<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    As far as calories - people generally know although I am careful about not being super obvious about it. I don't want to be one of those people who is "dieting" and can't eat normally when out with coworkers. It drives me crazy when people say things like "oh you're dieting, you can't have Indian buffet with us right?" Heck yeah I can have Indian buffet (although I kind of went overboard yesterday -i was really stressed about this layoff rumor) -- Its just that I won't have a burger and fries for dinner later, I'll have a salad (or in my case a cup of greek yogurt and some carrots).

    I kind of wish people DIDN'T know because its none of their business what I do with my body, fat OR thin. But I've lost so much now that it became really noticeable. I don't mind telling people what I do (Eat less, exercise more?) when they ask but I don't like to go around talking about it like some kind of health nut. I have you people for that!

    What I do find totally amazing is at least 5 people I know have started calorie counting/journaling because of me and FOUR of them failed to keep it up past a couple days.

    1.) Tameko2, you know that the four that failed to keep it up past a couple days weren't ready for calorie counting, right? It sure is tedious to keep up with logging every thing you eat, but the way I see it is that if you are ready to make that commitment, you will do it. You (i don't mean YOU, I mean in general) also have to find the right system that will fit into your lifestyle. MFP really does make it easy, IMO. But some people, once they try it, aren't ready to see the reality of the food that goes in their mouths. At least you got them interested, and they may revisit the concept when they're ready.

    2.) Something else you mentioned earlier, and I mean this rhetorically... what is "NORMAL"? As in, eat like others normally do? I admit that after beginning calorie counting I got a bit obsessed with it, especially as the weight came off. Mere calories would cause me anxiety if I didn't balance things out by day's end. I don't think like that anymore, but of course I still count calories. Is the normal way of eating out with friends really the ability to pick a menu item and not care about how many calories it is? To eat a sub sandwich without giving the sodium intake a second thought? I think NORMAL to me has to be redefined because now that I have this knowledge of what food can do to my weight/physique/health, and that I have the power to choose what will make me sit on the toilet in a few hours vs. what will fuel my workout, I just can't go back to the normal way of eating without caring. <
    Heavy thoughts, lol!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I have a MFPer who logs cleaning the house as exercise calories, even when it's just mopping the floor - thoughts?

    yah, i have one of those too. I dont get it, and I dont factor stuff like that into my daily activity....
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I have a MFPer who logs cleaning the house as exercise calories, even when it's just mopping the floor - thoughts?
    I've seen that on the site I track my food on, people logging time spent Driving, Sitting, doing Desk Work, etc. And the values are grossly overstated. Just because the entries are there doesn't mean you're really burning that much doing those activities. I can't say it bothers me, but it does make me SMH because if they're eating back those calories they think they burned, they could be eating their way right into maintenance or even weight gain. Then they'll get discouraged & give up. Still...their problem, not mine.

    When I wanted a more accurate idea of what I was burning, I invested in a Bodymedia Fit. Problem solved.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I love all of the different perspectives on weight management, telling people, how people react to you, and the like! It's rather interesting. Jealousy manifests itself in rather bizarre ways!

    Today I am freakin ravenous. I have no clue why. I think maybe weight lifting actually suppresses my appetite. I didn't do weight today, just loads of running and I am so hungry! I am absolutely insatiable.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Ekk. I'm at 3000 for an average this week. NOT on purpose. I had a conference which involved a lot of eating out and drinking. Then I kind of binged last night. Emotional eating. Trying to get back into things today.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I have a MFPer who logs cleaning the house as exercise calories, even when it's just mopping the floor - thoughts?

    yah, i have one of those too. I dont get it, and I dont factor stuff like that into my daily activity....

    I've only done it a couple times, because (confession time) - I don't clean my house that often :blushing: We do the dishes and laundry to stay on top of daily things and try to tidy up the clutter every now and then, but we only CLEAN when we have people over. So last time I logged cleaning, it was because I had dusted and vacuumed the whole house, scrubbed the kitchen and bathrooms, gotten out the steam cleaner to clean some spots out of the carpet, taken out trash and recycling, and totally decluttered every room. On top of cooking for 20 people. So I felt like I totally earned those two hours in my log - I didn't even sit down that day until about 3:30pm!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Love - I think its interesting that some people (me!) find that weight lifting makes them ravenous but they can run and burn like 3x the calories weight lifting does and not be hungry at all, and then on the flip side there are people like you -- and your way makes WAY more sense because running for an hour burns way more calories than strength training.

