Disgusted at celebrities...



  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    It only bothers me when people say that gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. Really? I don't see anyone protesting to take away Kim Kardashian's right to get married for a few weeks to increase her reality show ratings...

  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    wow. Judgemental much? How do you know what happened in the marriage. Some marriages can't be saved.

    Yes, I agree, but a 72 day marriage isn't making any effort at all to make it work. Yes, I am being judgemental, because I believe marriage is a sacred and special thing and I'm tired of seeing people who only add to the divorce rate in our country.

    Better now than after they have kids. Who wants to drag a child into it. If he did cheat like the news medias say who would want to stick by him. Some things just can't be fixed
  • perceptualobfuscator
    These people make their living on the principle that any publicity is good publicity, and that even bad news gets people paying attention. To fix this, pay them no attention. Without attention, attention *kitten* disappear, never to be seen again. Trust me, you'll be happier for it.

    As well, on the off-chance that this genuinely was some sort of personal tragedy for the individuals involved, ignore it. No one likes their emotional trauma turned into a circus, and this includes celebrities.

    No matter what, I don't see why your should even deign to notice people who apparently don't interest you. Ignore, and move on to things you can appreciate.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    and also, it doesn't really HAVE to send out a message to young people.
    My kids have no idea who Kim Kardashian is.

    Confession: I don't know who the kardashians are *LOL* I know they were on dancing w/ the stars but as to what prompted this families fame - I have no idea *gasp*

    They're famous b/c their Dad was the lawyer who got O.J. off on murder

    And their step dad was a famous Olympian in like the 70s
  • Bellyroll
    Bellyroll Posts: 316
    I dont know why she got married. I know there are marriages that cant be saved but marriage is a serious business. Its some thing you have to work at everyday. If you call it quits after a few days that just sad and show no respect for marriage.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    You know, I was happily married until I read your post. Now I think I'll get divorced. Seriously. Come on. The kids will be fine. Besides children should not be getting married anyway.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I remember when Brittney Spears got married for 55 mins in Vegas to an old friend of hers from Lueezanna,

    her thoughts about it were she was just curious how it would feel to be married.................

    this was before she lost it and shaved her head and was papparazzi hungry.........so for me, people like this trash the whole concept of marriage..............Lloyd
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Kim and her family think being rich solves all. She wanted that storybook wedding to revial the Royal wedding. Once she got that and actually to deal with the reality of being married, her dumbass couldn't take it. There are some things in life that even being wealthy can't fix.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    people complain about how much her wedding costs and how that money could have gone to a good cause. i wonder how much they spent on their own wedding? 5K 10? 20? to most people in the world that is a fortune and they probably think you should have spent that on a good cause.

    its all relative. live and let live.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    It only bothers me when people say that gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. Really? I don't see anyone protesting to take away Kim Kardashian's right to get married for a few weeks to increase her reality show ratings...

    i think i love you.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    If it weren't for celebrities, there would be no celebrity gossip. I can't imagine a world without TMZ, E!, People Magazine, MSN Wonderwall, AOL (although there's isn't as good since Huffpost took over. Popeater was WAY better!).
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    wow. Judgemental much? How do you know what happened in the marriage. Some marriages can't be saved.

    Yes, I agree, but a 72 day marriage isn't making any effort at all to make it work. Yes, I am being judgemental, because I believe marriage is a sacred and special thing and I'm tired of seeing people who only add to the divorce rate in our country.
    What the hell do you care...it's not you.

    And this is the problem with this country today, not enough guts to care about anyone but your damn self.....pathetic response!
  • nothingisred
    It only bothers me when people say that gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. Really? I don't see anyone protesting to take away Kim Kardashian's right to get married for a few weeks to increase her reality show ratings...

    ^ This X 100


    This this this this this this this this this x a million

    I always remember an episode of Family Guy where Lois says something along the lines of "Why should two straight people who hate each other be allowed to get married yet two gay people who love each other can't?" It's so true.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Did anyone REALLY think this was going to work? Kim is an attention *kitten*. No relationship is going to be more important than her notoriety as long as she is still in the spotlight.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    Did anyone REALLY think this was going to work? Kim is a *kitten*. No relationship is going to be more important than her notoriety as long as she is still in the spotlight.

    fixed it for you
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    Only you yourself can decide if you want to hold up the "concept" of marriage.

    Just because someone else gets divorce doesn't change your mind about your marriage or future marriage. If anything it makes you more weary of it and you do not commit without knowing its right. Which is better. If someone makes a life choice based on anyone but themselves that is entirely there fault for being weak minded.
  • starboardzor
    wow. Judgemental much? How do you know what happened in the marriage. Some marriages can't be saved.

    Yes, I agree, but a 72 day marriage isn't making any effort at all to make it work. Yes, I am being judgemental, because I believe marriage is a sacred and special thing and I'm tired of seeing people who only add to the divorce rate in our country.

    I'm divorced and finally happy. Sooo sorry for putting my happiness and sanity before being a role model to your kids! Hahahaha.... be your own kid's rolemodel. That's not what I'm here for. That's not what the Kardashians are here for. Don't let your kids watch the Kardashians and don't let them watch me and they should all grow up to be President.
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    OH NO!!! they are getting divorced!?!

    but their wedding was so beautiful!!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    wow. Judgemental much? How do you know what happened in the marriage. Some marriages can't be saved.

    Yes, I agree, but a 72 day marriage isn't making any effort at all to make it work. Yes, I am being judgemental, because I believe marriage is a sacred and special thing and I'm tired of seeing people who only add to the divorce rate in our country.
    What the hell do you care...it's not you.

    And this is the problem with this country today, not enough guts to care about anyone but your damn self.....pathetic response!

    You really think the problem with this country is that there aren't enough busybodies sticking their noses into other people's relationships? The OP doesn't care about the Kardashians, no one does. They're vapid celebutantes.

    I really don't think getting pissy about Kim Kardashian getting divorced shows you have "guts".
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    wow. Judgemental much? How do you know what happened in the marriage. Some marriages can't be saved.

    Yes, I agree, but a 72 day marriage isn't making any effort at all to make it work. Yes, I am being judgemental, because I believe marriage is a sacred and special thing and I'm tired of seeing people who only add to the divorce rate in our country.
    What the hell do you care...it's not you.

    And this is the problem with this country today, not enough guts to care about anyone but your damn self.....pathetic response!
    No, the problem is that too many people are worried about what everyone else is doing and not enough about THEIR OWN DAMN LIVES. Try that on for size with your shoddy reply.