<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I don't have many gadgets and I've ruined 2 ipods. So, I'd have to say treadmill!

    For the recipes - are we talking about doing a totally separate thread? I'd love to do that. I made some super yummy cauliflower fritters last night.
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member

    What is your favorite fitness "gadget?"

    My Garmin 305. I love being able to track where I've been and the height gain and that sort of thing.

    Love4fitness, go ahead and start the recipie thread.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Psych - yay for NROLFW!! I'm starting Stage 3 in about a week. LOVE it.

    kellylea87 - Welcome! I definitely think you have the right mindset. I also love to cook! We don't go out to eat much, but when we do go out as a family I enjoy it for all of the reasons you mentioned. I'm not sure what to tell you about the inch around your waist, except to amp up your exercise or change it up. Every single time I change what I'm doing, something in my body changes. Good Luck!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Welcome Kellylea87!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Fav fitness gadgets- iPod and bodybugg, definitely.

    I just made a yummy pita pizza with spinach, red peppers and mushrooms for breakfast. Mmmmm. I seriously love food. This group makes me happy. And I found love4's cheesecake recipe in an earlier thread...need to try!

    Now, any guilt I had over the pumpkin chocolate chip muffins I have been wanting to bake is GONE!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member

    What is your favorite fitness "gadget?"

    I love my. DVDs because I can workout anytime and anywhere. I also love having a treadmill...it got me through my gymless months before school started.

    Hmmm, I guess that depends on how you define gadget. My favorite fitness related item is probably my pull-up bar, useful for pull ups/hanging knee raises and hanging clothes, holding my jumprope and drying out my HRM from all the sweat.

    I also love my bike computer, keeps track of distance, speed, GPS, etc. Very useful for some of my rides.
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member

    I've never posted on this forum before but I have been reading this thread for two days. I joined mfp after I had my daughter and I lost some weight but I kept giving up logging etc because it was soooo hard sticking to the levels it told me 1200 a day. I'm 5ft2 and 126lb now, think I've lost 10lb since joining.

    I have maintained for a while now but just bought my wedding dress and need to lose 1 inch off my waist for it to fit. So I started following MFP again and suprise I got really hungry and moody and I actually think I've gained an inch on my waist LOL!

    I just don't do diets, I'm a massive cook I love to cook and most of all eat what I've cooked and any kind of diet just seems to get in the way of those things. I also love to eat out once a week not really because of the food but I just love going out to eat as a family ordering food, no washing up, chatting to my kids. This week we went to pizza hut :) I eat well 80% of the time nothing processed in the house but if I go on a diet I start craving and reaching for the naughtys.

    I went on an I'm giving up the diet binge yesterday and eat 4 cakes and a twirl in 2 mins then sat and read all your posts. I thought I'll get back into my exercise and did 30 day shred and half an hour of zumba. My fitness levels are good I find 30 day shred level one pretty easy but I do ache the next day which I love. I walk alot with my nice heavy double pram, 3 year old and 10 month old. Davina fitness dvds are my fave and I have been for a run on occasion.

    I'm here to just say hi because I plan on reading your thread for inspiration. I've upped my goals to maintance and I am going to workout daily and only eat back some of the calories.

    Any advice at all on losing my inch would be great. I'm not interested in changing my size really I'm a UK 10 (apart form the waist with that pesky inch) but I have a post baby jelly belly and love handels. I'd love to tone up and get fitter replace a bit of fat with muscle would be nice. Exercise helps me feel happy and helps me sleep.

    Absolutley admire how healthy you all are and what healthy attitudes you have to food and life.

    I am absolutely no expert, but I think if you want to lose inches and eat well, then you need to lift (heavy) weights, but eat just like you are planning, a little under maintenance. I think the inches will melt away for you, especially if you have never "lifted". Check out the New Rules of Lifting for Women (NROLFW). Many women swear by this, I am going to do it in the near future. If not, then any weight lifting routine will be good for what you want. Hope that helps, and good luck.
    What are your stats as far as calories, maintenance, target. Maybe some of the maintenance gals on here can make sure they look good!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member

    What is your favorite fitness "gadget?"

    I love my. DVDs because I can workout anytime and anywhere. I also love having a treadmill...it got me through my gymless months before school started.

    Bodybugg because I refer to it several times a day. My computer because I get so inspired by the boards (mfp and 3fc). And last, my trusty (old) treadmill that just keeps going and going and going. Don't know how many hours and miles I have logged on that thing, but we are definitely besties!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I ate around 1950 cals yesterday, just barely under my target for the day, but I was satisfied at the end of the day. Love those days.

    The scale is finally moving again, thank goodness. My weight loss has never been very linear, but lately it is just spits and spurts at very long intervals. It may be temporary until TOM comes to town next week, but today is a good day!!!

    Today will be a steady run day to work out some of the muscle soreness from yesterdays lifting. Should be a pretty good calorie burn day.
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    Thanks so much for the input! I ended up a little over 1700 today, but will shoot for 1800 over the next couple of weeks and see how it's working. And I agree - I don't feel hungry after cardio, but I definitely do after lifting! One more question - through my weight loss process, I ate 1500 per day every day (workout or not) until I got to the point of being hungry during the day, then raised to 1600 - which I've been at since then. Should I decrease calories on my rest day (1 per week) or just shoot for 1800 every day?