    Dawn - I find it really tedious too but I want to lose the weight and the only way to do it is to know how much I eat every week. So I just accept that - they need to as well or at the very least SHUT UP about how fat you are and how much you want to lose weight if you aren't going to take action on it.

    Regarding logging house work - I actually have wondered how to deal with logging my weekend days where I am on the go a lot. I mean even if I'm not working out, the act of doing a few loads of laundry, grocery shopping, a trip to target, some clothes shopping, etc burns way more calories than sitting at my desk at work right? But how many more? And no way am I logging all that, I am NOT that bored.

    Lucy - yeah I mean eating like a more or less normal person, for certain definitions of normal. I mean eating like a normal thin person. I have plenty of friends who maintain their weight fine without obsessing over every calorie in their mouth every day. I mean sure they COULD lose 10-15 lbs but they are not overweight - I'm sure you know the type.

    When I go to my favorite Italian place with my coworker, we split an order of fried calamari (oh god so good there) and sometimes we share a margharita pizza or a chicken panini. The panini comes with salad, not fries, and I tend not to eat the whole half pizza because that's a bit too much food for me - we probably eat about a third of it each, recognize that we are full, and stop.

    And then we both go home and have something lighter for dinner and not as salty/fatty. And he maintains and I lose. In fact if he worked out at all - he does zero exercise -he'd be very fit the way he eats. Ditto for my friend that is 5'8 and 124 - she eats all kinds of yummy food

    I consider that NORMAL eating - not stressing about the fact that the calamari is fried or that the whole meal was 800-900 calories. Just ordering what I want to eat when I'm with friends and then having it in moderation, finding someone to share it with, or choosing something a little lighter because I don't want to deal with leftovers.

    Or in his case he might have a whole weekend where they eat and drink and generally take in a lot, and then for the next few days when we go out he eats very lightly, they pick at leftovers or cook a little bit of fish and some vegetables for dinner, etc.

    That's me though - that doesn't have to be everyone's definition of normal. It wasn't normal for me when I was overweight and its not normal eating for overweight people I know, but its normal eating for people who are a healthy weight and didn't have to diet down to it.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    tameko-i think it's actually emotions. Running NEVER makes me hungry. I think it's either emotions or the LACK of weight lifting that has me hungry. I also did intervals...which might be a bit different on my hunger than regular steady state cardio. Interesting though because I feel like a bottomless pit and this is quite rare!

    Interesting point about people eating differently. I personally can't stop eating just because I'm "full" ...I don't really have a strong conception of what full is. If something is unhealthy/fatty then I have a predetermined amount that I'm okay eating but something semi-healthy I will 9 times out of 10 finish the entire thing.

    "normal" varies though IMO...counting calories is far from normal...it's really unnatural actually. It obscures hunger signals and kind of tries to outsmart the body. I maintained my weight just fine until age 19...then developed an eating disorder...now I count because I can't trust my hunger signals. It's funny because I still fit into the same clothes from 6-8 years ago...crazy. The human body can naturally maintain a healthy weight if we just listen to it. But for some people they metabolize food quickly, need to eat frequently, and can eat when hungry/stop when full. others can eat 3 squares and are fine. I find that I need multiple feeding sessions a day...like 6-8 or else I start getting a little sicky--nauseous, hungry.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I need to read back a bit today and catch up, but before I do, I need to RANT!

    I just had this conversation on a thread titled: Skinny People Don't Weigh Themselves. I just can't believe how clueless some people are.

    Here it goes:
    From someone: Skinny people don't weigh themselves because they aren't monitoring their weight...

    ME: Are you kidding? How do you think they got or stay skinny? By monitoring their weight. It's not an accident for most people.

    From Someone Else: What's really interesting is how on a site like this we refer to "people who are of normal weight and have a healthy attitude about food" as "skinny" and that the only way they "got there" was to "diet down" like we're all doing.

    And so to the second quote~ they were born that way, hon. I know it's hard to believe.......

