

  • Toenges1
    Toenges1 Posts: 99 Member
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    I don't know how you are monitoring your food journal. Are you taking into consideration how many carbs, protein and fat you are eating? I really try to watch that. The carbs can sneak up on you if that is making up too much of your daily/weekly/monthly habits. Go back and take a loot at it.

    Also, are you eating too few calories? I used to be a gym rat and worked out like crazy - never saw any change and was 45 pounds heavier than I am today. I went on a food plan (I chose Medifast, but you can do it without a "branded" plan if you prefer). They taught me that if was eating 1500 calories and was burning 400 a day through exercise - my body was feeling starved. When your body feels starved, your body automatically takes that fat and hangs onto it for dear life - stores it, if you will.

    So, be careful when you are eating/exercising that you are hitting your goals for daily caloric intake as well as making sure you have the proper balance of carbs, fat and protein. A little extra fiber doesn't hurt either.

    WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER - it flushes your body. If you are a soda drinker try to cut back. It has a lot of salt and other "poisons in it" that will prevent weight loss. I used to drink a ton of soda and had to cut back. I now have about 1-2 cans a week and really don't miss it all that much. Once you understand how horrible it is for your body, you really can't justify drinking it any longer.

    Hang in there. I was a slow loser too. I started my plan on Jan 1 and my goal was to lose 45 pounds by the end of April. I hit goal September 1st. So nearly doubled time that I had set for myself. But, it was worth the weight (ha ha..pun intended!)

    LOL, thanks so much!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Thanks again guys, really appreciate the words of encouragement.
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    We all want it to fall off easily, and some people it does, but I have learned that the bigger you are the quicker the pounds fall off, 29lbs is a great start, Just know that you are losing weight and getting healthier because really thats what matters!:wink:
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    29lbs is great! I switch up my workouts about every 3 months, I started losing inches again with zumba, piloxing, and spin class. Try some high intensity cardio and this should rev up your metabolism, btw , what is PSOC?
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Ohhhh..one more thing. Salt/sodium. Keep it under 2500 a day. That is a big reason a lot of us stall. You will be amazed what cutting sodium can do for you!

    It's true that sodium causes water retention, but it cannot cause actually weight (fat) gain. It has no calories. That said, I too like to keep it under 2500 mg a day because it does make you retain water and can aggravate conditions like hypertension... but I think it's false to say that it actually causes weight gain or hinders weight loss. I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying that but scientifically speaking, it's true that you won't gain fat from eating sodium.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    29lbs is great! I switch up my workouts about every 3 months, I started losing inches again with zumba, piloxing, and spin class. Try some high intensity cardio and this should rev up your metabolism, btw , what is PSOC?

    PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome, it causes your hormone balance to be off, and it can make weight loss very slow. You can check out more on google if you choose.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I believe that only other women with PCOS have an idea about the uphill battle you're fighting. The chemistry of PCOS is NOT a typical model, and typical approaches don't work as well as those that are customized to what you're dealing with. I say this from the perspective of having lived with a PCOS diagnosis for over a decade, and having gone undiagnosed for many years with that insidious symptom of "unexplained weight gain" dogging me.

    What you have accomplished so far is fantastic. Can you make changes to optimize your loss? Absolutely. I'm sure you know that low-carb diets are the best approach for PCOS. If you haven't already been tested for Insulin Resistance, you should have a fasting Insulin Level test done. If you are Insulin Resistant, (or diabetic) there are dietary changes you can make to lower the levels, as well as supplements that can improve it. Many women with PCOS find that a prescription for Metformin makes a huge difference in their ability to lose weight as well. If you aren't taking Metformin, it might be something to discuss with your doctor. PCOS is one of the medical conditions outside of diabetes that Metformin is indicated for.

    I think what you need to know today is that there is hope. This syndrome is difficult, but not impossible to deal with. The more weight you lose, it is likely that your symptoms will improve, so keep working at it.

    Discouragement is something we all go through - don't let it defeat you. Keep at it. You CAN do it.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    29lbs is great! I switch up my workouts about every 3 months, I started losing inches again with zumba, piloxing, and spin class. Try some high intensity cardio and this should rev up your metabolism, btw , what is PSOC?

    PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome. From what I understand it causes insulin problems that can contribute to having an especially hard time losing weight. I'm not 100 percent on that though.
  • Silvergamma
    Silvergamma Posts: 102 Member
    It's taken me 11 months to lose 44 pounds. It's a slow process when you do it through lifestyle changes. HOWEVER, the slower you go the easier it is for those lifestyle changes to just become your lifestyle. In addition, it gives the rest of your body time to catch up, less loose skin, easier adjustment for body image issues, easier on joints and organs etc.. You are doing really well, just keep going :).
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    Same problem here. I'm ten months in, I've lost about 15 pounds. Needless to say, I'm not impressed. After 8 months, and those same 15#, it got bad enough (frustration-wise) that I spent two months just not giving a flying rat's *kitten*. Trying to get back into it is... difficult, at best. If my weight stayed the same over those 2 months, and it stayed the same logging every bite and every step... What's the point, right?

    I wish I had something constructive to offer, but all I've got is "I'm there, too. Good luck to you!"
    A positive attitude is everything and can make all the difference in the world. Everyone loses at different rates and those that stick to it every single day faithfully and workout hard are the most successful now and during maintenance.

    Simply the truth of the matter.

