
judith3 Posts: 296 Member
Alright idk how many of u guys go clubing but since im 20 i tend to go at least every other weekend and well i wanted to share a story about a club i went to

Ok so me and a friend were hanging out and decided it would be fun to go to a club just us two. So we get there and its packed like always we just start dancing away having fun together being silly then this guy comes up to me as we are dancing and asks me if i wanna dance i nicely said no thank you im dancing with my friend and began to turn around and walk away, as i am walking away i feel him grab my arm and pull me back surprised i turned and he leans in and says that his friend will dance with my friend. Once again i say no and walk away. Then maybe ten minutes later the same guy walks up to me insisting i dance with him at this point im beginning to get irritated at the fact that he keeps grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him so i ignore him and once again walk away. Then maybe another ten minutes later as im walking away from the bar i feel someone grab my arm i turn to find the same guy once AGAIN insisting i dance with him now at this point not only am i getting pissed off but my friend is also so as i completely ignore him and begin to walk away the idot Grabs my *kitten* and folks im not talking about a grab im talking he flat out gropped me in the middle of a club (which some girls might be ok with but not me). needless to say i was furious i turned around and was gonna punch him in the face that guy took one look at my face and i can honestly say i have never seen a guy get out of a club as fast as he did. To this day i still get really angry thinking about that idot who i would of loved to punch in the face if he hadnt run away.

I was just wondering if there was anyone else out there who had any similar experiences


  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    I haven't had an experience that extreme, fortunately. Good for you for sticking up for yourself, though. You were more patient with him than I would have been. I think after the 2nd time, I would have said, "Don't effing (would have said the real word) touch me again!" I probably would have said something to the bouncer, too. There's no need for stupidity like that. God forbid, what would have happened to a girl that didn't stand up for herself? Creepy.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    It sounds like he is lacking in social skills.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    oh yea, too many times to count. Here in Texas, other guys, whether friends or strangers would have stepped in and put a stop to that. Glad you stood up for yourself and I hope it doesn't happen again!
  • JediMaster_intraining
    I went to rave once and this guy kept wanting to dance with every girl. I was like umm weirdo at a rave with a cowboy hat needs to leave...he's drunk! I danced with him once thinking eh, i'll amuse him...but when he came back the second and third time i just said "no, i'm with some friends" and after LOTS of other girls turned him down...he disappeared! So glad!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member

    I have only been to a couple of clubs as a favor to friends. I hate loud, sweaty spots packed with drunk idiots, personally.

    But I was dancing by myself waiting for my friends to come in from outside when a guy walked up right behind me and started dancing with me. That's cool. It's a club. Kinda expected. Then he starts putting his hands on me. I removed his hands at least three times but kept dancing, thinking he would get the hint. It was too loud to talk to explain it to him. So then grabs both of my hands, puts his hands back on me with mine in his and is literally squeezing my hands into me around my waist and he's violently grinding against my backside. I freaked out and shoved backwards, ripping my hands from his. I looked at him with what I can only imagine was a look of pure, livid hatred. I pointed a finger in his face and yelled NO! And stormed off.

    What a tool! Who does that to someone you don't even know!?!

    I will probably never go to a club without a guy I trust glued to my side ever again. If ever, period.

    So awful.

    Why do women put up with that *kitten*?
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    That's sexual harrassment - well done for sticking up for yourself! Us females gotta stay strong and stand up to harrassment!
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    Thanks guys usually i go with my cousins or some guy i know and trust but this time it was just us two and this guy was def drinking and yea like someone said i was probably too much patience with him but my friend was ready to shove her heels down his throat and the last time everyone around us saw what happend a few people held me and my friend back from going after him
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    I'm sorry that happened to you, and am sorry that guy breathes the same air as you and I. Totally unacceptable behavior that shouldn't have been given a second chance before speaking with a bouncer.

    I guess that's the reason I never like clubbing when I was younger.... the dirt bags tend to gather at the clubs and don't care if they ruin someone else's night. Definitely seek safety in numbers.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Yes that has happened and like you I stood up for myself.

    Once we had a guy coming on to one of my friends and wouldn't leave her alone.. he didn't touch her, just kept following her even though she told him she wasn't interested. So I went and got the BIGGEST bouncer and told him. He took care of it in a second!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Options a baby seal walks into a club...
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    That's the one thing I dont miss about my clubbing days!! But I will say I met my husband at a club...he followed me around and asked me to dance 2-3 times until I finally gave in...I wasn't out looking for a guy and he didn't seem my type! But, after 1 dance I was sold! Haha!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Yikes! No, never had anything like that happen to me. Although, I don't think I have the patience to tell some dude 3-4 times no. I would have gone ape **** on him at f-c-k- no #2. I think the most outrageous thing that has ever happened to me in a club was being so drunk I fell on my *kitten* and my then BF had to carry me out lol..... (((yiiikess)))
  • Laura32412
    I actually had a guy grab me once at a bar and I just turned around and told him he shouldn't invade others' personal space if not invited (plus an expletive or 2). He actually apologized, like I wanted or needed an apology.

    Funny you should mention this since I was recently at a club with a younger soon-to-be in-law and I had to tell her not to let guys grab her. Be assertive, you're not meat at a grocery store to be handled by every shopper! Next time, don't let him touch you so many times before saying something. Once is enough and sometimes too much.
  • kiesh82
    kiesh82 Posts: 131 Member
    Yeah, this is why I carry pepper spray on my keychain.
  • Being2befit
    Being2befit Posts: 127 Member
    Yes I like to go out and dance with my girls... I hate dancing up on guys. But I had the same problem some guy was touching my back and hella grabing my arm. I got called a b~word cause I told him I would never dance with him..oooo well good thing my guy cousins,love to just show up at all the clubs I go to just in case there is problems. Lol
  • AshjMusik
    AshjMusik Posts: 113 Member
    Options a baby seal walks into a club...
    Lol ^ totally right! I used to go clubbing all the time & it took a couple if these experiences for me to wise up. The last time this guy was doing the same thing, following me around & constantly badgering & grabbing. He came up behind me & grabbed my hips & literally slammed me up against him & started grinding & was completely rock hard.. Painful & SOOO disgusting!! I threw my head back (backwards head-butt lol) which left him disoriented enough for me to get away to find a bouncer. Guys like that.. It's a game. If it's not to u it'll be the girl right next to u & they work in packs. Scary, not safe & NOT ok! Be that assertive badass chick they're a little intimidated to approach, not the innocent prey!!