    UGH! Makes me so mad. I responded that I think that some overweight people use the excuse that thin people were born thin to make themselves feel better for being overweight. Not to bash on overweight people - seriously, but it makes me SO mad when all of my @#$* hard work just gets overlooked as a genetic blessing. If I didn't monitor what I ate and worked my *kitten* off, I wouldn't be thin. I realized this when I was 16 years old. Seriously - some people. Sorry, I clearly get heated about this.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Check out my blog for crazy conversation with dumb people

    Tomorrow I am running my first ever 15 miler. I have run 7 half marathons... and last January I ran ONE 14 mile run... Im nervous but I also know that I am capable of doing it!

    I have to be honest ... I am not counting calories this weekend. I am not going crazy ... but Im just not counting. I have major stress with school right now and every minute I spend not running will be spent doing homework!

    But between the run tomorrow and my planned workout for Sunday I will likely come out ok! :)
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    My turn to rant :wink:

    My mum and dad visited today and my mum drove me mad! I'm a useless swimmer and mum said it was because I'm not carrying enough padding. She asked my BMI and was horrified that it was 20. I had to defend calorie counting YET AGAIN.

    I still calorie count because trying to just 'be good' would probably mean I lost weight. My mum doesn't want me to lose any more either, so surely the logical answer would be to support my calorie counting. I had to find ways to sneak in extra calories all day because I was still hungry and I had loads of calories left. My mum and dad both binge (though I never saw it as a child) and so do I, if I don't eat enough for my meals. They talk a lot about weight and healthy eating, but it's like my way HAS to be the wrong way.

    It is frustrating that they're so educated yet don't have a clue!

    End rant!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Check out my blog for crazy conversation with dumb people

    Tomorrow I am running my first ever 15 miler. I have run 7 half marathons... and last January I ran ONE 14 mile run... Im nervous but I also know that I am capable of doing it!

    I have to be honest ... I am not counting calories this weekend. I am not going crazy ... but Im just not counting. I have major stress with school right now and every minute I spend not running will be spent doing homework!

    But between the run tomorrow and my planned workout for Sunday I will likely come out ok! :)

    I love your attitude, although I cannot believe you had to have that conversation. What a ________. As you said, more motivation for running. Your running resume is extensive!! Great job and good luck on your run tomorrow - you are going to do so great. It's all downhill after mile 8!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Check out my blog for crazy conversation with dumb people

    Tomorrow I am running my first ever 15 miler. I have run 7 half marathons... and last January I ran ONE 14 mile run... Im nervous but I also know that I am capable of doing it!

    I have to be honest ... I am not counting calories this weekend. I am not going crazy ... but Im just not counting. I have major stress with school right now and every minute I spend not running will be spent doing homework!

    But between the run tomorrow and my planned workout for Sunday I will likely come out ok! :)

    Awesome job! Good luck on your run tomorrow!!

    Just came back from my run, shouldn't have watched the entire omnibus of "Come Dine with Me" before heading out, got too warm and now I'm Sweaty McSalt-face!!! Mmm running is sexy!!

    Yep there are some conversations that occur on this site that make me mad, I just put it down to different people.
    Oishii - sorry to hear about your parentals! Weight in my family is like currency, your worth is measured by your weight - the less you weigh, the more you're worth. I always know when I see my mother that if she says "OMG you look amazing!" it means I've lost weight, whereas if she says "you're looking good" it means you've gained. *sigh* when i have children I really hope that I don't end up like that!!

    Off to stuff myself with lunch lol and maybe convince hubby to take a walk in the afternoon sun.....
  • ltki
    ltki Posts: 77
    I have been keeping up with this thread since it started and have found it really refreshing to hear from other people who train hard and enjoy eating. I have had a slack week on the exercise this week, only made 3x 1 hours sessions where normally I would have done 6, heading home straight after work to pick up another session. Plus my new Garmin GPS&HRM watch came in the mail yesterday so I cant wait to use it!
    Working on upping my cals after reading this thread and getting better at it each day, its take a hell-of-a-lot-of planning for me to do it as "clean" as possible!!

    Happy weekend to everyone!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Ekk. I'm at 3000 for an average this week. NOT on purpose. I had a conference which involved a lot of eating out and drinking. Then I kind of binged last night. Emotional eating. Trying to get back into things today.

    Me too! Had quite a little binge last night. Yikes. Definitely trying to get everything together today.

    I really am anxious to start NROLFW, but I wanted to do the workouts on M, W, F because that works better with my schedule, but I'm so tempted to start today, I'm just that excited. If I dont start today, I gotta think of a workout for today and tomorrow.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    scarlet...do some intervals and abs. Or do full body today since you could always take a break from strength and be ready by Monday.

