<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Morning ladies!
    Actually got sunburnt on my run yesterday! Managed to be quite active for a lazy day! Ran, cleaned the entire house, helped hubs rearrange the garage, went for a lovely late afternoon walk then grocery shopping - no wonder I was dead at 9pm!! I slept about 10hrs last night which is unheard of for me!

    So glad that we are getting more and more great results in this thread! You don't have to starve, your body needs more food than I think a lot of people realize! Ive been consistently hitting 2100 this week but I've upped my lifting so have been avoiding the scale! My clothes are getting loose so that's all that matters. I'm not sure that I'll ever have abs, I have a little excess skin from being so big, I dont think it's noticable unless I bend over haha!

    Robin - aargh I know those binges all too well! Good on you for not letting it get to you! Once I get out of bed I'll send you a friend request :)

    Wow we have some incredible ladies in here, I'm so glad that we have this little corner of MFP to talk like educated healthy people xx
    Keeps me sane
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I'm so glad we have this post.

    There is someone asking for 200 calorie MEAL ideas.....

    200 calories is a small snack.

    200 calories is what I spend on chocolate every single day

  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks Jomatho! I will try that next time. Glad I'm not the only over 40 chick!

    I turned 40 in March of this year. I still can't wrap my mind around it!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    BodyMedia says I burned around 800 cals for 6 miles. Can this be right? I am slow so it took me about 1hr 10minutes. If it is right then I have been under calculating my running burn.
    It can absolutely be right. I don't know what you weigh but I'm going to assume I'm quite a bit heavier than you, & it took me 1:21 to run 6 miles today. My BMF says I burned about 1300 calories.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    BodyMedia says I burned around 800 cals for 6 miles. Can this be right?

    it most definitely CAN be right. Mine is quite a bit less....400 an hour is a killer burn for me...but I'm only 5'2"...
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    BodyMedia says I burned around 800 cals for 6 miles. Can this be right?

    it most definitely CAN be right. Mine is quite a bit less....400 an hour is a killer burn for me...but I'm only 5'2"...

    hmm I ran 7kms last night which I think is about 4 miles? My garmin read 498 calories burned

    One day I'll be able to run 6 miles....I tend to get hungry hehe
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    BodyMedia says I burned around 800 cals for 6 miles. Can this be right?

    it most definitely CAN be right. Mine is quite a bit less....400 an hour is a killer burn for me...but I'm only 5'2"...

    hmm I ran 7kms last night which I think is about 4 miles? My garmin read 498 calories burned

    One day I'll be able to run 6 miles....I tend to get hungry hehe

    Hey guys - I survived my longest run ever. All 15 miles. I wasnt sure at mile 9 that I would be able to keep going... I was just soooo tired. I stopped at the Shopko and got more G2 and that little stop was enough time for my leg to really tighten up ... but then I was off again. For no reason at mile 11 I got this feeling like ... I got this... and knew I would finish! At mile 12 when I took the turn for home it was on. Unfortunately the entire last 2 plus miles are uphill... including the 2 largest hills of the whole run. They are at the end of mile 13 and the beginning of mile 14 ... but who cares I did it!

    I burned about 1400 calories for a 10K run ... so yeah I would say that is accurate. I have never had a problem with my BMF being inaccurate ... but then again I was one of those lucky people who was UNDERestimating my burn not overestimating. I will burn about 2500 calories daily before figuring in exercise.

    I am also a huge Fat 2 Fit radio fan ... and I have found that their philosophy is pretty much right on par with my BMF. Had to laugh today, my tan line from training with the BMF was just about gone... until today. 4 hours out in the direct sun at peak suntime = emma got a sunburn and a suntan!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    BodyMedia says I burned around 800 cals for 6 miles. Can this be right?

    it most definitely CAN be right. Mine is quite a bit less....400 an hour is a killer burn for me...but I'm only 5'2"...

    hmm I ran 7kms last night which I think is about 4 miles? My garmin read 498 calories burned

    One day I'll be able to run 6 miles....I tend to get hungry hehe

    Hey guys - I survived my longest run ever. All 15 miles. I wasnt sure at mile 9 that I would be able to keep going... I was just soooo tired. I stopped at the Shopko and got more G2 and that little stop was enough time for my leg to really tighten up ... but then I was off again. For no reason at mile 11 I got this feeling like ... I got this... and knew I would finish! At mile 12 when I took the turn for home it was on. Unfortunately the entire last 2 plus miles are uphill... including the 2 largest hills of the whole run. They are at the end of mile 13 and the beginning of mile 14 ... but who cares I did it!

    I burned about 1400 calories for a 10K run ... so yeah I would say that is accurate. I have never had a problem with my BMF being inaccurate ... but then again I was one of those lucky people who was UNDERestimating my burn not overestimating. I will burn about 2500 calories daily before figuring in exercise.

