<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Wow there are so many posts to catch up on! Glad to see this thread growing. I hope once we get the groups feature on this site we create one for ourselves. :flowerforyou:

    I just ordered a BMF today since it's about 50% off through Monday. I really hope it's enlightening. I'm starting to think now I'm more sedentary than I've thought previously. But strangely enough, now I'm afraid to just eat less without really knowing what's going on. I'm back to where I started on MFP in June in terms of my weight. It's been very disheartening. :ohwell: It's also causing me to be very unmotivated and uninspired. I no longer even look forward to working out and I am not busting my butt doing it like I used to. I am just going through the motions. Hopefully the BMF will be accurate for me and will help me get through this plateau.

    Well, I hope you ladies are having a fabulous weekend! :smile:
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member


    its hard to try and find the perfect balance of everything. Just when I think I've got it right, my body will do something weird lol

    I hope the BMF helps to shed some light on things for you

  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    hmmm my 'rest' day usually still involves a walk or something non-crazy like my workout days :)

    Occasionally I have a complete rest day and do nothing...absolutely nothing....bliss lol

    Edit: oh, and I've had a look into Bodymedia but here in NZ I'm looking at about $500-$700.....eek

    Have a look at this website (Aussie) works out to $324 (NZD).... then you will obviously have shipping on top, but quite a bit cheaper than here in NZ.... I bought my BMF from them - luckily my son came visiting from Sydney so I did not have to pay shipping....

  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I gained weight this month while lifting heavy with the NROLFW, and I tink it was because I was overestimating my calorie burn during the workouts and eating beyond what I needed. I looked at my data for the last several months and the month where I lost the most I averaged 2060 calories in, 368 calories out, for a net of 1695. The last two months, since I was lifting more than doing cardio, my net went up by more than 100 calories.

    I can't comment on the HRM or BMF as I've never used them, and I know this has probably been said a lot -- but have you checked your measurements? Are your clothes fitting better? If you're just starting out lifting heavy, your muscles can retain water with the extra stress being asked of it (to lift), so that can be attributed to the weight gain. Or it could simply be more muscle mass.

    For example, I just started getting back into regular strength training about a month ago as well, and I wasn't seeing any progress weight-wise. However, I take regular measurements (every couple of weeks) to track my progress, and I also apply it to measure my BF%. I find that while I will yo-yo between the same 128-132 lbs. every day, my clothes are fitting much nicer on me lately and my BF% is slowly going down. :)

    I take my measurements every two weeks as well and they seem to be the same, and my clothes fit the same as well. Since it's been two months I thought any fluid retention would have worked itself out by now. Right now I'm focusing more on lowering my intake a bit and upping my cardio to increase my calorie burn. We'll see what happens over the next month.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    A rest day for me means that I didn't have the time to fit in a workout but it's business as usual. I'm most likely chauffeuring the kids to/from school, going to Costco, fixing meals. I don't avoid lifting heavy things. On that note, I don't record activities like cleaning under Exercise, even if it involves scrubbing and brushing. I chalk that up to bonus calories. The only thing I might record are the extra 40-80 calorie burns I get from quickly walking my kids around a few blocks on their bicycles.

    I need to do more research on the BMFs and the BBs, but maybe I'll ask that for my birthday if there's enough benefit to it.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Regarding BMF versus FitBIt ... BMF is much more accurate and like others said the FitBit is basically a pedometer for lack of a better term. It is also easily lost or at least that is what some people have said.

    Regarding the BMF during strength training.... I find it to be accurate but depressing as well. For example, when I was doing P90X Chest and Back it didnt count alot of the things as activity and it only gave me a burn of 300. But you have to remember that when you are doing strength training, you are NOT looking for the calorie burn but rather for the strength gains. I do not even really consider that much in my calculations, only the cardio.

    Regarding rest days: I sit on the backside ... or have light walking at work for a burn of about 2100 calories. I do believe in at least one day of completely not active rest. I used to do a rest day before and after my long run, but now I have started going to the pool and water walking and light swimming on the day after my long run. The bummer about that, I have no idea what I burn so I have to guess at it. The water walking is light and the swimming is short for me (but its a big step because I am afraid of the water)... but even in swimming 1/2 length of the pool my heart rate really goes up and my arms are sore so I know its some burn.

