Trouble with running, is it just a mental thing?



  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I just started running in June of 2011 and I've definitely realized it's mind over matter. Yes, certain days are better than others physically, but I've had so many times where I have to ignore my mind, because I know I can do it. I did my first half marathon in January of this year and my goal was to run 2 miles, walk 1/2, for the entire race. Before then, I had never run more than 3 miles at one time. That day, I was able to run the entire thing! Before that summer, I couldn't even run 30 seconds without getting out of breath. If I can do it, you can do it! :)
  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I never thought I would be a runner. But, after 2 years of spin classes and stair climbing like a maniac, I felt like running was the next thing for me to tackle.

    I did the C25k for a while, but eventually I just decided to try and run a mile. I had not run this far since 8th grade when we had to do a 1 mile run each week. I was always slow and always hated every minute of it. I'm 31, so I really haven'd run on a voluntary basis for more than half of my life.

    When I set out to do my first one mile run, it was HAAAARD. I got a cramp at about 0.45 miles after I started running and had to stop and walk. I figured I would rest, drink up and then run 0.55 miles and just try for the straight mile on my next attempt. By the time I got to 0.55, my brain was telling me, COME ON YOU CAN DO IT! And I did.

    The first time it really was tough. Honestly, I was counting my strides so that I would keep my brain from psyching me out. Every tenth of a mile I would tell myself COME ON, YOU ONLY HAVE this much LEFT, YOU CAN DO IT. I actually did it. And honestly, the first mile was by far the hardest.

    A few weeks later I ran 2+ miles outside on a path with some little hills. I didn't intend to run that far. The path is a 1.25 mile loop and my goal was to walk 1/4 of it, run all the way around it, and then walk again until I got back to my starting point. Well, when it was time to stop, I found I could keep going and I did. I did my second two mile run on Sunday and it was really no big deal. I only do endurance runs once a week. My other running days are HIIT running and those workouts are specifically designed to include some walking.

    Listen to music. Use mind tricks to distract yourself if necessary. GOOD LUCK!
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    Running is a mental game...Try starting out at a slower pace than you usually do so it is super easy, that way you don't have an excuse to stop because it is really easy. Do this for a few days and slowly increase your pace....

    Also try going out with a friend who runs and see if the "competiion" will keep you going...

    You defintaley need to get your head into it, otherwise you'll always talk yoursefl out of it. I honestly HATE running, but I do it anyway...I ran 8.5 miles today and usually have to talk myself into doing it for the first 2 miles....
    Amen. It's a love/hate thing for me. I usually hate it for the first two or three miles, and love it from miles 3 to 6. The term "push through" comes to mind. I hate running with other people (friends, spouse), but love doing organized runs, with lots of people. People think I'm nuts when I tell them I hate to run, but I am a runner. I do love the feeling of accomplishment when finished. Plus it's a quick burn; 30-40 minutes, and done.
  • KellyEdwards85
    KellyEdwards85 Posts: 35 Member
    I totally agree that you have to start slowly !! I was in the same boat as you. I started at a very slow jog (probably a fast walk for some) then I slowly and gradually worked myself up. Trust me, It can be done. If it was meant to be easy everyone would be doing it. It takes time and patience. I am now jogging 4 miles non stop at a steady pace. Jogging has took weight off me quicker than anything i've ever done. Keep it up !
  • BustyTransformer
    BustyTransformer Posts: 45 Member
    I had the same problem but it's all about consistency. Do the walk/run method and as your cardiovascular endurance becomes stronger, shorten the walk and lengthen the jogging/running time. You can do this! Btw as others have said music helps tons!! Don't let your mind stop you!
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I dislike running for the sake of running. I don't mind running within the context of a sport. Is that odd?
  • la_flaca
    la_flaca Posts: 17 Member
    the main things that helped me were:

    1) going way, way slower than you think you should. Like, ridiculously slow, old-men-smoking-cigarettes-might-pass-you slow. Get used to spending some time on your feet, and worry about speed later.

    2) learning what all runners know: the first mile sucks. It sucks even for people who run every day. But after you have a little endurance, it can feel sooooooo good after that first mile. You just gotta get through it.