    Okay...so good morning ladies. Doing a shorter run on my long run day because I have to be at the train station at 8:15 this morning. I am going to a wedding (my cousin) and I'm kinds unexcited....the food at those events always seems unappealing. I am packing some snacks so that I don't starve. I'm aiming for 2000 calories even today. An 8 miles run gives me a total daily burn of 1950....I might do abs for 10 mins to make it an even 2000. of course my food today will be all estimations because it's catered food.

    So...that's my day. Any fun weekend plans for all of you?
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I wrote myself a little workout plan for the day. It should make me feel better I think. Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful sunny day so I will probably run in the morning and do some yoga in the afternoon. Then NROLFW on Monday!


    50 Jumping Jacks
    1x5 Pull Ups
    60 s. Wall Sit
    4 minute Tabata Interval: Burpees with Push-Up
    25 Jump Squats
    60 s. Plank
    25 Jump Lunges
    1x5 Pull Ups
    4 minute Tabata Interval: Jump Rope
    10 Push Ups
    50 Jumping Jacks
    30 s. Side Plank with Leg Raise
    Plie Squat Pulses
    25 Dips
    25 Double Leg Lifts
    60 s. Wall Sit

    Cool Down

    Fun weekend plans? Nope, I took my car to get its snow tires. Haha not fun at all.
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I have a MFPer who logs cleaning the house as exercise calories, even when it's just mopping the floor - thoughts?

    yah, i have one of those too. I dont get it, and I dont factor stuff like that into my daily activity....

    I've only done it a couple times, because (confession time) - I don't clean my house that often :blushing: We do the dishes and laundry to stay on top of daily things and try to tidy up the clutter every now and then, but we only CLEAN when we have people over. So last time I logged cleaning, it was because I had dusted and vacuumed the whole house, scrubbed the kitchen and bathrooms, gotten out the steam cleaner to clean some spots out of the carpet, taken out trash and recycling, and totally decluttered every room. On top of cooking for 20 people. So I felt like I totally earned those two hours in my log - I didn't even sit down that day until about 3:30pm!

    Yup, I am the same way, when I clean, I really clean, like for 2-3 hours, hard scrubbing, rubbing, pushing and pulling, so I log it and sometimes it is my "formal" exercise for the day depending on what my day is like.
    I do not, however, log the sporadic vacuuming, washing or any of that I do during the normal day, that is just part of my activity level.
    What is extra/above and beyond for one person may not be for another. I try to only log those things that are "above" my activity level, BUT, I don't like to have too large of a deficit between activity level and what I am eating, so some days it makes sense to log extra activities.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I have been lurking around this thread for a while....
    My profile pic is from my highest weight, and it is time to change it! I am almost at my original goal of 175!
    I work out running stadiums and speed walking 3-4 times a week, kayak for at least 2 hours most Sundays, do a lot of housework, and if I can't work out I hop on the elliptical. I consistently eat about 2000 cals or more -- and am netting about 1600-1900 depending on my workout. We are really clean eaters here and do a lot of veggies!
    What is crazy-- the week of 10/17 -1021 I had to skip a few workouts, and then this past week got back into it, but also ate a wee bit more...
    The scale is moving!!! I was down to 178.5 this morning and was180 yesterday morning after a month long plateau of 183-185. I logged as 180 in case the 178.5 is a fluke.
    It has been fun creeping around your thread!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I have been lurking around this thread for a while....
    My profile pic is from my highest weight, and it is time to change it! I am almost at my original goal of 175!
    I work out running stadiums and speed walking 3-4 times a week, kayak for at least 2 hours most Sundays, do a lot of housework, and if I can't work out I hop on the elliptical. I consistently eat about 2000 cals or more -- and am netting about 1600-1900 depending on my workout. We are really clean eaters here and do a lot of veggies!
    What is crazy-- the week of 10/17 -1021 I had to skip a few workouts, and then this past week got back into it, but also ate a wee bit more...
    The scale is moving!!! I was down to 178.5 this morning and was180 yesterday morning after a month long plateau of 183-185. I logged as 180 in case the 178.5 is a fluke.
    It has been fun creeping around your thread!

    WELCOME!! So glad to have you! yay for breaking through plateaus by simply fueling your body! Thats fantastic.