    Plus I'm not sure I understand your comment of "What's the Point".......wha??? To get a healthy body, mind and stay alive maybe? :wink: :flowerforyou:
    *blinkblink* Well, when I saw this on the board, the smilies didn't display. Puts a whole different spin on the last line.

    I was positive. Very much so. Then... nothing happened. I dropped those 15 pounds in the first four months, then had no change at all for four months before I got so discouraged. And that, sadly, is not healthy for my mind. Plus, despite my size, I'm an incredibly healthy person. I can't tell you how many times I've been sent in for bloodwork to see "how bad" things are, and have the doctor reading the results be thoroughly surprised and bewildered at how completely healthy they are. The only things 'off' are my iron counts (pregnancy and breastfeeding will do that) and my knees (I inherited a trick knee that's been bad since I was little, and got worse once I started losing weight). Truthfully, I was a lot happier at my starting weight not trying to lose weight than I was at 15# down and not losing weight despite working my butt off every day.

    Obviously, since I'm here, I'm getting my butt back in gear and trying to get back on track. Hope and optimism apparently spring eternal and all. But the point remains, when you're looking at all the people who have been here less time than you and have lost six or more times what you have... It is very easy to fall into the trap of "it doesn't matter anyway - nothing changes no matter how hard I try..." And from there? All you can do is try your best to break out of the cycle. I'm not recommending anyone give up, I'm just saying I've hit the bottom, and if I can claw my way back up, then I strongly suspect others can as well.

    My guess? The latter half of the point didn't go through as I'd hoped. Downside of text communications. x.x;; Anyhow, thank you for the heads up that my point got lost, and thank you for the chance to try to sort out what I actually meant. ^_^
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    There are so many factors, it's hard to say. What I do know is that you have to have a long term plan. It is very hard to sustain a pound or two a week and really eat and execise right.

    Look carefully at you food log, and be sure to crank up the heart rate. If you are like me, carbs are a killer. I started to see a nutritionist and she upped the fruit, the fiber and also the carbs: For 3 months, pretty much nothing. I dumped the higher carb diet a few days ago and have been pushing the protein; voila, 1 pound lost! (I exercise 7 days a week for 20-30 minutes.)
  • Dawickik
    Dawickik Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations on your 29 LBS lost! I just started using the diary yesterday, and I am shocked how many calories I have been eating. You should not beat yourself up, and try to celebrate your success. You probably heard the saying, " The weight didn't come on overnight....it won't come off overnight". Try eating a little different...switch up your exercising routine. The body can sometimes get into a rut and needs a jumpstart.
  • smarterthanyoda
    I don't know why you think that is so slow. 8 months = 32 weeks, and to be healthy average weight loss should be 1-2 pounds per week. You've lost 29 pounds in 32 weeks, so you're just a touch below average. It's close enough that just water retention could cause the discrepancy.

    I don't know where you got the idea that 50 pounds would be considered low. 50 pounds in 8 months would be great. Some people naturally lose weight more quickly and those are the ones that get all the attention and get put up on the weight-loss ads. But, your body is unique and you're doing a great job taking care of it.

    I'm not qualified to talk about your specific hormonal issues, but I'm assuming you've seen your doctor about it. Maybe your doctor can recommend a nutritionist that can help you tailor your diet to your specific needs. I see a registered dietitian and it's been a great help for me.
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    29lbs is great! I switch up my workouts about every 3 months, I started losing inches again with zumba, piloxing, and spin class. Try some high intensity cardio and this should rev up your metabolism, btw , what is PSOC?

    PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome, it causes your hormone balance to be off, and it can make weight loss very slow. You can check out more on google if you choose.
    Oh ok I was just curious what it was. I have heard of it just not the abbreviation ;)
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    What?? 29 pounds down when dealing with PCOS is medal-worthy! Keep your chin up!! =)
  • foraMEthatiLOVE
    I know slow and steady is the key and I am fine with that, however, that is not a huge loss. I could have lost 50lbs and that still would of been considered a slow weight loss. I switch up my workouts, and I have not given up and I haven't gained any weight either. I have 69lbs to go, its just sometimes frustrating. You work hard and see little results, I do have PCOS so that might be the cause, I don't have any thyroid problems. GEEZ, I said I would give myself a year and that will be in February 2012.

    You are moving in the right direction, you should be patting yourself on the back, 29 lbs IS NOT LITTLE RESULTS.
    You will get there!
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    You're not the only one. I've been here since Jan. 2011 and have only dropped 36 lbs. I thought I would be much farther along. But each person is different. We have to remember that we didn't put on all the excess weight overnight so we can't expect to lose it overnight. Just keep pressing toward the mark for the prize...
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi! I'll guess that you've been at this for about 34 weeks, so 29 lbs is just barely under 1 lb per week! I've lost 1.2 lbs per week, and I consider that to be GREAT! I can see why you'd be a little bummed that it's less than 1 lb per week, but it is really close! I would guess that the PCOS is slowing you a tad. I'll tell you what i do but you might do more. i do 40-60 minutes per day of exercise and I eat around my BMR. I always lose way slower than my 5 week guess from MFP ;) good luck!
  • geogal95
    geogal95 Posts: 47 Member
    That's like a pound a week which is a safe way to lose weight and keep it off. Keep going! It's not a quick process, but it's well worth it! Better than putting on 29 lbs in 8 months right? Be proud of every pound lost.