la_flaca Member


  • LOVE the garmin 305 even though it's definitely ridiculous can sometimes find them cheap on Amazon, since it's an old model. The thing is a workhorse, totally dependable no matter how sweaty you get, if the day is cloudy, etc. Mine was stolen a couple months ago and I switched to the Garmin Forerunner 610 -…
  • Great idea to at least try doing most long runs outside....besides the issues mentioned by others, you want your joints and ligaments to get used to running on the less-forgiving paved surfaces. Doing a marathon after only running on a treadmill could mess up your knees or hips. My favorite marathon mantra comes from a guy…
  • the main things that helped me were: 1) going way, way slower than you think you should. Like, ridiculously slow, old-men-smoking-cigarettes-might-pass-you slow. Get used to spending some time on your feet, and worry about speed later. 2) learning what all runners know: the first mile sucks. It sucks even for people who…
  • I understand where you're coming from....I trained for a marathon last year, ate like a horse to get back my exercise calories (did not have weight loss as a goal), and lost muscle mass despite my best efforts. My already scrawny arms turned into sticks! It seems inevitable with that much running, I'm sorry to say. The…
  • something with carbs and a little protein, but not too fiber-y....half English muffin with peanut butter and half a banana....sometimes I can manage a packet of instant oatmeal and/or a hard boiled egg.
  • I ran through a winter in advice is, get good gloves, a WINDPROOF hat or headband that totally covers your ears, really light wicking underlayer and another midweight layer on top. You won't believe how much heat your body generates after a mile or two! 30 degrees (without snow/ice underfoot) is a piece…
  • This is so very true! I think a lot of people quit running for exactly that reason....the first couple miles suck to a greater or lesser extent depending on the day....after you have more practice, you start seeing mile one as "the annoying part right before the part I like." I truly believe that if you can just get…
  • thanks for the explanation....I was going crazy trying to figure out FFGY. These look great, I'll try them this weekend! Thanks!!
  • I was going to say tiny rhino, and then realized that I was actually picturing a tiny hippo. So, a hippo please.
  • Do it! a 5k is lots of fun :) And as long as you have a good base mileage established, running hills is a great preparation for races, really helpful psychologically, and a good way to challenge your cardiovascular system - don't give it up!
  • Hi all - Glad to see this group....I've been using MFP as a handy way to track calories and especially protein on my phone, and I wasn't into the social aspect as much initially, but I couldn't help but notice all the threads with variations on the "It's OK if I eat 800 calories, right?" theme. I'm a small-framed person…
  • MINNEAPOLIS woo hooooooo!!!!....though actually, after 15 years I wimped out and moved to Texas. It was 85 degrees here yesterday y'all :) Still a Minnesotan at heart though - I get a good laugh out of the Texans who wear giant fur-lined jackets when the temperature dips into the 50s, and who cancel their lunch plans if…
  • You have little kids, right? You want them to grow up eating a variety of healthy foods, and you want them to see healthy ways of interacting with family members. You don't want them to think it's OK to be unkind and mock the people around them. It might feel like you're the one with the problem - you feel like you have to…
  • I spent most of my adult life in Minneapolis MN, and I can sympathize! I thought it was worthwhile to spend money on clothes that maximized my comfort when exercising outside (SmartWool everything, comfy waterproof walking boots, a windproof hat, good mittens because my hands get cold and I hate that) - definitely helped.…
  • I always thought it seemed strange too. Some people say it makes them feel full and so they eat less, and I can understand that. However, I don't think there's a physiological need to drink that much (unless maybe you're training for a marathon here in Texas in July) fact an article in the New York Times listed the…
  • Smoothies (with protein powder) definitely help....good way to get in some healthy calories without feeling so full all the time
  • you can buy lifting straps to help with this....I started working with a trainer recently, and he lent me a pair for a couple workouts. I have the same problem; for example, the backs of my legs can handle a lot more weight in a Romanian deadlift than I can grip for very long. You sort of wind them around your hand and…