<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member

    So we went to Whole Foods last night after our yoga class, and while we were picking out some fruit, my bf said he needs to work on eating healthier and he was ready to do so. MUAHAHAHA!!! YOU WILL BE CONVERTED!! While I was sad he was going to have to suffer some *coughcough* self-discipline, I was thrilled because that means less pizza and prepackaged frozen food to stock in the house for him (and, by extension, for me ... because a girl can only resist for so long.) We split a navel orange as a late-night snack last night. I was so proud of him. *sniff*

    My husband said the same thing to me twice this week. He told me not to bug him though or he wont do it. He has said this before so I wont count on him till he is actually doing it, after he is laid of for the season (concrete work). He wants me to check out P90X for him, but he only wants the 10 minute trainer. I want to tell him 10 minutes will work just at a slower rate, but I will keep my mouth shut. 10 minutes is better than sitting on the couch with pizza and a beer.
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Wow, had a bit to catch up on here. Work gets in the way of my MFP time :)

    Running miles vs cals...I run for miles strictly but I am currently in training so I have a schedule that I adhere to pretty much. Sometimes I will run for time only if I'm doing intervals or hill work. I need to have a plan and goal to be motivated so keeping track of miles and watching my time improve over the miles works well for me.

    Cheese-I'm a cheese freak! I love it all but especially the finer cheeses....with good wine of course! But I unfortunately stay away from cheese because I will eat way to much in one sitting so I only eat it occasionally :(

    Squats...me no likey! I'm paranoid about my knees all the time. I'd rather run my knees to death than squat them to death, lol!

    Getting used to the BMF and seems that I have been pretty on track with thinking that I need to eat 2000+ per day unless it's a rest day. I'm coming in at about 2500-2700 burned daily per the BMF. The only thing that I was off on my guess prior to the BMF was my running burns but that was a nice surprise and justification for my feelings of gigantic hunger on running days!

    Already jumped my horse today...so now I'm off to run. It's intervals today. I just added these :)

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I got in an hour on the arc trainer. I am suppose to eat around 2500 calories today.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I got in an hour on the arc trainer. I am suppose to eat around 2500 calories today.

    yay..(thats good right?)
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I got in an hour on the arc trainer. I am suppose to eat around 2500 calories today.

    yay..(thats good right?)

    definitely! :) I will see if I can do it! :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I got in an hour on the arc trainer. I am suppose to eat around 2500 calories today.

    yay..(thats good right?)

    definitely! :) I will see if I can do it! :)

    you surely can...it's easy peasy. yummy whole wheat pasta with olive oil and herbs....parmesan cheese and some grilled protein (chicken/shrimp/something)....then a nice cup of cocoa made with milk and melted dark chocolate (or just cocoa powder)....and nuts as a snack...lots and lots of nuts OR hummus with pita chips.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I got in an hour on the arc trainer. I am suppose to eat around 2500 calories today.

    I bow before you! That thing is brutal!

    I have 1027 calories left for dinner and evening snack. And that's why I don't get the "1200 and under" eaters, because I get twitchy if I have any less than 1000 by this time of day. I can't imagine how anyone eats only 1000 or less a day. I can't believe there was a time that I ate around 700-800 a day. And I'm so happy I didn't (permanently) mess up my metabolism doing that!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I got in an hour on the arc trainer. I am suppose to eat around 2500 calories today.

    yay..(thats good right?)

    definitely! :) I will see if I can do it! :)

    you surely can...it's easy peasy. yummy whole wheat pasta with olive oil and herbs....parmesan cheese and some grilled protein (chicken/shrimp/something)....then a nice cup of cocoa made with milk and melted dark chocolate (or just cocoa powder)....and nuts as a snack...lots and lots of nuts OR hummus with pita chips.

    Hummus with pita chips are the DEVIL on a diet. I cannot portion control that shiz to save my life. Its so yummy. I have to do hummus on wasa bread to keep myself in check.

    So yeah do the hummus and pita chips DEFINITELY. I think the Athenos pita chips are actually some of the best ones - oddly since I think their hummus isn't very good.

    Or you know, grab some water crackers and some yummy cheese and have a glass of wine. That's what I would do wiht lots of calories.

    (Also, EESH, I'm hungry today and ALL our milk is gone bad including the almond milk so no protein powder for me til I go get some. But I'm working frm home so I can totally pop out for a bit between meetings .....ahhh who am I kidding, my calender is super empty today, YAY).
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I had a veggie hummus wrap, well half for my afternoon snack. I am stuffed! I am going to have protein powder w/ keifer a little later before I pick up my kids from school.

    yeah I don't know how people can live on 1200 or less. I would just be so hungry even if I didn't exercise I couldn't survive on it. I did sort of have that mind set after I lost 30 lbs last year that if I went to maintain I would gain it back. It felt weird not to restrict calories.