    Thanks again!
    I think you should just do what feels right for you. If you're hungry then you should eat. If you're not then just stick to 1600 for that day. feel it out and adjust as necessary.

    Thank you! I really like the 'do what feels right for you' mentality! I really need to work on doing that and stop getting so hung up on the numbers! If I'm hungry, I need to eat...'nuff said! :wink:

    I'm really feeling my NROLFW workout from yesterday! But I LOVE that feeling!!! Lets me know I worked hard.

    Hmmm - favorite fitness gadget. I think I'd also have to agree with DVDs - I love being able to get a 'class' workout at home on days I can't get to the gym. I also love my Polar HRM - but you ladies have me seriously contemplating ordering a BodyMedia FIT now, too!!!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Fav fitness gadgets- iPod and bodybugg, definitely.

    I just made a yummy pita pizza with spinach, red peppers and mushrooms for breakfast. Mmmmm. I seriously love food. This group makes me happy. And I found love4's cheesecake recipe in an earlier thread...need to try!

    Now, any guilt I had over the pumpkin chocolate chip muffins I have been wanting to bake is GONE!

    Yum on the breakfast! And I know what you mean by guilt, but thinking about fueling you body instead of how many calories you are wasting really puts you in a good mindset. Pumpkin choc chip muffins sound very healthy! I just made banana dark choc chip ones last week and have had a few this week, no guilt.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Fav fitness gadgets- iPod and bodybugg, definitely.

    I just made a yummy pita pizza with spinach, red peppers and mushrooms for breakfast. Mmmmm. I seriously love food. This group makes me happy. And I found love4's cheesecake recipe in an earlier thread...need to try!

    Now, any guilt I had over the pumpkin chocolate chip muffins I have been wanting to bake is GONE!

    Yum on the breakfast! And I know what you mean by guilt, but thinking about fueling you body instead of how many calories you are wasting really puts you in a good mindset. Pumpkin choc chip muffins sound very healthy! I just made banana dark choc chip ones last week and have had a few this week, no guilt.

    Banana dark choc chip sounds yummy too! I am trying really hard to get out of the whole 'food guilt' mentality. Old habits die hard, but I am working on it. I have lost 100+ pounds and kept it off for nearly 2.5 years, but sometimes it's hard not to freak out if I think I am eating too much. Now that I am pretty heavily involved in distance running (depending on time of year, on average 18-25 miles per week) and lifting, I KNOW that I need to fuel my body differently for that. I actually bought the BodyBugg so I could see what I was burning most days, and now I know I wasn't giving myself nearly enough food. So, while I try to keep it 85-90% good, healthy food...I allow myself one cheat meal per week to eat whatever I want -usually after a long run or race- and I can be less freaked out about the occasional baked good. Like the muffins. LOL
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member

    I've never posted on this forum before but I have been reading this thread for two days. I joined mfp after I had my daughter and I lost some weight but I kept giving up logging etc because it was soooo hard sticking to the levels it told me 1200 a day. I'm 5ft2 and 126lb now, think I've lost 10lb since joining.

    I have maintained for a while now but just bought my wedding dress and need to lose 1 inch off my waist for it to fit. So I started following MFP again and suprise I got really hungry and moody and I actually think I've gained an inch on my waist LOL!

    I just don't do diets, I'm a massive cook I love to cook and most of all eat what I've cooked and any kind of diet just seems to get in the way of those things. I also love to eat out once a week not really because of the food but I just love going out to eat as a family ordering food, no washing up, chatting to my kids. This week we went to pizza hut :) I eat well 80% of the time nothing processed in the house but if I go on a diet I start craving and reaching for the naughtys.

    I went on an I'm giving up the diet binge yesterday and eat 4 cakes and a twirl in 2 mins then sat and read all your posts. I thought I'll get back into my exercise and did 30 day shred and half an hour of zumba. My fitness levels are good I find 30 day shred level one pretty easy but I do ache the next day which I love. I walk alot with my nice heavy double pram, 3 year old and 10 month old. Davina fitness dvds are my fave and I have been for a run on occasion.

    I'm here to just say hi because I plan on reading your thread for inspiration. I've upped my goals to maintance and I am going to workout daily and only eat back some of the calories.

    Any advice at all on losing my inch would be great. I'm not interested in changing my size really I'm a UK 10 (apart form the waist with that pesky inch) but I have a post baby jelly belly and love handels. I'd love to tone up and get fitter replace a bit of fat with muscle would be nice. Exercise helps me feel happy and helps me sleep.

    Absolutley admire how healthy you all are and what healthy attitudes you have to food and life.

    Sounds bizarre, but push ups took an inch off my waist (which has returned since :laugh:).

    I'm in the UK too.
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Good Morning from Phx! Wow you ladies were busy yesterday while I was at work. I will try to catch up....

