Disgusted at celebrities...



  • They are only role models for your children if you let them be.
  • wow. Judgemental much? How do you know what happened in the marriage. Some marriages can't be saved.

    After 72 f*ckin days....72 DAYS!!!! Why would a marriage so young NEED to be saved so early.

    I think the whole thing was a sham from the beginning. Their mother was even recorded as saying "see you at Kourtney's wedding!" when Kourtney claims she's not ready for marriage. On top of that, Khloe and Lamar aren't even legally married. It's ALL for publicity.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    It only bothers me when people say that gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. Really? I don't see anyone protesting to take away Kim Kardashian's right to get married for a few weeks to increase her reality show ratings...
    We need a "like" button here.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    The New Jersey Housewives are much more entertaining...

    NOW you're talkin'!

    All of those housewife shows are FABULOUS.............rich, spoiled women and all their woes! It's my TV Crack!!!

    As for Kim K? I actually have watched that silly show (ya, I know, I know)......and saw this marriage was doomed before they ever walked down the aisle. He's a puke, she wanted a fairy-tale wedding, and it just seemed wrong!

    I feel bad that they went through all of this drama. I do think that Kim was looking for the right man - she made a bad choice. It's unfortunate they didn't wait longer, as I don't think she would have married him.

    Remember - these are real people, going through all of life's situations. It's just sad that it all plays out on TV, and much of it is histrionics for the audience.
  • alcon79
    alcon79 Posts: 193 Member
    Is it really that bad to enjoy reading about celeb gossip? I love it - it's mindless entertainment. It's fun for the fashion, the gossip, the bump watches, the are they/aren't they (normally they aren't)...makes the day go by faster. I check out people.com almost every day and I never understand why people post on articles just to say who cares? I don't have a vested interest, but it's fun. I find it more bizarre that people take the time to read a whole article just to post that they don't know the celeb or they don't care. Some people play world of warcraft, some people do fantasy football, and some people flip through Us Weekly.

    Plus those mags are perfect for the elliptical.....no words, all pictures!

    Back to the gossip - I love 1 reason being thrown around is that he wants to move back to MN eventually and she has her "career" to think about. That topic didn't come up in the 6 months or whatever they were dating? I mean really?
  • he wants to move back to MN eventually and she has her "career" to think about. That topic didn't come up in the 6 months or whatever they were dating? I mean really?

    That's what makes me think it's planned for publicity. Any real couple would have talked about that.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    The most interesting thing I think is that Kris and Kim together made more money in the 72 days of marriage than Kris has made in 7 years playing NBA ($17 million vs $16.9 million)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Is it really that bad to enjoy reading about celeb gossip? I love it - it's mindless entertainment. It's fun for the fashion, the gossip, the bump watches, the are they/aren't they (normally they aren't)...makes the day go by faster. I check out people.com almost every day and I never understand why people post on articles just to say who cares? I don't have a vested interest, but it's fun. I find it more bizarre that people take the time to read a whole article just to post that they don't know the celeb or they don't care. Some people play world of warcraft, some people do fantasy football, and some people flip through Us Weekly.

    Plus those mags are perfect for the elliptical.....no words, all pictures!

    Back to the gossip - I love 1 reason being thrown around is that he wants to move back to MN eventually and she has her "career" to think about. That topic didn't come up in the 6 months or whatever they were dating? I mean really?

    ^ Thank You! I feel the same way. Yea..so I peruse the tabloids, so what. LIke you said, it's just mindless entertainment. I like to see who's wearing what and all the red carpet stuff! and OMG (yes i just said omg!!!)....Kim K divorcing already after spending enough money on her wedding to feed a third world country!! WTF! That is some messed up ****. Although I guess I always knew it was a publicity scam.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 543 Member
    It only bothers me when people say that gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. Really? I don't see anyone protesting to take away Kim Kardashian's right to get married for a few weeks to increase her reality show ratings...

    Well said.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    And try as we might with our children to show them that these type of people are not real roll models and shouldn't be looked up to. In todays world with all the social media's and technology at everyone's finger tips....kids are exposed to it one way or another.
  • rhirvo
    rhirvo Posts: 162 Member
    This really isn't too suprising for me - i think he would have backed out before they were even married if her could afford to buy out the contract they probably signed with the network. She wouldn't take his last name, she wouldn't move to save her marriage - being famous is just more important to her - its too bad she'll most likely be alone forever - shes lucky she found someone in the first place with that porn video - she'll end up just like Paris Hilton - washed up and alone.
  • What difference does it make what her wedding costs? Her and her husband have jobs. My wedding cost $25,000 and my husband and I paid for it with our money, from the jobs we have, And thats my business.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    It only bothers me when people say that gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. Really? I don't see anyone protesting to take away Kim Kardashian's right to get married for a few weeks to increase her reality show ratings...

