Disgusted at celebrities...



  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    Maybe for some their sole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others or maybe to at least provide some entertainment along the way. KK is not hurting anyone.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    It only bothers me when people say that gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage.

    This ^^

    For some people marriage is serious business and for others, not so much. Me, I don't really care either way......you do what works for you, I'll do what works for me and we can all be happy that we aren't forced to live each others lives.

    What DOES piss me off though is the double standard many people have when it comes to gay marriage. We act as if we are holding the word "marriage" to some sacred standard but with 50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages ending in divorcee.....lets not fool ourselves. For gosh sakes, give people equal rights. Let people who want to get married marry, let those who don't.....don't and then lets do our best to stay out of each others business. Damn.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I have a very low give a sh1t threshold, and these people do not affect me in the least. I don't know who they are and I don't care how they live their lives.

    I have too much on my plate to worry about the actions of people I do not know who have no control over any aspect of my life.
  • trekkiebeth
    They are horrible role models for children, whether it be about weight, marriage and family, or drugs. I really wish that America would stop giving them so much media attention.

    If you allow your kids to see the Kardashians as role models YOU are their biggest problem, not celebrities.

    ^^ This!

    You can't exactly keep your kids in a box their whole life. You can just do your best to teach them right from wrong. But if you really do believe that there is a right and a wrong, it's perfectly natural to be disappointed in the fact that the society you live in puts so much attention and praise toward the wrong things.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    After hearing today about Kim Kardashian's divorce with her husband after 72 days of marriage (and a $10 million dollar wedding), I am just repulsed at how celebrities behave. Just because they have the money to do it, doesn't mean that they should look at marriages as something disposable and unfixable as soon as one disagreement hits the fan.

    They are horrible role models for children, whether it be about weight, marriage and family, or drugs. I really wish that America would stop giving them so much media attention.

    This is how much I care about celebrities. Who is Kim Kardashian?

    If you don't like celebrity culture, stop talking, reading, watching and buying magazines about them. I don't so what they do doesn't affect me.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    i heard they made $18 million from the wedding.. so not sure if they really spent any money.

    however, they are real people and maybe something happened ..what do we know - oh wait only what the tabloids tell us.
    Oh Well!
  • Froggy1976
    They are horrible role models for children, whether it be about weight, marriage and family, or drugs. I really wish that America would stop giving them so much media attention.

    If you allow your kids to see the Kardashians as role models YOU are their biggest problem, not celebrities.

    ^^ This!

    You can't exactly keep your kids in a box their whole life. You can just do your best to teach them right from wrong. But if you really do believe that there is a right and a wrong, it's perfectly natural to be disappointed in the fact that the society you live in puts so much attention and praise toward the wrong things.
    I never said my kids don't who the kardashians are (because they live in a box...), they just don't think of them as role models.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    and also, it doesn't really HAVE to send out a message to young people.
    My kids have no idea who Kim Kardashian is.

    Confession: I don't know who the kardashians are *LOL* I know they were on dancing w/ the stars but as to what prompted this families fame - I have no idea *gasp*

    the "sex tape" somehow got their name back out there.. I think... LOL
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    wow. Judgemental much? How do you know what happened in the marriage. Some marriages can't be saved.

    Yes, I agree, but a 72 day marriage isn't making any effort at all to make it work. Yes, I am being judgemental, because I believe marriage is a sacred and special thing and I'm tired of seeing people who only add to the divorce rate in our country.
    What the hell do you care...it's not you.

    And this is the problem with this country today, not enough guts to care about anyone but your damn self.....pathetic response!

    ^Yes & thank you.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I think it does affect us whether you watch the show or not. It's their attitude about marriage that's being splattered all over mainstream media. And the show won't air anything particularly negative about it. (Unless it gives the network ratings). It's just one more show that protrays this activity as acceptable. And since rich, "successful" people are doing it, you're goiing to have a whole generation blowing off marriage as disposable. While you can try to teach your kids as best you can, you are always going to have to butt heads with kids / parents that share this type of idiot behavior. How many times have your kids said "well so and so does it", "so and so has one" or "why can't I, the people on TV do it" etc. etc. If you don't think you aren't affected because you dont' watch the show, you are mistaken.
  • trekkiebeth
    wow. Judgemental much? How do you know what happened in the marriage. Some marriages can't be saved.

