<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I wrote myself a little workout plan for the day. It should make me feel better I think. Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful sunny day so I will probably run in the morning and do some yoga in the afternoon. Then NROLFW on Monday!


    50 Jumping Jacks
    1x5 Pull Ups
    60 s. Wall Sit
    4 minute Tabata Interval: Burpees with Push-Up
    25 Jump Squats
    60 s. Plank
    25 Jump Lunges
    1x5 Pull Ups
    4 minute Tabata Interval: Jump Rope
    10 Push Ups
    50 Jumping Jacks
    30 s. Side Plank with Leg Raise
    Plie Squat Pulses
    25 Dips
    25 Double Leg Lifts
    60 s. Wall Sit

    Cool Down

    Fun weekend plans? Nope, I took my car to get its snow tires. Haha not fun at all.

    wow...awesome. that's serious. do you like print it out or have your computer open to remember what comes next?
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    I joined this group because I had hit a 4 wk plateau and was starving on 1200 calories while trying to workout (1/2marathon training and 30DS). I would end up having mini binges because I was so hungry and then feel guilty. That feeling was the very reason I started with MFP. I was tired of starting the day with the intention of "being good" and then losing it by the end of the night. It was hard to start looking at the calorie content of what I was actually eating but at the same time it's now more peaceful for me.
    Finally after 4 weeks of not losing anything and feeling deprived everyday, I found this group. I upped my calories on the site to 1500 and then aimed to eat back my exercise calories to at least 2000. I feel better!!!! Over the last 2 1/2 weeks I ended up losing 4lbs. And I didn't starve myself!! I ate out at the Cheesecake Factory, had birthday cake and ate a lot of great healthy food. I can live like this. It gives me wiggle room to splurge and the ability to eat sane good food on an average day. I have about 10-12 more pounds to lose but if I feel mentally happy, I don't care if it takes 3 to 4 months. Just want to workout and feel good.
    Glad there is a place to EAT, EXERCISE and ENJOY LIFE without restricting like a crazy person!
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member

    Stats: 5'8"
    Goal weight: 143

    1 month ago: Weight: 157-159. Average calories 1400-1600. Running 35 miles per week. Not losing
    Took a 2 week diet break eating 2500 - 3000 calories (a little above maintenance level with eating exercise calories)
    Last saturday weigh in: 160.8
    Monday, started deficit again - this time only half a pound a week: Net goal-1740. Average calories this week: 2200 - 2600 with exercise calories.
    Weigh in today - 156.0!!!!!!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE eating more! So happy today. Off for my long run (10 miles today) before it snows :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    olivia..awesome job! that is really inspiring. Wow, it's snowing there already? How do you bundle up to run in the cold? I usually run indoors. It's easier to convince myself to do it if I don't have to worry about the weather/elements. LOL. Are you still running 35 miles per week. With a 10 miler on the weekend...that's 25 miles divided amongst 5-6 days? So 5 miles, 5x a week and 10 miles 1x a week? What other sorts of workouts do you do?

    calcon...so happy to have you on board. Glad that this is really working for you. It can be so discouraging to try and try to lose weight with starvation...setting ourselves up for failure really....those mini binges are our body shouting at us to eat more. Glad you're listening to your body and the weight is coming off. It's not urgent to lose the weight, you're healthy, fit, and making LIFESTYLE changes...the people who are trying to do too much often fall into the yo-yo cycle.
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    olivia..awesome job! that is really inspiring. Wow, it's snowing there already? How do you bundle up to run in the cold? I usually run indoors. It's easier to convince myself to do it if I don't have to worry about the weather/elements. LOL. Are you still running 35 miles per week. With a 10 miler on the weekend...that's 25 miles divided amongst 5-6 days? So 5 miles, 5x a week and 10 miles 1x a week? What other sorts of workouts do you do?

    Thanks! We're supposed to get a noreaster tonight - 3-5 inches!!! Gotta love boston weather. I really don't have trouble staying warm running so far - yesterday it was 32. I need to get some mittens though - my hands get really cold, even with the gloves. I think mittens will be better.