    Well said.

  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    wow. Judgemental much? How do you know what happened in the marriage. Some marriages can't be saved.

    Yes, I agree, but a 72 day marriage isn't making any effort at all to make it work. Yes, I am being judgemental, because I believe marriage is a sacred and special thing and I'm tired of seeing people who only add to the divorce rate in our country.
    What the hell do you care...it's not you.

    And this is the problem with this country today, not enough guts to care about anyone but your damn self.....pathetic response!

    You really think the problem with this country is that there aren't enough busybodies sticking their noses into other people's relationships? The OP doesn't care about the Kardashians, no one does. They're vapid celebutantes.

    I really don't think getting pissy about Kim Kardashian getting divorced shows you have "guts".

    I forgot a complete lack of intelligence allowing one to read past the topic into the actual matter. I.e. it does affect this culture in this country, there probably isn't anyone on this site that allows their children to look up to any of those celebrity morons, but the vast majority of this country has such poor/non existant parenting that hollywood is instilling its morals into our youth today. But choosing ignorance is fine, it's not my problem right?
  • It only bothers me when people say that gay marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. Really? I don't see anyone protesting to take away Kim Kardashian's right to get married for a few weeks to increase her reality show ratings...

    Actually it would make sense to me if some measures were put in place to ensure that marriage was taken more seriously in order to decrease the divorce rate. I'm not sure exactly what that would look like, but making it illegal for people to get married while intoxicated might be a good start. (Thinking of things like impromptu Los Vegas weddings there.)

  • If you allow your kids to see the Kardashians as role models YOU are their biggest problem, not celebrities.

    ^^ This!

    You can't exactly keep your kids in a box their whole life. You can just do your best to teach them right from wrong. But if you really do believe that there is a right and a wrong, it's perfectly natural to be disappointed in the fact that the society you live in puts so much attention and praise toward the wrong things.

    Exactly, you can raise your children, teaching them and influencing them to be intellects, problem solvers, thinkers and they won't be drawn to reality tv stars as role models. They'll look to people who are the movers and the shakers of their generation, the generations before them. Children should absolutely not live in a box, but if you provide them with intellectually stimulating things (books, games, puzzles) they won't be looking to people like the Kardashians as a role model.

    If you really believe in a right and a wrong, do you really believe that the same right and wrong apply to everyone?

    "If you really believe in a right and a wrong, do you really believe that the same right and wrong apply to everyone?"

    Yes, I believe in objective morals. If there are no objective morals, then there is really no such thing as right and wrong and people should be free to do whatever they want regardless of the consequences, because they are only following what they feel is right.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    After hearing today about Kim Kardashian's divorce with her husband after 72 days of marriage (and a $10 million dollar wedding), I am just repulsed at how celebrities behave. Just because they have the money to do it, doesn't mean that they should look at marriages as something disposable and unfixable as soon as one disagreement hits the fan.

    They are horrible role models for children, whether it be about weight, marriage and family, or drugs. I really wish that America would stop giving them so much media attention.

    What makes a celebrity? Anyone who actually reads or pays any attention whatsoever to someone elevating them to a grander scale than they are...the fact that you know this...makes you one of them. Way to promote to the masses.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    After hearing today about Kim Kardashian's divorce with her husband after 72 days of marriage (and a $10 million dollar wedding), I am just repulsed at how celebrities behave. Just because they have the money to do it, doesn't mean that they should look at marriages as something disposable and unfixable as soon as one disagreement hits the fan.

    They are horrible role models for children, whether it be about weight, marriage and family, or drugs. I really wish that America would stop giving them so much media attention.
    I would never want to be part of Hollywood. To give up your privacy and have photographers up in your grill every single day.................no wonder so many of the young ones end up dysfunctional with the gun they are under.
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    After hearing today about Kim Kardashian's divorce with her husband after 72 days of marriage (and a $10 million dollar wedding), ...
    I understand that there is a serious discussion and a lot of issues being brought up here, especially regarding celebrity culture, fame, role models, marriage, and morals. And I'm sorry to interrupt.

    However, I just wanted to point out that having both the dollar sign ($) in front of "10 million dollar" as well as the word "dollar" at the end is redundant and incorrect. it may have been brought up in the last eight pages, I'm not sure.
  • They are horrible role models for children, whether it be about weight, marriage and family, or drugs. I really wish that America would stop giving them so much media attention.

    If you allow your kids to see the Kardashians as role models YOU are their biggest problem, not celebrities.
    1000% agree and I would like to add if you are worried about TV celebrity. Then explain to your children to look up to a real person and honestly its their money