pattybond1234 Member


  • Barbecue Succotash (compliments of Rachael Ray) Saute diced onions, green bell pepper, and red bell pepper in a skillet. (I usually just "eye ball" the amount.) Rinse and drain a can of black beans. Add to the pepper and onion mixture. Add about a cup or so of frozen corn. Saute until heated through. Add barbecue sauce…
  • I've had two cats in the past that exhibited similar behavior. Both times, it was a UTI. So, as others have said, I would certainly rule out any physical ailments or illnesses first. In my experience, cats do hold grudges and they do get upset. It can be any number of things. They are very territorial, tempermental, and…
  • I am a huge peanut butter fan as well!! I must say that I will just never give it up. I eat it in small amounts (like 1 tsp in my plain oatmeal for breakfast every morning). Apple butter is just okay for me; but, peanut butter is pure heaven and, if I gave it up, I would feel deprived. I would much rather give up other…
  • My sympathies to those who have lost their Mom. My Mom passed 8 years ago and Mother's Day is still really hard on me. Folks, never underestimate the value of just simply time spent with your Mom, if you are able. My Mom never really wanted gifts, so Dad and I always just took her out to eat. Dad is gone, too, and those…
  • I have worked at a desk/computer job for the last 27 years. I love it because it's what I've always wanted to do. I tell people all the time that working behind a desk, sitting all day is harder than most think and has its own set of pains just as someone who is walking and/or moving all day. I have always believed in the…
  • Welcome! Sounds like you've got a great start and a motivated attitude. So sorry for your struggles. Don't be too hard on yourself. You are, after all, only human. Forget your past mistakes and just move forward. Remember to take this in baby steps. Conquer one small hurdle at a time and, before you know, you'll have…
  • Personally, I believe that God will not do for you what you can do for yourself. In other words, I don't believe I can ask Him to help me lose weight while I continue to eat unhealthy foods and not exercise. However, I do believe that if you make the effort and do those things for yourself, you can ask Him for the…
  • I believe it was the Kraft food site where I saw a recipe for baked crab rangoon. I've never tried it; but, I'll bet it would eliminate a lot of calories. I agree...that stuff is super yummy!
  • In my research into healthy eating, I have read that eating breakfast kick starts your metabolism for the day. As I understand it, this is why we get hungry after we eat breakfast but don't get hungry at all if we eat none. So, perhaps try eating a small, light breakfast each day (even if you don't feel hungry) and see…
  • Even though I love it, Chinese food is something I rarely indulge in for this very reason. :grumble: However, when I do eat it, I try to stick to the grilled chicken dishes with lots of vegetables, choose a brown rice (if available), and stay away from the heavy carbs that exist in things like egg rolls and white rice. I…
  • Like everyone else, I try not to deprive myself of things I love the most. Chocolate is one of them. (I have found other foods that I can completely do without which, I figure, helps to compensate for those I still eat.) Fiber One 90 calorie bars and brownies are great. Churned or light ice cream is really good, too.…
  • I feel your pain....literally! I have suffered from severe, chronic plantar faciitis for 10+ years now. I have custom-made orthos from my foot doctor that I absolutely cannot live without. Recently, the best shoes I have found are from New Balance. I apologize that I don't know a brand name. We have a New Balance store…
  • I am sorry for your loss and send you sympathies. I lost my Grandmother 26 years ago and still miss her. Since then, I have also lost my sister and parents. Grief is a difficult emotion. It's okay to cry, to be sad, and, even, to be's a process that we must go through so just let it happen. And, if you "fall off…
  • Good for you! Celebrate your accomplishments and forget the comments of people who can't seem to celebrate with you. Nope, we can never please everyone! My healthy eating journey is very similar to yours. I've gone from a junk food fanatic to a healthy eater and even taught myself to cook in the process. But, there are…