    I actually amped up my running this week a little - it's been 2 weeks since my half marathon and i just signed up for my first marathon at the end of June, so i want to slowly increase my miles to about 50 per week before I start training for it. This was my workout plan this week:
    Monday - 7 miles, easy pace
    Tuesday - 1 mile warm up, 4x 100 meter sprints, 100 meter jog; 4x 200 meter sprints, 200 meter jog; 4x 100 meter sprints, 100 meter jog; 1 mile cool down jog = 4 miles all together.
    Wednesday - 7 miles, easy
    Thursday - Hills: .5 mile up, .5 mile down (8 times) with warm up and cool down was about 5.23 miles
    Friday - 5 miles - was supposed to be a tempo run, but I had to slow down some to avoid icy patches.
    Saturday - 10 miles
    Sunday - off.

    So... 38 miles total.

    The hills were AMAZING. Quite a workout. I was starving all day after it, but it was an incredible addition to my workout regime. I really want to improve my speed and I think this will help a lot.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Olivia...that is an awesome running schedule! do you do any strength training in addition to your runs? I'm a treadmill runner but generally log about 60 miles a week lately. I want to do a 1/2 marathon in the spring.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I wrote myself a little workout plan for the day. It should make me feel better I think. Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful sunny day so I will probably run in the morning and do some yoga in the afternoon. Then NROLFW on Monday!


    50 Jumping Jacks
    1x5 Pull Ups
    60 s. Wall Sit
    4 minute Tabata Interval: Burpees with Push-Up
    25 Jump Squats
    60 s. Plank
    25 Jump Lunges
    1x5 Pull Ups
    4 minute Tabata Interval: Jump Rope
    10 Push Ups
    50 Jumping Jacks
    30 s. Side Plank with Leg Raise
    Plie Squat Pulses
    25 Dips
    25 Double Leg Lifts
    60 s. Wall Sit

    Cool Down

    Fun weekend plans? Nope, I took my car to get its snow tires. Haha not fun at all.

    wow...awesome. that's serious. do you like print it out or have your computer open to remember what comes next?

    I'm a nerd and have a little notebook where I write down my random workouts, keep track of reps/weights, times, etc. Sometimes I go back and re-do workouts to see if I can beat my results from last time. Keeps me competitive with myself.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I have my scheduled workouts set up as recurring tasks in my Blackberry so they pop up on whatever day I do them. Details of the exercises & the resp/weight from last time are in the tasks & I always try to beat it too (progressive overload). Between sets while I'm resting I just slip it out of my armband & update the numbers.

    You're not the only nerd...I have a gigantic spreadsheet that tracks all kind of daily stats. Weight, measurements, calories in/out, running details, lifting details, etc.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Olivia...that is an awesome running schedule! do you do any strength training in addition to your runs? I'm a treadmill runner but generally log about 60 miles a week lately. I want to do a 1/2 marathon in the spring.

    Holy wow! Y'all are making me look bad; I don't even run like that when I am training. :laugh: I have another half marathon in 2 weeks...it will be #7. Looking forward to it because it will be an awesome race...but also my last one for the year. So looking forward to my down time!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    Does your family know you count calories? Friends? I mentioned it to someone and they looked at me as if I had 3 heads. LOL. I don't walk around shouting it from the rooftops and I guess I try to "conceal" it to some degree because I feel judged because of it since I'm "thin" and it's seen as diety

    yes people know...and they look at me like I have 3 heads...
    Most say WHY?!?!?!?
    Some say "Be careful or you'll end up anorexic"

    But most people don't understand. I do it for 2 reasons.
    1. Yes, I KNOW I'm not fat, you don't have to tell me. But I gained 20 pounds since turning 30 and it took counting to take it off....I keep counting to make sure it doesn't come back.
    2. A LOT of days I am SO busy that I just don't eat. I want to make sure I eat enough, and counting ensures that I don't go to bed with less than 1000 calories in me, which is easy to do when you work a 14 hour day on your feet with no breaks and just go home and crash after.

    So I wear my bodymedia and count what I eat to make sure the numbers are fairly close each day, or at least average out weekly...

    About the bodymedia: it does improve its accuracy after time. It "gets used to" you and learns your body. Also, keep in mind that it DOES include calories for the time it is off-body. It uses an average of your cal per minute. This also improves over time as it gets to know your average cal per minute better. Mine is 1.4.
    you may have noticed that the first time you put it on it already said you had a burn for that day..it used your height and weight to average out what it thinks you may have burned since midnight...

    LoveForFitness - thank you for starting that healthy recipe thread!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    emmaleigh47 - I love your blog! I hate stupid people. A nurse seriously told you that running is bad for you?:noway: What a dumbass....