    :) or, if you really hate to run, do something else!
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    bumping to re-read this thread.

    I have JUST started to jog a very tiny bit with a walking/jogging class that I am taking for school. The first time I did it I was so happy cause I never thought I would be able to jog! When I try to do it outside of class I have a hard time though for some reason. The bottom of my legs really burn and feel like jelly even with a small 30 second jog.

    Reading this thread though I'm going to try and slow down the speed that I jog since I'm totally not used to it. Also going to PUSH through and push myself. I love mfp :)
  • KlassyKassi
    KlassyKassi Posts: 58 Member
  • MsBandtastic
    I would strongly suggest trying the c25k program. It literally changed my life. Upon completing the program, I was running a 5k. Didn't mean I liked it but I could do it. About six months after completing the program, I can truly say I have come to love running.
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    First and foremost, i NEVER EVER EVERRRR liked to run (until recently), even though i did run in high school on the track team...i think it was the camaraderie that made me stick with it. With that being said:

    #1 Try to get a running buddy at least to start out. It really does help!
    #2 I personally CANNOT run without music in my ears....and certain songs for me, help me keep going.
    #3 Try to find a rhythm with your breathing...this was the turning point for me.
    #4 Drive your car and mark off where a mile is, so you know what to aim for... just try to do one mile per day (even if you have to stop and walk). it DOES get easier if you stick with it!

    when i started, it took me over 12 minutes to get a mile under my belt. My best time from last week is 9:38. Certainly not an Olympic record, LOL, but seeing an improvement makes me want to continue. Now i find myself getting the itch to hit the pavement. Who woulda thought????
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    For what it's worth...
    I have never been a runner in my whole life. I started running last year to lose weight and am presently in the process of running 5 half marathons in 5 consecutive months (1st was last Sunday- only 4 more to go!) I do not love running. I am not a "natural" and I am not fast. I too could not go for more than a few minutes without a break... And then one day on the treadmill, I ran a whole mile. Then like two weeks later I ran two. Without stopping! The C25K is a great program and I definitely would recommend it but more than that I just recommend sticking with it. Don't give up. It is HARD! But you can totally do it. I am living proof I swear! I still don't LOVE it but I am sort of a junkie at this point... By the same token I look forward to my last half in June so I can have my life back :)
    Keep running- its the best thing I've ever "stuck with" :)
  • jtheroux89
    jtheroux89 Posts: 48 Member
    I only began to enjoy running when I started trail runnng. I just love the soft dirt and the trees and the forest smells! But I know that's not everyones joy. But it's worth checking out!

    You know, now that I think about it, the few times where I've gone trail running I've been able to run so much further than on the sidewalk! Thanks for bringing that up, I'm going to have to find out where some trails around my apartment are!
  • jtheroux89
    jtheroux89 Posts: 48 Member
    I dislike running for the sake of running. I don't mind running within the context of a sport. Is that odd?

    No, that's not odd at all. I used to play soccer and the game distracted me from thinking that I was running, but when I run just to run, it's terrible.
  • blantonjm1
    blantonjm1 Posts: 74 Member
    I have a walk to run program I got from runners world. It is a ten week program that gives you a schedule and helps you go from running for 1 minute to running non stop for thirty minutes. I can probably type it in or copy and paste it if your interested. I used it when i was trying to get back into running and it was actually tough for me to even run for the 1 minute. But by the end eighth week I felt confident enough to run a 5k. And i actually ran three of them over that next month. I believe it will work for you too. just let me know and i will send it your way.
  • catweazle12
    catweazle12 Posts: 60 Member
    I haven't read all the responses here so I will apologize if I am repeating things here! People have shared a lot of good advice.I personally love running :love:
    My advice is consistency and patience. If you have a running store near you they probably have run clinics. Usually they will have from beginners to marathoners, triathletes and everything in between. These are great since you will be with like minded people who are getting fit, or are fit and health conscious. Good luck
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Bumpity bump bump!
  • robino419
  • jenny1350
    Do the COUCH 2 5K... it starts out walk 5 minute, jog 60 secs,walk 90 secs... then it builds you up and in 8 weeks you will be running a 5k! Don't do too much too fast like I did :)