly was as it was assumed I read it by someone. What we have a problem with and what we choose to "judge" and business we "stick our noses in" has to do with repercussions. Personally right now this action does not effect me in any way. But it is just another example of pop culture where hollywood celebrities really have very little in the way of values. The less we teach people to respect each other the more issues you have with those people. Eventually you have people that don't care because it isn't them, so if they rob you or beat you sensless what do they care, it isn't them feeling it. If they decide hey I'll get blitzed on some meth, and they hurt your loved one do you think it will effect you then?

    The hollywood morals displayed by the likes of Kim are an example to children of bad parents and good parents that show this behavior is acceptable. For those of you claiming you don't let it influence your children, newsflash, they have their own minds and own wills, as an example, personally my parents never drank, talked of its evils in large amounts and patrolled to make sure we didn't...I stayed drunk most of my college career, you can't blame them for that. I made the choice but I was heavily influenced by others to do so.

    And for all of you saying quit judging, the only guidance to not judge is the bible, so if you believe in it all it is talking about is judging someones soul, not their actions. For all I know everyone in hollywood has a place in heaven, that's not for me to say, but I can definitely judge their actions. If you don't believe in the bible then what do you care if I judge someones actions?
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Judge don't judge what the eff ever.
    But these people have no bearing whatsoever in my life. Nor does pop culture.
    I don't care who they do or what they do.
    I'd hope they didn't hurt other people and so far despite all marriages and men, she hasn't hurt anybody but perhaps her heart. So who really cares.

    My job is to raise my children and be the role model they need so they don't need to look up to people in a magazine.
    But I don't buy those. We don't watch TV except for their disney movies.

    This DOES NOT have to be a part of their exposure. It just doesn't.

    I think personally you have to have "guts" to be a good enough parent that your daughter never has to or wants to emulate these young ladies.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I don't give a **** if you judge them or don't. It isn't news. It never has been news, it's not important. There are plenty of issues in the world that need our attention. Why people make this bull**** into something important to the world is beyond me. Who cares what Kim or Britney or Lindsey do? It is meaningless drivel. If the news coverage didn't make it into "news" you or I would never hear anything about it and our lives would go on just as they will now. To make it into something that you allow to affect your life is just plain ridiculous
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I feel like we should start the countdown now....

  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I agree with the original post !
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I agree with the original post !

    What was it again?
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Good gravy...will this thread never die? :grumble:
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Good gravy...will this thread never die? :grumble:
    Gravy??? mmmm
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Crap...now I want mashed tatos...
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    I don't give a **** if you judge them or don't. It isn't news. It never has been news, it's not important. There are plenty of issues in the world that need our attention. Why people make this bull**** into something important to the world is beyond me. Who cares what Kim or Britney or Lindsey do? It is meaningless drivel. If the news coverage didn't make it into "news" you or I would never hear anything about it and our lives would go on just as they will now. To make it into something that you allow to affect your life is just plain ridiculous

    As rediculous it is to you and the rest of us, the fact remains that our young are following this 'wave' and eating it up. They want to be thin like the Hollywood Stars, they want to dress like 'em, they want to trash their cars like 'em, treat people like they are disposable, no sense of morals, you know .. The center of the universe, it's all about me ... yadayadayada .. etc etc etc.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I don't give a **** if you judge them or don't. It isn't news. It never has been news, it's not important. There are plenty of issues in the world that need our attention. Why people make this bull**** into something important to the world is beyond me. Who cares what Kim or Britney or Lindsey do? It is meaningless drivel. If the news coverage didn't make it into "news" you or I would never hear anything about it and our lives would go on just as they will now. To make it into something that you allow to affect your life is just plain ridiculous

    As rediculous it is to you and the rest of us, the fact remains that our young are following this 'wave' and eating it up. They want to be thin like the Hollywood Stars, they want to dress like 'em, they want to trash their cars like 'em, treat people like they are disposable, no sense of morals, you know .. The center of the universe, it's all about me ... yadayadayada .. etc etc etc.
    Speak for yourself.
  • nibblerbigcat
    I am very surprised at how much this thread has exploded and amused at half of the responses.

    I was just bored and expressing my opinion on a particular issue. I'm allowed to have my own opinion, am I not? I think it's funny that so many people responded with "Why do you care since it doesn't affect you?"

    Um, well why are you responding to my thread? My opinion doesn't affect you.

    And just for the record - I have no children, so my comment on them being bad role models has nothing to do with personal parenting. So "go be your own role model to your children" doesn't apply here. I am simply stating that as a culture, America is bombarded with images and news about celebrities. For god sakes, Kim K's divorce was on Fox 5 news. As a parent, you would be naive to think that pop culture isn't going to influence your children.

    My sincere gratitude to those who actually understood where I was coming from.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    I don't give a **** if you judge them or don't. It isn't news. It never has been news, it's not important. There are plenty of issues in the world that need our attention. Why people make this bull**** into something important to the world is beyond me. Who cares what Kim or Britney or Lindsey do? It is meaningless drivel. If the news coverage didn't make it into "news" you or I would never hear anything about it and our lives would go on just as they will now. To make it into something that you allow to affect your life is just plain ridiculous

    As ridiculous it is to you and the rest of us, the fact remains that our young are following this 'wave' and eating it up. They want to be thin like the Hollywood Stars, they want to dress like 'em, they want to trash their cars like 'em, treat people like they are disposable, no sense of morals, you know .. The center of the universe, it's all about me ... yadayadayada .. etc etc etc.
    Speak for yourself.

    I stand corrected .. I should have some 'some' of our young .. I think I may have been speaking about the larger majority. In all fairness, I have to offer credit where credit is due. There are many that do not fall under that cloud of idiocracy. There are many who are good upstanding, well adjusted people who have a lot to offer this world, most of whom wouldn't give a rat's pattoottie about what's happening in Holllywood.
  • malloriewebb
    I'm just sad they didn't make it until the holidays. I would have loved to see "Kim and Kris' Kristmas special"! Just like losing "Christmas with Nick and Jessica"...so sad

    Best. Post. By. Far.