    I don't think my dinner will be a lot of calories. It is a homemade Italian white bean soup. I could have a drink later I suppose. ;)
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    @fimm, Bulgarian split squats are one-legged dumbbell squats where you extend one leg out behind you & rest your foot on a bench. You hold dumbbells at your sides & squat down until the knee of the back leg almost touches the floor. They are HARD - for me, anyway, since I'm new to them. But WOW you can't beat them for a targeted glute workout!
    Oh, I know, thank you. I've seen them in a book but not tried them. I'll give them a go sometime!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Morning you gorgeous ladies!!

    Well, its a lovely day here in NZ, but windy but about to head out for my run so that I can be all done and watch my omnibus of Come Dine with Me UK....oh, its the small things!!
    Exam went well yesterday - I felt like the oldest person in the room, so many little first-years! I know that I will have passed, am hoping for a B+ to A- but we'll see. Feels so good to be able to just chill now over the summer before starting another paper in Feb - I have a huge pile of Womens Health mags to get through yay!

    Feeling a little bit sore from yesterdays lifting, was peeved off about something and really took it out on my body - pushing it further and harder....really feeling it today. Hopefully a nice long run will shake things out a wee bit! Must remember to drop my attitude at the door to the weight room. Otherwise, OUCHIES!

    Ah, well DOMS is good for ya!

    I missed yesterdays question, but favourite cheese for me would be Goats cheese or a really strong sharp blue cheese - yummo! Was quite under my calories yesterday so decided it was either a glass of wine, or some white chocolate. You know, I chose the chocolate! So good!

    So, question for you all: if you were invited to a Kitchen Tea/Hens night for someone that you really did not like, someone who made your life hell for a number of years but seems to think that everyone should forgive her for that - would you go? Have you ever been invited to something that you really did.not.want to go to?

    I'm out
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I got in an hour on the arc trainer. I am suppose to eat around 2500 calories today.

    I bow before you! That thing is brutal!

    I have 1027 calories left for dinner and evening snack. And that's why I don't get the "1200 and under" eaters, because I get twitchy if I have any less than 1000 by this time of day. I can't imagine how anyone eats only 1000 or less a day. I can't believe there was a time that I ate around 700-800 a day. And I'm so happy I didn't (permanently) mess up my metabolism doing that!

    Ditto..I'm freaking starving..I've already eaten about 1100-1200 calories and it's only 3:30 in the afternoon. Still hungry. sheesh.I might have to get a run in before my next meal so that I can squeeze in some more calories. LOL...10 minutes of running is painless but that extra 75 calories feels pretty good!
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    My boyfriend and I are cooking sausages and mash with onion gravy. Not perhaps as totally unhealthy as it sounds as the sausages are good ones from the Farmers' Market. I'm still going to be way over calories for the day. I need to be better with the snacks I have during the day at work, I'm not doing well at having healthy stuff there.
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    I got in an hour on the arc trainer. I am suppose to eat around 2500 calories today.

    I bow before you! That thing is brutal!

    I have 1027 calories left for dinner and evening snack. And that's why I don't get the "1200 and under" eaters, because I get twitchy if I have any less than 1000 by this time of day. I can't imagine how anyone eats only 1000 or less a day. I can't believe there was a time that I ate around 700-800 a day. And I'm so happy I didn't (permanently) mess up my metabolism doing that!

    That's so funny. If I have anything less than 1000 by this time of day I start to feel a bit uncomfortable too. I do remember eating less than 1200 and I was miserable. Although I also thought it was temporary and could lose the weight and then eat crazy and it would never come back on.
    This way is so much saner. I really wanted peace of mind and a sense of control. It feels good to exercise and know I can eat and do it again the next day.
  • la_flaca
    la_flaca Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all -

    Glad to see this group....I've been using MFP as a handy way to track calories and especially protein on my phone, and I wasn't into the social aspect as much initially, but I couldn't help but notice all the threads with variations on the "It's OK if I eat 800 calories, right?" theme.

    I'm a small-framed person trying to gain about four pounds of muscle, which is turning out to be surprisingly difficult. I've increased my lean mass by a couple pounds over the last 12-18 months, at about 20% body fat now. Since mid-summer I've increased my protein intake from about 12% of calories to around 25%, increased my calories to 2000/day, started lifting twice a week (trying to get up to three, but this is brand new for me), and kept my running to around 25 miles/week (I like distance running, but figure it's not going to be possible to add muscle mass with high mileage - I trained for a marathon last year and ended up looking like a Grover-armed stick).

