Paige1108 Member


  • Congratulations, really amazing. And I love that wedding photo, so natural and candid, beautiful.
  • Your diary isn't open so I'll just share what worked for me. I upped my calories so my deficit was set at .5lbs per week. I ate all, and I mean all, hungry or not, my exercise calories. I lost about .5lb every ten days. If I didn't eat all my calories my losses stopped completely. I was biking to work 12 miles a day (round…
  • Wow, congratulations. Very inspiring. Thank you.
  • You can add some calorie dense Items to the things you are already eating: Add nuts to your yogurt. Toast or English muffin to your eggs with butter add a little pasta to your lunch If you don't want to add carbs for some reason you could go with cheese on your eggs and add avocado to your lunch. Cheese and veggies as one…
  • One more reason to love my dog. I leave a little and he's happy to take care of it. Clean plate and no going over. Win/ Win.
  • I would also say yes. I think 1300 is a great starting point and see how that goes. As time goes by and you get closer to your target weight you may want to up them again. Good luck on your journey.
  • If you don't eat enough calories, all that strength training is going out the window. As your body eats your muscle to live on. If you don't feed your body, it will feed its self, and its favorite meal is muscle. Try to add some healthy but calorie dense items to your day. Like nuts, peanut butter, whole milk, nutella.…
  • I'm sorry you are so frustrated that sucks, but keep in mind that you have still lost an average of 1.5lbs per week. That's wonderful.
  • I'm a little confused do you eat back your exercise calories and still only eat 1200-1230 because unless you are very short you may have slowed your metabolism a bit by under eating. So you may have to let your weight go up just a bit until your metabolism is revved up again. I increased from 1200 to 1350 (I'm 5'7" and was…
  • It is also possible that you have lost weight internally, like between your organs. This is really really really good weight loss and will contribute to your over all health a lot. Congratulations if it's this. Just an idea.
  • I found that I had to eat all my exercise calories all the time, hungry or not, in order to lose weight. I was working on losing the last 20lbs. And this became more and more true the closer I got to my goal weight. If I didn't eat didn't lose. I used to call it feeding my diet. Good luck I hope you find something that…
  • This was me too, and still is I'm sure. I just can't have it or else, no limits, no logic, just all out binging. I find it easier not to eat it at all than try to limit it. Good luck with your journey. I hope you find a way that works for you.
  • WhoooooooooHooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations.
  • I'm 41 years old 40 when I lost the weight (5'7") and lost 20. I told a friend about the site, she's 65 years old (5'1") and she lost those last 15lbs she has been battling sense she was 35 years old. I don't know anything about WW so I can't help there. Good luck with your journey.
  • I had to give up processed sugar all together. I haven't had any in 10 years now and it was a really good choice for me. I do not preach this lifestyle to others, I'm just sharing my personal choice. I do eat fruit, drink alcohol and consume sweet things like milk. I'm also willing to use a very limited amount of low…
  • This is exactly how I see it too. And worded beautifully. I've been maintaining with MFP for a year+ and I honestly don't see why, at this point, I would ever stop logging all together.
  • Learning that I had to eat more to lose weight. That has made all the difference to me and the people I have pointed to MFP.
  • Congratulations!!! I've been maintaining my loss for a year +. I upped my calories manually 100 calories a week until I hit the MFP number for my maintenance. It took me about a month and I lost another lbs so I upped my calories by another 50calories or so and that seemed to do the trick. I still log, most days, and I add…
  • I keep my activity set at sedentary and log everything that seems like activity. I do not find the activity levels helpful, they seem to vague to be effective for all people. I did just fine losing weight and I'm doing just fine maintaining (for one year) with this formula. I also worked in a restaurant, I logged every…
  • Congratulations, great job.
  • Congratulations you've done an amazing thing. Enjoy!! I've been maintaining for a little over a year and I am still logging and I weigh myself everyday....well all day long but that's just me...It helps to remind me that I've done this and I don't want it undone. If the number floats up I eat at 100-150 cal deficit for a…
  • I weight myself all day long (2 or 3 times each day) everyday. I'm in maintenance, so it means a lot less than it did when I was eating at a deficit. But I like the information too. I know that I tend to fluctuate about 4lbs a day and knowing that I'm never freaked out by the number on the scale. But the morning weight…
  • Congratulations that's really wonderful. You are stunning, before and after. I'm 5'7" also and I think your weight loss might be stalling because you have less excess to lose, so you may want to up your calories. I know that sound counter intuitive but it really worked for me. When I stalled I upped my calories to 1300,…
  • If it fits into my daily count and I want it I eat it or drink it.
  • why? you lost eating more. Instead of eating whatever you want, try setting MFP to .5lbs a day. That will give you a 250/day deficit. And then eat what is recommended and your exercise calories. This is just my opinion. I hope you find a system that works for you and makes you happy.
  • I agree with this poster. At this point you will need to eat more to lose. I can't see your diary so that maybe a generalization but it's a good one. When you are down to the last 10 to 15lbs you have to maintain a very small deficit to get your body to shed the fat. I used to say to myself, if I had a lot of calories to…
  • I just figure if you can't be supportive you deserve to be lied to. The whole time I was eating at a deficit, If they said "are you Still dieting" I just said "oh my goodness no, of course not" and that usually ended the discussion. But the comments don't stop when you are in maintenance, because you're still making…
  • If you are still trying to lose I would say eat as many of those calories as you can. You are playing in a healthy weight range and this makes it even more important to eat the calories your body needs each day. When I was still trying to lose, I had to eat all my calories each day, and yes hungry or not I had to eat them,…