geogal95 Member


  • Easy one!! I love Danni and Jackson. She is a fighter and he is just real, and funny. I would love to see them both in the finals. I am soooo tired of Gina's rotten attitude. She can leave anytime now. As for a workout coach, I would take Dolvett for sure!! I could look at him ALL day long. Plus, he is tough but tender too…
  • Thanks everyone. I went to the gym today and modified my workout to what my PT wanted. I also just listened to them. When they told me to stop, I stopped. As my trainer told me today, "you have come so far already. It's better to come in and do 75%, then to do 100% and take yourself out of commission for 6 weeks". Good…
  • What's all this talk about suing? Good god - what has this world come to? I would not sue anyone over this. Many people are taking this WAY out of context. Very simple: My trainer is not disagreeing with the therapists analysis or treatment plan. He is only stating that her information about what caused it may be…
  • This is what my primary care physician says... try therapy first and then if needed, we can refer you to an orthopedist. So that is what I am doing.
  • [/quote] This is your situation. You do not currently have healthy knee function. So stop the deep squats and listen to the physiotherapist. You need to first correct the knee function. That is what your therapist is working toward. Then you can work on building the strength/endurance that bootcamp gives. ^^^^ This is my…
  • Ok another clarification is necessary: MY COACH IS "NOT" TELLING ME TO DEEP SQUAT RIGHT NOW. He knows my situation and if I want to keep it at parallel he is absolutely fine with that. He will make sure my form is exactly what the PT asks me to do. My point was that he disagrees with her on the matter of "does it cause…
  • My therapist is not telling me to stop squatting, she is just saying do not go past parallel and make sure to stick the butt out and not let my knees go past my toes. Just to clear that up... she does not want me to stop what I'm doing, just change HOW I'm doing it. My knees do not hurt every day, but when they do, they…
  • Wow I love all this support! As I think about what I've been doing... and this has NOT changed from day one and I have still lost. However, I have noticed that I favor pickles (LOVE them!), and frozen meals which I think is not helping my sodium levels. I LOVE my diet coke and morning cereal (which has good fiber), which I…
  • Thanks everyone for your advice. I ask each of you to friend request me as I can really use your support. To answer some questions... I don't have "that time of the month" as I had a hysterectomy 2 yrs ago. I have a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Subway for lunch typically (salad or turkey on wheat - a "Jared" sub), and for…
  • My end of summer goal is to be able to hike Mt Monadnock (like I did in the spring), without feeling like I am going to die at the top (like I did in the spring), and to not be in excruciating pain for a week afterwards! I have started boot camp 2-3x a week and am doing cardio 2-3x a week too, plus counting calories so I…
  • ok everyone saying the same thing really and I get it. I do. But why guns? If you want protection why not learn a martial art? Kids can't take that from you and use it wrongly. Knowing that you don't have to worry about locks and ammo, etc... You will always be prepared, don't you think?
  • Appreciating the advice. He is not just looking to have the guns but also in getting a license to conceal them. He has nothing to shoot at. We live in the city. We don't even have a large yard to shoot cans at. I want him to have his grandpa's guns cuz I know how much they mean, but why ammo and a license to carry? I just…
  • Great comments from everyone! To refer to a few... I eliminated mayo as well and just use honey mustard. it's amazing how many calories I save that way. I also get the $5 footlong or BOGO deals and make 2 meals out of them. $5 for two lunches and not so bad. Plus, after 50 points on my Subway points card, I get a free 6"…
  • You CAN do this!
  • I don't think it matters-but the longer you stay in your target heart rate zone the better you will do at burning calories. But hey ANY exercise is good exercise!
  • start w small goals like losing 10 lbs, Track everything you eat and track all your exercise. Don't beat yourself up if you have a Bad day just get back on track. Be proud of your accomplishments! And drink lots of water. Good luck!
  • feel free to add me. We will get through this together!
  • my goal is 1200 as well. I usually eat around 1200-1400 but I exercise and burn 400 so I am eating the right amount AND show up under my goal. That is how I do it. Hope that helps.
  • there is a restaurant in Brockton ma that sells the best pepperoni pizza (burnt edges) and a Greek salad to die for! I'm kinda glad its not too close to me haha.
  • All I can say is that I keep snacks like that OUT of my house and on weekends I just stay busy busy busy! It helps me to not have those "I'm bored" snacks. Always keep a granola bar handy just in case... Good luck!
  • Woo-hoo for you!! You must be on cloud nine. Good for you! You deserve a new wardrobe!
  • Well good for you. 25 lbs in just over 2 months is not very realistic though. Usually if you lose weight that fast, it just comes back. Try smaller goals like 1-2 lbs per week, 5 lbs per month. Otherwise, I think you will get discouraged. I love your attitude though! Time to take care of yourself :)
  • and I am trying to lose 40 before my cruise in April! Good luck!
  • update: went to see my brother. Although his wife snubbed me and disappeared, he was fine. He says we are fine. He was happy to see me. We had a nice visit. His phone number had changed. That's why he didn't respond to me. I have the right number. All in all a good visit. I'm glad I went! Thanks everyone!
  • the scale is your enemy. Losing inches is your true sign of success. I bet you're looking great! Keep up the good work.
  • I would not count it as water. I admit I am a diet coke-a-holic I have not found it hinders my loss but I don't really know. It does NOT give me high blood pressure or any of those other things mentioned previously. Just had a doc checkup and every one of my numbers looked great! He was very happy. Still it does dehydrate…
  • ok so I'm told I am lucky. I always win. Maybe it was the trip to the Grammy awards that did it. I always seem to be the right caller. I don't win at lottery games or the weight loss game haha, but I do good on radio show contests.
  • For the most part, they will eat whatever I make. My main concern (although I know it should be ME), is that my bf is underweight and needs to gain weight to be healthy. He is happy to eat what I cook, but then I fear he is not getting enough calories. I like the portion suggestions... just give him more of what I make,…
  • That's like a pound a week which is a safe way to lose weight and keep it off. Keep going! It's not a quick process, but it's well worth it! Better than putting on 29 lbs in 8 months right? Be proud of every pound lost.