    I am also a huge Fat 2 Fit radio fan ... and I have found that their philosophy is pretty much right on par with my BMF. Had to laugh today, my tan line from training with the BMF was just about gone... until today. 4 hours out in the direct sun at peak suntime = emma got a sunburn and a suntan!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day!

    wow, awesome run! You should be so proud of yourself!!
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I wish I had a body media to track my actual calories in and out and I've been debating between the BMF and a Fitbit. I gained weight this month while lifting heavy with the NROLFW, and I tink it was because I was overestimating my calorie burn during the workouts and eating beyond what I needed. I looked at my data for the last several months and the month where I lost the most I averaged 2060 calories in, 368 calories out, for a net of 1695. The last two months, since I was lifting more than doing cardio, my net went up by more than 100 calories. I still think I might have the # of calories burned wrong when I do strength training. I know an HRM isn't much use during strength training, but how does the BMF fare?
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I think I had the unhealthiest day for me in a long time! After a long, looong day of shopping I had a Chick fil a kids meal... I figured it would be a good way to get my fix without overdoing it on the cals. I only ate half of the fries, and skipped the sugary bev. HOWEVER -- roasted honey BBQ sauce (a weakness of mine) was 120 cals for 2 packets. It was so delish that it was worth it, though! I shopped from 9 AM until 2 PM, with about 1.5 hours being driving time...and only logged 1 hour walking at a slow pace because I didn't want to overestimate on the cal burn.
    Today was scheduled to be a rest day anyway...tomorrow I will paddle or cycle :) I can't wait to get my HRM this week!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    BodyMedia says I burned around 800 cals for 6 miles. Can this be right?

    it most definitely CAN be right. Mine is quite a bit less....400 an hour is a killer burn for me...but I'm only 5'2"...

    hmm I ran 7kms last night which I think is about 4 miles? My garmin read 498 calories burned

    One day I'll be able to run 6 miles....I tend to get hungry hehe

    Hey guys - I survived my longest run ever. All 15 miles. I wasnt sure at mile 9 that I would be able to keep going... I was just soooo tired. I stopped at the Shopko and got more G2 and that little stop was enough time for my leg to really tighten up ... but then I was off again. For no reason at mile 11 I got this feeling like ... I got this... and knew I would finish! At mile 12 when I took the turn for home it was on. Unfortunately the entire last 2 plus miles are uphill... including the 2 largest hills of the whole run. They are at the end of mile 13 and the beginning of mile 14 ... but who cares I did it!

    I burned about 1400 calories for a 10K run ... so yeah I would say that is accurate. I have never had a problem with my BMF being inaccurate ... but then again I was one of those lucky people who was UNDERestimating my burn not overestimating. I will burn about 2500 calories daily before figuring in exercise.

    I am also a huge Fat 2 Fit radio fan ... and I have found that their philosophy is pretty much right on par with my BMF. Had to laugh today, my tan line from training with the BMF was just about gone... until today. 4 hours out in the direct sun at peak suntime = emma got a sunburn and a suntan!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day!

    You're a rock star!!!!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    All this Body Bugg and BMF talk is making me think that I need to get one. I have inexplicably put on a few pounds, I think. I weigh myself every day, just to make sure I'm within my normal range of 148-152. Well, the past week, I've found myself between 152 and 156. I haven't even seen the 140s in the last 6 days. It's making me nervous. I haven't changed anything - in fact, I'm working out more and actually doing much more heavy cardio in the last week than I have in the last 2 months.

    I have just never really wanted to make a big deal of my calories and getting a BMF makes me think I'll just go crazy about it - not to mention, it just doesn't seem like I'll have time to mess with it. And, I just broke another ipod and really want a new one. Not sure the hubs will agree to both. But, if this weight gain keeps going, I'll go crazy with that too, so I don't know what to do.

    With all of that said, I had a GREAT workout day. Spin class this morning - burned 816 cals in 60 minutes. Then, went back to the gym this afternoon for NROLFW for my final workout of stage 2. I'm now stuffed full with my Peanut Butter, Banana, Protein shake. Eating all of these calories back is going to be a struggle tonight!

    It was fun reading about what you all have been up to! Hope the rest of the day treats you well.

    Question for the weekend: If you incorporate a rest day in your week, what does it involve? Are you truly "resting" or just taking down the intensity?
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    hmmm my 'rest' day usually still involves a walk or something non-crazy like my workout days :)

    Occasionally I have a complete rest day and do nothing...absolutely nothing....bliss lol

    Edit: oh, and I've had a look into Bodymedia but here in NZ I'm looking at about $500-$700.....eek
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    I gained weight this month while lifting heavy with the NROLFW, and I tink it was because I was overestimating my calorie burn during the workouts and eating beyond what I needed. I looked at my data for the last several months and the month where I lost the most I averaged 2060 calories in, 368 calories out, for a net of 1695. The last two months, since I was lifting more than doing cardio, my net went up by more than 100 calories.

    I can't comment on the HRM or BMF as I've never used them, and I know this has probably been said a lot -- but have you checked your measurements? Are your clothes fitting better? If you're just starting out lifting heavy, your muscles can retain water with the extra stress being asked of it (to lift), so that can be attributed to the weight gain. Or it could simply be more muscle mass.