    But it's slow going...I'm still intimidated by the whole weight-room world, but trying to get over it. If anyone has similar goals and/or advice, I'd love to hear about it - I swear, one day I will no longer have Grover arms! :)
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member

    So, question for you all: if you were invited to a Kitchen Tea/Hens night for someone that you really did not like, someone who made your life hell for a number of years but seems to think that everyone should forgive her for that - would you go? Have you ever been invited to something that you really did.not.want to go to?

    Are your friends going? Is the food good? :laugh: Unless she totally did you wrong, like reprehensibly wrong, or you don't agree with her belief system, or you've got something better to do, then I'd go. If I truly didn't want to go to something, then I would know and wouldn't have to rationalize myself out of it. :flowerforyou:

    Good midday, everyone!
    I couldn't work out this morning because I was chauffeuring the kiddos around, but I finally got one in and ate lunch. Next week is my 6th week of the 6 Week 6 Pack, and then I'm going to start the Blast Fat Boost Metabolism DVD as well as lift, while I evaluate what I'm going to work on throughout the holidays. I mentioned before that I want to get a real barbell before committing to the NROLFW, because I don't have a gym membership. My husband also signed me up for a 10-week self-defense class starting next Wednesday. It's at a martial arts gym, so maybe after that ends I might look into their class offerings, like jiu-jitsu. I've taken a self-defense class maybe 7 years ago, but I need a refresher. Lately, I've been thinking about how I can protect myself with my kids in tow. One of my kids has autism, while the other two are spirited and lively, but also light enough to be carried off in a crowd. The thought really scares me that I'd be at a park with all three, and then someone comes and either attacks me in front of my kids OR tries to take one of them. I want to know how to defend myself and protect them, too. I'm sure whistles will have something to do with alerting people around me, but what if no one is around? :frown:

    Ok, shaking off depressing thoughts for now..... it's Friday! :drinker:

    Going to have dinner at the in-laws tonight, as we do every other Friday night, and I never know what's going to be for dinner. They are mostly vegetarian/some chicken, and many dishes end up with lentils. Not my favorite food, sorry. But my MIL is not a bad cook, so I have to budget with an open mind. There should be some birthday cake at the end of dinner, so that's a bonus. My goal is 2000+ calories today so I'm very happy about that!

    Have a great day, ladies!
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    I love this thread! I am 5'9" and weigh 155. In mid-May I weighed 183. I cut calories and fat and worked my *kitten* off...literally! I got down to my goal weight and now I am in the process of building lean muscle.

    My base calorie number is set at 2000 per day and I DO EAT my exercise calories which range from 350-800 extra per day.

    If any of you muscle-building, fuel-eating athletes want to be friends, feel free to send me a request!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    So, question for you all: if you were invited to a Kitchen Tea/Hens night for someone that you really did not like, someone who made your life hell for a number of years but seems to think that everyone should forgive her for that - would you go? Have you ever been invited to something that you really did.not.want to go to?

    It would depend on a lot of things - if I cared to keep up the relationship with that person or for some reason felt like social norms required me to go and be polite (like all my other friends really cared if I went or not). I do try to force myself to go to social gatherings as they are really NOT my thing.

    But otherwise I'd make an excuse.

    I realized recently I am probably NOT building muscle anymore. I think I was in the beginning when I was very overweight and my body had plenty of fat to burn to fuel a deficit + some muscle but now even with my increased eating its probably not happening. That might explain why some of my strength progress is kind of stalled out right? I still have a lot of fat to lose though so I'm just going to have to suffer it out. I don't think I could stand to gain weight right now, the slow loss is hard enough.

    Also if this little flap of flab on my arms isn't gone when I am done losing weight (or well, a year afterwards I guess) I WILL be seeing a surgeon. I *HATE* doing lateral lifts and seeing that skin hanging off there - its so icky.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    We are going out to eat tonight. We have a groupon for a local restaurant so that will take care of these 1000+ calories I have left! Mmmmm beer! :)

    I have sagging skin on my belly. I lost most of my weight almost a year ago, my goal was 150. I got there and still had a pouch. I lost 8 more pounds (throughout this year) I started lifting weights and inches are coming off so slowly. My arms and legs look great, but my stomach still sags. I know part of it is loose skin, but I know there is still belly fat there. Maybe I had more belly fat then I thought. I really let myself go after having my daughter. So it has been a very slow progress in getting all the fat off even though I have reached my goal.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So I think I've decided to up my base calories to 2300 for the next week and gradually work my way up to 2500 net. I think I've decided my maintenance is about 2250 net. I haven't gained anything yet on my "bulk".