    I am freaking dehydrated again ... really bummed out about this. I do not have a colon and so this is a battle for me with distance running. I drank like 90oz during the run and I am still dehydrated. I think the sunburn I hate is not helping ... and I am going to have a negative 3000 calories today ... seriously! This is one of the many reasons I do not count much on the weekends of a really long run... I wont eat my calories today ... but I cant just leave that big of a deficit either so I will eat more tomorrow without the burn to cover it. By Monday it will be back to normal...
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I ate like, RIDICULOUS yesterday. went over like 500 calories. Sigh. Mostly wine - I was soooo miserable at my workout this morning, everything was super strenuous and exhausting. That was 500 over WITH my C25K training. Eeeee.

    I think my weight is up at the more expected 174 but its fluctuating like crazy today because drinking sort of messes me up. Took my sister along with me to my workout today and uuuugggh never again. Forgot how *****y she is. well. I guess FORGOT isn't the right word but my mind had downplayed it over hte last few months and my mom asked me to do stuff with her so we c ould be friends. But nope, still a *****.

    Super hungry now, but I have 750 calories left so I will be more than fine.

    On rest days I usually either do nothing or go for a walk.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    One trick to consider ... a trick that I love and has really helped me.

    I weigh myself every day ... and I average the weights over the course of a week.
    Even when I dont think that the weights are moving -- the weekly average is going down week after week. And THAT is motivating. It has also helped me understand my body and my trends ... for example I am always highest on Sunday and Monday, always lowest on Wednesday morning and Friday morning.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member

    Does your family know you count calories? Friends? I mentioned it to someone and they looked at me as if I had 3 heads. LOL. I don't walk around shouting it from the rooftops and I guess I try to "conceal" it to some degree because I feel judged because of it since I'm "thin" and it's seen as diety

    yes people know...and they look at me like I have 3 heads...
    Most say WHY?!?!?!?
    Some say "Be careful or you'll end up anorexic"

    But most people don't understand. I do it for 2 reasons.
    1. Yes, I KNOW I'm not fat, you don't have to tell me. But I gained 20 pounds since turning 30 and it took counting to take it off....I keep counting to make sure it doesn't come back.
    2. A LOT of days I am SO busy that I just don't eat. I want to make sure I eat enough, and counting ensures that I don't go to bed with less than 1000 calories in me, which is easy to do when you work a 14 hour day on your feet with no breaks and just go home and crash after.

    So I wear my bodymedia and count what I eat to make sure the numbers are fairly close each day, or at least average out weekly...

    About the bodymedia: it does improve its accuracy after time. It "gets used to" you and learns your body. Also, keep in mind that it DOES include calories for the time it is off-body. It uses an average of your cal per minute. This also improves over time as it gets to know your average cal per minute better. Mine is 1.4.
    you may have noticed that the first time you put it on it already said you had a burn for that day..it used your height and weight to average out what it thinks you may have burned since midnight...

    LoveForFitness - thank you for starting that healthy recipe thread!

    Yeah, re: the replies in regards to my bruises
    I think the bruises they were just a co-incidence. They both just happened to occur at the same time. But the fact that you mentioned iron is interesting because i had blood tests that show im iron deficient.... but anyway.

    I am struggling to keep up with my replies to people here and my computer is really slow. It doesnt help. Yey to
    MrsJax11, caicon, olivia3263 for breaking through the plataeu. Hope I didnt miss anyone else. Oh and welcome to the new people! I know just how it feels having just recently 2 weeks ago broke through mine. In fact i'm going to go and reply over at the losing 10 pounds or less support thread about the going off your diet and maintaining that lyle is talking about in recomposition. Looking back at what i did. This is exactly what I did however my program wasnt just for 2 weeks I had a nice break for about 5 months, losing just small amounts scale wise, but heaps of measurements by eating an average of maintenance calories 1800 - 2600. The scale pretty much came to a standstill in for the past 2 months and then thats when I decided to go back to eating 1800 a day gross calories. My body was ready again to start losing and in 2 weeks of eating at 1800 gross calories i've lost 1.5 kgs. I've been eating between 1800 - 1950 range.

    In reply to the quote above... No-one has really commented in a bad way about me counting my calories. My mum said i hope your not getting too obsessed with it because each night over there for dinner i'd ask her how much chicken do you think i had eaten. I just explained that i needed to know how much calories to put into my diary because otherwise it could mean the difference between losing or gaining weight. I could easily go over by 500 and not even know it. It also helps me stay accountable!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I have "rest" days and "active rest" days. I don't really enjoy total rest days, I'd rather be doing something less intense like a nice walk or some Yoga or Pilates. After a big hike or climb though I always have a full day to rest, 12-36 hours of hiking or climbing is absolutely exhausting and I feel like my body deserves a full rest. Although I always do some stretching on all of my rest days.