    Salt-I do monitor salt now. I have always been careful and do not salt anything except french fries (but that's another story). I just started to notice how bloated and swollen feet I get after eating out which is loaded with salt. Then I got High blood pressure. Not due to the salt,....due to genetics! So now I'm pretty careful because I feel like Poo when I eat too much.

    I am the other one that ordered the bodymedia fit. It is supposed to be here tomorrow. Can't wait! Hope it works. For those of you that wear them, I read that driving sometimes will look like your working out. Do you take it off to drive? Also, how much sweat can it take without killing it?

    Favorite fitness gadget is my Garmin! I love that thing. I feel lonely if I run without it :)

    I don't know about you guys but I love hot yoga and it is sooo expensive around here but I got a groupon for a studio close by. I'm excited to try it. Hope I like it as much as my current studio because this one offers a student discount!

    Welcome new girls!!

    Going for a run...adding another day in to my schedule. Hopefully my hips don't get mad at me!!
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    High blood pressure runs in my family, too, but I don't monitor my salt only because I grew up eating blander food than what Americans usually eat (Taiwanese food is not spice-laden or salty to begin with, and my mother's cooking was never very salty), so I tend to prefer less salty food. I know that when I eat out at certain restaurants, I drink water afterward like a horse at a deep, deep trough because of all the salt in restaurant food. :( Still doesn't prevent me from eating out though ... love not having to do dishes. ;)

    Favorite fitness "gadget" ... can I cheat and say my legs? lol ... I prefer to go outdoors and hike/snowboard/bike. But I do hit the gym decently often as well (especially now that the weather is turning). So my go-to favorite there is the elliptical. I use it all the time, whether it's 10 minutes for warming up the muscles before lifting or 30 minutes of cardio for the day in weeks where I'm too busy to do much else. Much easier on my knees than the treadmill gathering dust in the basement at home. :/
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member

    Yay, looking forward to some inspiration as I always cook the same stuff!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I love my HRM although currently i'm very tempted by a bodymedia fit. I think I will wait for a while and see how I do on my own.

    Last night I was super hungry around bedtime so I scarfed down a bag of chips (a 1 oz bag). Oops. My diary thiinks I had hte calories but my diary yesterday was kinda wacky because I had NO idea how much I ate.

    When I went home i was super full and bloaty though - in fact my belly fat and skin was all soft and pudgy (I mean pudgy-ER) and it was very weird and gross looking. Did a little bit of cardio and drank a bunch of water and flushed it right out so i think it was just salt retention.

    My weight is up a bit right now but that's expected because the last 2-3 weeks I supposedly lost 4 lbs and that is in no way possible.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Good Morning from Phx! Wow you ladies were busy yesterday while I was at work. I will try to catch up....

    Salt-I do monitor salt now. I have always been careful and do not salt anything except french fries (but that's another story). I just started to notice how bloated and swollen feet I get after eating out which is loaded with salt. Then I got High blood pressure. Not due to the salt,....due to genetics! So now I'm pretty careful because I feel like Poo when I eat too much.

    I am the other one that ordered the bodymedia fit. It is supposed to be here tomorrow. Can't wait! Hope it works. For those of you that wear them, I read that driving sometimes will look like your working out. Do you take it off to drive? Also, how much sweat can it take without killing it?

    Favorite fitness gadget is my Garmin! I love that thing. I feel lonely if I run without it :)

    I don't know about you guys but I love hot yoga and it is sooo expensive around here but I got a groupon for a studio close by. I'm excited to try it. Hope I like it as much as my current studio because this one offers a student discount!

    Welcome new girls!!

    Going for a run...adding another day in to my schedule. Hopefully my hips don't get mad at me!!

    I have the bodymedia and after 8 monthes it stopped working :grumble:
    When it was working it did not accurately measure strength training, or low impact stuff like yoga/pilates. Also it wont give any results with any kind of cycling/spinning/bike riding.
    I liked the system but even after 8 months I didnt lose weight. Actually I have gained about 4 pounds since I got it, so it hasnt helped me at all. I tried increasing calories based on BMF, decreasing, decreasing carbs, zig zagging, etc. and keep gaining and losing. According the the BMF my average burn was 2500 or so and for 8 months i fluctuated between 1500-2200 intake and nothing. Up and down :sad:
    I was wondering if it was grossly over exaggerating my burn?? I did try to compare it to my HRM and it was off by 50-100 cals, (rBMF reading higher).
    From what I read however most people really love it, and even though I havent had success, I do like it, but broken after 8 mos is super annoying and frustrating and customer service is no help so I am *kitten* outta luck!
  • weight is up 1.4 pounds today. that's okay, i think i had a superficially low weight...like you Tameko. no way that i was ACTUALLY 94 pounds yesterday...just not possible. lol.

    I have class from 2-6...packed 2 mini meals. cocoa. snacks. and ready to go. i'm hungry. professor bought me and 3 peers lunch...i had a 100 calorie or so salad, starving now since my last real meal was at 11:15 or so...it's now 2ish...so 3 hours. that's my limit and then I'm ready to bite someone.

    2150 calories planned today. it's rainy and cold here. sucks.