    Yes, I agree, but a 72 day marriage isn't making any effort at all to make it work. Yes, I am being judgemental, because I believe marriage is a sacred and special thing and I'm tired of seeing people who only add to the divorce rate in our country.
    What the hell do you care...it's not you.

    And this is the problem with this country today, not enough guts to care about anyone but your damn self.....pathetic response!

    Some people are so wrapped up in everyone else's lives that they're losing out on their own, and some people are so wrapped up in their own life that they're totally apathetic about everyone else. More balance is needed.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I am pretty effing certian that they just did it for ratings and money at this point. I mean COME ON. And if they really did it because they loved each other, way to work on it people! You rock (not)!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    It only bothers me when people say that gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage.

  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    wow. Judgemental much? How do you know what happened in the marriage. Some marriages can't be saved.

    Yes, I agree, but a 72 day marriage isn't making any effort at all to make it work. Yes, I am being judgemental, because I believe marriage is a sacred and special thing and I'm tired of seeing people who only add to the divorce rate in our country.

    i added to it, too.
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    and also, it doesn't really HAVE to send out a message to young people.
    My kids have no idea who Kim Kardashian is.

    Confession: I don't know who the kardashians are *LOL* I know they were on dancing w/ the stars but as to what prompted this families fame - I have no idea *gasp*

    the "sex tape" somehow got their name back out there.. I think... LOL
    she (KK) likes showers of the golden variety.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    They are horrible role models for children, whether it be about weight, marriage and family, or drugs. I really wish that America would stop giving them so much media attention.

    If you allow your kids to see the Kardashians as role models YOU are their biggest problem, not celebrities.

    ^^ This!

    You can't exactly keep your kids in a box their whole life. You can just do your best to teach them right from wrong. But if you really do believe that there is a right and a wrong, it's perfectly natural to be disappointed in the fact that the society you live in puts so much attention and praise toward the wrong things.

    Exactly, you can raise your children, teaching them and influencing them to be intellects, problem solvers, thinkers and they won't be drawn to reality tv stars as role models. They'll look to people who are the movers and the shakers of their generation, the generations before them. Children should absolutely not live in a box, but if you provide them with intellectually stimulating things (books, games, puzzles) they won't be looking to people like the Kardashians as a role model.

    If you really believe in a right and a wrong, do you really believe that the same right and wrong apply to everyone?
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Did anyone REALLY think this was going to work? Kim is an attention *kitten*. No relationship is going to be more important than her notoriety as long as she is still in the spotlight.

    ^ This!!! She'll never love someone more than she loves herself!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I think it does affect us whether you watch the show or not. It's their attitude about marriage that's being splattered all over mainstream media. And the show won't air anything particularly negative about it. (Unless it gives the network ratings). It's just one more show that protrays this activity as acceptable. And since rich, "successful" people are doing it, you're goiing to have a whole generation blowing off marriage as disposable. While you can try to teach your kids as best you can, you are always going to have to butt heads with kids / parents that share this type of idiot behavior. How many times have your kids said "well so and so does it", "so and so has one" or "why can't I, the people on TV do it" etc. etc. If you don't think you aren't affected because you dont' watch the show, you are mistaken.

    And it's already happening. Look at the attitudes of some of the people on this thread about divorce. "I did it, so it can't be that big of a deal." As for the gay marriage thing, I don't think you're going to find ANYONE who is against gay marriage on religious grounds who also believes that it's just fine for someone to get married and divorced in the span of 72 days. If it were up to me, the government would be totally out of the marriage business anyway. It is actually pretty frightening to me that the government can decide who is allowed to marry and who isn't and that being married carries with it certain legal privileges that single people don't have access to. Are those policies themselves not responsible for many marriages that would not otherwise have happened?

    Ultimately, parents have to take responsibility for instilling good values in their kids, and then you just have to hope that you raised them well enough that some stupid "celebrity" on a reality TV show can't have that much influence over them. But the pervasive nature of media today, along with the fact that you can't control what other parents do, makes it a lot harder on parents than it used to be to make sure their kids aren't exposed to the glorification of stuff like this.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Don't forget she had a sex tape go public, that's the key to getting *kitten* status.
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    wow. Judgemental much? How do you know what happened in the marriage. Some marriages can't be saved.

    After 72 f*ckin days....72 DAYS!!!! Why would a marriage so young NEED to be saved so early.