  • I like Quaker Chocolate Rice Cakes. I top them with a little peanut butter, sugar free jelly, or low fat Cool Whip. I recently found an organic chocolate peanut butter at my local Kroger & Walmart stores. They have a dark chocolate and white chocolate variety that's really good. Another thing I keep on hand is Jello sugar…
  • I have had chronic, recurring feet problems for the past 10 years, and my doctors are very strict with me about my level of activity. I thought this would be a problem when I started MFP last year hoping to lose my extra pounds. But, actually all my weight loss (26 lbs!) has occurred while I am restricted on exercise. My…
  • Thanks for sharing! I love your thought process and ideas. For me, the healthy lifestyle is somewhat new. I've always just done whatever I wanted to do and not thought much about it. I was raised in a very healthy household so, thankfully, because of that, I suppose I was never really too bad! But, I have found that the…
  • How awful! So sorry to hear that people are being that rude to you. I can understand how you feel. Last year, I started a new job after losing my previous 19 year career to a massive lay off. People just don't talk to me, period! At first, I thought it was because I was the new girl. But, they still don't speak to me. I'm…
  • Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery! I have had 3 foot surgeries and over the last year have been through quite a rigorous physical and pain control therapy regime to get my feet stable due to several conditions I still suffer from. As a result, I cannot tolerate any type of exercise routine for any length of time. My…
  • Fresh fruit & vegetables, low fat yogurt, low fat string cheese, Quaker rice cakes (the chocolate flavor is a staple in my pantry!), Fiber One 90 calorie bars, and my one indulgence...low fat or low sugar ice cream. My favorite brands are Edy's Slow Churned and Skinny Cow.
  • I love the chocolate topped with sugar free jelly (blackberry, peach, strawberry are my favs) and a scoop of fat free whipped topping. Makes a great late night dessert for very little calories. I've also topped them with peanut butter. Recently, I found a Dark Chocolate Dreams peanut butter made by Peanut Butter & Co which…
  • We have a Frisch's Big Boy here that I really like. They have a small soup & salad bar that always includes their vegetable soup, which is really tasty. I order a plain, grilled chicken breast (no sides, no bread) to go with it and the meal ends up being about 300 calories, especially when I limit myself to 1 bowl of soup,…
  • I like to take soup for lunch. I choose the light or low fat, broth varieties. One can does me 2 lunches. (If you're watching your sodium though, this may not be an option for you.) Cheese, yogurt, salad, and fruit salad are my other choices. I also saw a tip this week that sounded good. Take lean, low fat slices of turkey…
  • I like the Peach Tea because it's very flavorful. My favorite right now is the Raspberry Green Tea. It's has a very light, refreshing flavor. The Grape is also good...takes me back to my childhood days when Mom made me Grape Kool-Aid. My other favorite is the Strawberry Energy drink in the individual packets. I like to…
  • Log it! I log all my shopping as a leisure walk. MFP also has cleaning house in the exercise database so, if I do any extensive housework, I log that as well. You may not burn as many calories as a high endurance workout (obviously!), but you burn nonetheless! I just may or may not eat all my exercise calories in this…
  • I like using Chicken Broth instead of the milk. It gives a nice flavor. I still use butter but usually not as much because I like the chicken flavor the broth adds.
  • I let Fitness Pal set my daily calories for me along with advice from my wellness coach via my health insurance. I have health issues that prevent me from exercising so it set me at about 1300 a day. Yes, you need at least 1200. I average between 1100 - 1300 per day. I thought I would be hungry but I really am not. I eat a…
  • Yes, I have it, too. I was diagnosed approximately 5 years ago. It takes quite a bit of time to adjust to it. I think it took me 3-4 months before I was used to it. I've never had the problem of removing it while sleeping; but, currently, I am struggling with finding a mask that is comfortable and that will seal to my face…
  • I spent 9 months of last year looking for a job. Whenever I had an interview after lunch, I always opted for the lightest lunch possible. Chicken soup was always a good choice for me. For my breath, I used a Listerine pocket pak (the ones you can place on your tongue) right before I went into the building. And, for my…