

  • Really anything with someone whose body/figure you appreciate! Seeing them on the screen is always a motivation. And that JLo movie where she was an abused wife who trains and then kills her husband in faux-self-defense. I can't remember the title to save my life right now.
  • I LOVE the "murdering shoes"!!! Hilarious.
  • I think I'll join you tonight! The 30DS is on my cable OnDemand (free) and I've been wanting to try it. Do I need anything other than a mat and free weights? Do I need a lot of space? Good luck to you!!
  • I log drinks other than water or green tea. Basically anything I know has calories.
  • I love my booty (surprisingly). It may have a few dimples, which I'm working on, but the shape is nice. Now if only I loved my thighs as much . . .
  • I actually had a guy grab me once at a bar and I just turned around and told him he shouldn't invade others' personal space if not invited (plus an expletive or 2). He actually apologized, like I wanted or needed an apology. Funny you should mention this since I was recently at a club with a younger soon-to-be in-law and I…
  • Question about 30DS: Do you need a lot of room to do the moves? I may start using them (they're on OnDemand, so they're free with my cable subscription) but I'm worried I won't have enough room like with my Firm dvds and I'll end up modifying the moves so much I won't get the same workout. Thanks for the help and great…
  • A great story to start the day. I probably look crazy laughing to myself at my desk. Thanks!!
  • I tried the iced tea flavor and couldn't stand it. It was actually too sweet for me, but I'm an unsweetened tea person. I've found that making iced green tea (unsweetened of course) at work helps me get my water in for the day since I hate drinking plain water. I'm sorry, but water does have a taste and it's not good. I…
  • My fiance usually doesn't wear anything but his Irish Spring deoderant and I love the smell. Sometimes I can smell the bodywash he uses, but it's not an overwhelming or annoying scent so I like it. Every once in a while he'll actually wear cologne, but it's so rare that I find it a treat when he does. Oh, and I can usually…
  • I was trying to remember the last time I went to McDonalds too and since I can't remember it must've been a long time. I side with everyone recommending the grilled chicken options, but I know if I really wanted a cheeseburger I'd go ahead and get one. No one says you have to get fries with it!
  • I wish I could help. I've been watching my sugar intake as well but wasn't counting the natural sugars in fruits and veggies.
  • 5lbs is great, I've only lost 3 so far! Add friends, even if you don't comment back and forth it's motivating to see their statuses show up on your "wall". Seeing that someone else burned 500 calories or lost weight or went for a run makes you want to do the same! Keep up the great work!!!
  • It's interesting you bring this up because I had a similar feeling towards a segment on Rachel Ray either last year or the year before. The segment was about finding fashionable clothing for sizes 22 and up women. Now, on one hand I was thinking, that's a great idea, everyone should be able to wear something fashionable…
  • Thanks for the info. I knew about water weight but had no clue about glycogen. I used to weigh myself everyday but then I'd get neurotic until I cut my cals so much I'd wind up starving and bingeing. I'm trying to keep myself at only once a week now. Thanks again!
  • I'm in! CW as of this morning is 185.6 lbs. So that makes my Jan 1, 2012 goal 160 lbs. Good luck to everyone! We can all do it!!
  • I recently took the plunge and purchased it, so here are my thoughts after a week: - The moves remind me a lot of the morning workouts at cheer camp in highschool. The leader (I've only done cycle 1 so far) is very energetic and motivating. I think it helps that she's muscular and not stick skinny since her figure looks…
  • Cut out sodium and up your water intake and you should see water weight come off. The scale will move which will motivate you! Good luck!!
  • I agree about the first few days being tedious. This is my 3rd try with MFP and I'm determined to make it work for me. I not only log everything here, but I keep a small notebook in my purse to write down everything I eat and drink so if I'm logging at the end of the day I won't forget anything. I've also added a lot of…
  • "Honey, time marches on and eventually you realize it is marchin' across your face." - Steel Magnolias I can't say I've ever had this problem, but then again I just started looking my age at 28. My mother gets mistaken for 10 years younger as well, but she always says it's because the fat hides the wrinkles. I agree with…
  • Could I use Circuit Training for my Firm Express workouts also? I logged it under high-impact aerobics the first time, but I swear I burned more calories than it gave me!