    I'm gonna do some running intervals in the woods today and then some Yoga before bed. I'm so excited to start New Rules tomorrow. I'm trying to figure out what weights I should be using for each exercise.

    I'm making vegan carnitas for dinner. I'm not a vegan anymore, but I had this recipe and I'm so excited to try it now that I finally found all the ingredients. You use green jackfruit as the "meat". I'm also making Paleo tortillas with coconut flour. Oh and avocados! Yum!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    One trick to consider ... a trick that I love and has really helped me.

    I weigh myself every day ... and I average the weights over the course of a week.
    Even when I dont think that the weights are moving -- the weekly average is going down week after week. And THAT is motivating. It has also helped me understand my body and my trends ... for example I am always highest on Sunday and Monday, always lowest on Wednesday morning and Friday morning.

    That is a good idea! I am going to try that!
    Let's see -- Friday 180.3, Sat 178.5, Today 179.3 ; Avg's to 179.4 -- which is still well below where I was last week :)
    Thanks for the idea!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    This thread moves pretty fast and I am having a hard time keeping everyone straight! I guess I will get to know you guys more over time.
    A couple things, for those of you having trouble with BMF or BB not seeming like it is reading accurately, make sure it is applied correctly. Of course, it should be on the left arm, and it should be on the back of your arm over your tricep. Once is is on, drop your arm to the side and turn around, look in the mirror and it should be sitting squarely on the back of your arm, not hidden between your arm and back and not on the side of your arm at all. If I wear mine on the side of my arm, it seems to be more inaccurate.
    As for rest days, I love to hate them! I always feel the need for a rest day about once a week, usually on the weekends when my schedule is a little more lax (feeling a little more lazy perhaps), but I struggle in my head, thinking I should burn calories so I can eat more! Anyone else have trouble taking rest days? Today should be a rest day for me, it has been 2 weeks since I have had one, but I still think about those calories I could burn.
    My scale is up 2 pounds today. I know I did not gain that weight, it is just water due to a high sodium/carb day and I went way over on my calories almost to maintenance. I burned 2600+ calories yesterday and ate 2500ish!!! I get so hungry right before TOM I can't stand it! Ugh. I was having a good week too, showing a promising loss for the week. Hoping it leaves as quickly as it came.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Today's a recipe for disaster. We are having a bday party for my daughter (shared w/her cousin) at Pump It Up (interactive indoor inflatable jumping park, for those who don't know what it is) and pizza is the main dish. We could only bring in a fruit/veggie tray or chips. I squeezed in a quick workout of 6 Week 6 Pack, but hope I don't scarf down more than one slice of pizza. I'm filling up on a bowl of Kashi cereal and a yummy Chocolate Coconut Candy Bar protein shake.

    I am driving myself insane with trying to find the weight I *should* be at. I'd like to stay below 125, knowing that during the day I have a walking weight of 2 pounds over. That means staying between 122-124 at morning weigh-ins is my current idea of maintenance. But I'm also going to try taking more consistent measurements as I ramp up my strength training, as a gauge to determine if there's muscle growth vs. the scale. What I'd really LOVE to do is lose all the belly fat covering my abs. It's supposed to take time, but I am getting soooo impatient. o_O

    Off-topic, I'm a list-maker. I'm not the most organized person, and my house would reflect that. But when it comes time to plan my day, morning, or somewhere I've got to be, I tend to write out a timeline & pad it a little. Like for today:
    7:00 Wake up w/ kids
    7:30 Breakfast
    8-8:45 Try to work out
    8:45-9:15 last chance to work out!
    9:30 Shower, give the kids Tylenol
    10:05 - Final clothing changes for kiddos
    10:15 Final diaper/pull-up changes for kiddos
    10:25 Socks, shoes & coats on
    10:35 Buckle kids in car
    10:45: LEAVE for party

    I tend to do this daily. It makes me visually prepared for the day. Does ANYONE do something like this?
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks girls for all the answers regarding the BMF. Very helpful! I had a feeling that I was under estimating my running burns because I am starving all day after a run. At first I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on my but now I see that I really do need to eat a little more on run days. I ended up yest with 2756 burned and 2060 cals eaten. And even then I had to have a little will power because I was working medical at the ASU football game and everyone around me was eating hamburgers and hotdogs...ugh!
    @emmaliegh-that's an awesome run! You should be proud.

    I don't know how I would feel about weighing in everyday. I think it would depress me seeing it go up and down like that. Does everyone here weigh in everyday?