    For example, I just started getting back into regular strength training about a month ago as well, and I wasn't seeing any progress weight-wise. However, I take regular measurements (every couple of weeks) to track my progress, and I also apply it to measure my BF%. I find that while I will yo-yo between the same 128-132 lbs. every day, my clothes are fitting much nicer on me lately and my BF% is slowly going down. :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    A rest day for me usually involves the couch, and the remote, and a blanket. With a TDEE of about 1500 and about 3000 calories consumed. And I do it about once a week.
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    Is it weird that my cheat meal was a giant salad at whole foods? Lots of veggies with some yummy add ins like mozzerella cheese, croutons, dried cranberries and some small additions of their pastas and sweet potatoes. Oh, and caesar dressing. I don't want to calculate all the goodness so it's my cheat meal. Just also happens to be healthy - but that's ok. Maybe a little weird, but ok - and heck, I ran 10 miles today so it's all good :)
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I gained weight this month while lifting heavy with the NROLFW, and I tink it was because I was overestimating my calorie burn during the workouts and eating beyond what I needed. I looked at my data for the last several months and the month where I lost the most I averaged 2060 calories in, 368 calories out, for a net of 1695. The last two months, since I was lifting more than doing cardio, my net went up by more than 100 calories.

    I can't comment on the HRM or BMF as I've never used them, and I know this has probably been said a lot -- but have you checked your measurements? Are your clothes fitting better? If you're just starting out lifting heavy, your muscles can retain water with the extra stress being asked of it (to lift), so that can be attributed to the weight gain. Or it could simply be more muscle mass.

    For example, I just started getting back into regular strength training about a month ago as well, and I wasn't seeing any progress weight-wise. However, I take regular measurements (every couple of weeks) to track my progress, and I also apply it to measure my BF%. I find that while I will yo-yo between the same 128-132 lbs. every day, my clothes are fitting much nicer on me lately and my BF% is slowly going down. :)

    Yeah, my measurements are about the same, give or take a few cms. I wouldn't say my clothes are fitting much better, but they aren't tight or anything. I've been heavy lifting for about 12 weeks now, so I think my fluid retention should be under control...but I suppose I could have gained muscle weight, considering I have been doing it for about 3 months. They say roughly a pound/month, don't they?

    My issue too is that I have to consume more sodium than the average person, which I why I think my weight fluctuates so much....but, I don't typically sit in the 150s for very long. GRRR. I hope it works itself out.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Is it weird that my cheat meal was a giant salad at whole foods? Lots of veggies with some yummy add ins like mozzerella cheese, croutons, dried cranberries and some small additions of their pastas and sweet potatoes. Oh, and caesar dressing. I don't want to calculate all the goodness so it's my cheat meal. Just also happens to be healthy - but that's ok. Maybe a little weird, but ok - and heck, I ran 10 miles today so it's all good :)

    That sounds SO good. Whole Foods is so far from here - I crave it all the time! Have you had their land and sea salad? It's SO yummy.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I wish I had a body media to track my actual calories in and out and I've been debating between the BMF and a Fitbit. I gained weight this month while lifting heavy with the NROLFW, and I tink it was because I was overestimating my calorie burn during the workouts and eating beyond what I needed. I looked at my data for the last several months and the month where I lost the most I averaged 2060 calories in, 368 calories out, for a net of 1695. The last two months, since I was lifting more than doing cardio, my net went up by more than 100 calories. I still think I might have the # of calories burned wrong when I do strength training. I know an HRM isn't much use during strength training, but how does the BMF fare?

    I think that the BMF does not work good at all during strength training. At least mine didnt. I used both HRM and BMF and the BMF was way lower, and in fact doesnt pick up alot of the movement if your arms arent really moving all over the place. I did p90x and by the end I would be a soaking mess dripping with sweat and my HR would be way up and the BMF tracks like I was laying down! Also the BMF doesnt track calories in, you just log what you eat in a food diary similar to here. I like the BMF for giving me trends over time, but that being said I havent lost any weight with it in over 8 months :(
    I was actually wondering if it was overestimating my daily burn....
    That being said, I know alot of people have had alot of success with it!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I love how active this thread is!

    @emmaleigh, you are a ROCK STAR. That run was amazing!!! Congrats!

    Fitbit vs BMF: From what I understand Fitbit is nothing more than a pedometer since it senses motion. The BMF actually makes contact with the skin & reads a number of things like skin temp to measure the intensity of your exercise.

    BMF reading for strength training: It seems to measure my calorie burn from lifting just fine. When I log in there's a graph I can expand that shows what I've burned throughout the entire day, & I can see the peaks in the graph for each set. It's pretty cool. It's also very simple...all I really care about is total calories burned in the whole day so I can manage my deficit, & since I wear it around the clock (with the exception of showering, of course) it gives me a great estimate of that. I don't have the display (the watch accessory that gives you instead readings) but on the website I can select intervals on the chart to get an idea of calorie burn for a specific activity. I love it!