    Today might blow my cals out of the water! It's football sunday :) Meeting a friend to watch the early game and have mimosas and breakfast. Then tonight having a celebration for a friend at Melting Pot. It's a fondue place. Very expensive and very fattening!

    Have a good sunday!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I'm big on the lists too. I have a daily to-do list and I try to set up a time schedule for my days. I work from home a lot, so during the week it's so important for me to try and follow my lists/schedules, otherwise the next thing I know I've just wasted an hour doing something silly on the internet.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    [I don't know how I would feel about weighing in everyday. I think it would depress me seeing it go up and down like that. Does everyone here weigh in everyday? ]

    Yes, I cant do this because I let the scale dictate my mood, and more often then not, its not nice to me! Like one week ago I was at 164.2, 3 days later 166.6, 3 days later 164.8. I do not want to see all the up days. I dont even like to weigh in once a week, but I have to, to track my progress!!!

    I have been doing a great job hitting 2000, actually yesterday 2300, and today is my anniversary and going out to dinner so another 2000+ day!!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    on the train. headed back home now. my cousin's wedding was ehh, okay. I had NO PROTEIN yesterday. I am feeling so groggy, sick, fat, and just gross right now. I feel too tired to workout but I've already eaten like **** so i need to workout. My train is late, there's no food, and I am just in a humbug mood.

    I hate when I feel this way. I like being chipper and happy. So I hope you all are doing much better than I am!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    I hate when I feel this way. I like being chipper and happy. So I hope you all are doing much better than I am!!

    nope. blah here.
    It snowed 4 inches, everyone is in a bad mood, we're all in separate rooms ignoring each other because it seems anything anyone says turns into a fight. I'm starving and do not want anything good that is in the house. I want something horrible, like Chinese, but Mr. Crabby Pants won't take me anywhere.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange

    I hate when I feel this way. I like being chipper and happy. So I hope you all are doing much better than I am!!

    nope. blah here.
    It snowed 4 inches, everyone is in a bad mood, we're all in separate rooms ignoring each other because it seems anything anyone says turns into a fight. I'm starving and do not want anything good that is in the house. I want something horrible, like Chinese, but Mr. Crabby Pants won't take me anywhere.

    :( It snowed in RI as well and in CT. I am going back home now but my train being late was craptastic. Then I had like NOTHING good for breakfast. 3 musketeers minis, instant oatmeal, pirates booty, cereal --all carbs basically. I had all carbs yesterday for the most part and it makes me feel like **** when I have an imbalanced diet. At least I did eat veggies yesterday. Much better than I'm doing so far today.

    I am going to have Jillian whip my butt into shape after I get home, eat, and get some work done. That will make me feel better. I just feel groggy. The calories don't bother me but the utter lack of nutrients and the way it's making me feel physically (not mentally) is really not fun.
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    Today's a recipe for disaster. We are having a bday party for my daughter (shared w/her cousin) at Pump It Up (interactive indoor inflatable jumping park, for those who don't know what it is) and pizza is the main dish. We could only bring in a fruit/veggie tray or chips. I squeezed in a quick workout of 6 Week 6 Pack, but hope I don't scarf down more than one slice of pizza. I'm filling up on a bowl of Kashi cereal and a yummy Chocolate Coconut Candy Bar protein shake.

    I am driving myself insane with trying to find the weight I *should* be at. I'd like to stay below 125, knowing that during the day I have a walking weight of 2 pounds over. That means staying between 122-124 at morning weigh-ins is my current idea of maintenance. But I'm also going to try taking more consistent measurements as I ramp up my strength training, as a gauge to determine if there's muscle growth vs. the scale. What I'd really LOVE to do is lose all the belly fat covering my abs. It's supposed to take time, but I am getting soooo impatient. o_O

    Off-topic, I'm a list-maker. I'm not the most organized person, and my house would reflect that. But when it comes time to plan my day, morning, or somewhere I've got to be, I tend to write out a timeline & pad it a little. Like for today:
    7:00 Wake up w/ kids
    7:30 Breakfast
    8-8:45 Try to work out
    8:45-9:15 last chance to work out!
    9:30 Shower, give the kids Tylenol
    10:05 - Final clothing changes for kiddos
    10:15 Final diaper/pull-up changes for kiddos
    10:25 Socks, shoes & coats on
    10:35 Buckle kids in car
    10:45: LEAVE for party

    I tend to do this daily. It makes me visually prepared for the day. Does ANYONE do something like this?

    Haha--I plan just like that!!! I have 3 teenagers and I have to have everything timed out to make sure they get every where they need to be and I get in everything I need to!!!