    I had the worst day yesterday. I woke up in a funk, and decided to empty the kitchen of all junk food. (by eating it, not throwing it away....let's make that clear...lol). I decided I was not going to log anything and just lay on the couch and eat crap. It probably totaled about 3000 for the day with zero nutritional value whatsoever.

    Whatever. It's out of my system now, and I am not beating myself up over it, nor do i feel ANY desire to eat junk today.

    I would love it if you ladies would friend me. I need more people who eat and don't feel guilty doing it.
  • olivia3263
    olivia3263 Posts: 263 Member
    Olivia...that is an awesome running schedule! do you do any strength training in addition to your runs? I'm a treadmill runner but generally log about 60 miles a week lately. I want to do a 1/2 marathon in the spring.

    I just got back from my run - I was so amped from my loss I ran extra hard today - 10.1 miles in 1 hr 27 min. (8:36 pace) - woo hoo! I LOVE running. There were quite a few people out there running in costume too - lots of guys in long curly haired wigs - made for some interesting scenery. I've been trying to wean myself off of running with headphones. I went with no iphone today - just me and my breathing - I think I actually prefer running without music. I thought it was going to be impossible, but I actually like it :)

    To answer your question: I sometimes do yoga on my day off (sundays) and I always do some free weights on tuesdays (sprint days) with my upper body. I tend to build muscle very easily, and running really takes care of my lower half (especially those hills).

    60 miles a week is surely impressive. I think 50 is my limit if I only run once a day. In march my work load is going to lighten up a bit so I might start doing twice a day workouts to train for my marathon to increase mileage. Right now I work around 50 - 60 hours a week - get up at 5 to run before work everyday, get to work by 8. Get home at 6 (sometimes 8) and try to be in bed by 9:30/10. I would surely be insane if I tried to fit in another run - haha.

    You should definitely do the half marathon in the spring! Man, I thought i was addicted to running before the race, but that half marathon just sealed the deal for me. I'm so excited about the marathon in June - it's in Hawaii!!!! Going to go there for the race and then stay a week (and it's the week right before my birthday). I can't wait!
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    I had the worst day yesterday. I woke up in a funk, and decided to empty the kitchen of all junk food. (by eating it, not throwing it away....let's make that clear...lol). I decided I was not going to log anything and just lay on the couch and eat crap. It probably totaled about 3000 for the day with zero nutritional value whatsoever.

    Whatever. It's out of my system now, and I am not beating myself up over it, nor do i feel ANY desire to eat junk today.

    You have to have this kind of day once in a while! It's vital to take a mental health day!! I'm glad you're not hard on yourself about it!

    My husband and I had a company-paid dinner last night at a pricey restaurant and there was no way I was going to worry about calories! I was over in every category but I don't regret it at all! In fact, I had more energy today during my workout!
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    Hello everyone!,

    So, my older kids saw me come downstairs in my workout clothes today and whined," Why do you have to exercise every day?"
    I said," Because it makes me feel great. Why don't you do it with me?"

    Well, surprisingly, they did! I did Turbo Fire 30/10, which they did half of. Then I did a TF HIIT 20 and they did the whole thing with me!! They LOVED it!

    My 11 yr old son couldn't stop mentioning how good he felt!! I had so much fun doing it with them!!

    For once, maybe they think Mom actually knows something!!

    I love reading this thread!! I am so motivated by all of your examples, struggles, and victories! Keep them coming!
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Morning ladies!
    Robin-sorry about your funk but I'm glad you are feeling better today. Thanks for the info on the bodymedia. You answered a couple questions that I was going to ask. I did notice right when I put it on that it said I had burned 550cals walking from my office to the car, lol! Now I understand why.

    @Olivia-Wow you are fast! I am super slow. Trying to work on my speed but I don't think I could ever be that fast. I can't run that many days in a row either....I would end up lame! I have to be careful because I end up with sore hips. But in my defense I think I'm the only one over 40 on here! All those years of abusing my body has caught up with me....

    Long run today. Weather is perfect but I felt a little blah and didn't feel great the whole way so I was a bit slower than I had planned but I finished. I have a half at the end of January (Tinkerbell in CA) and was thinking about doing the one here that is two weeks before that one (PF Changs RNR). so that would be two 1/2 marathons in two weeks. Do you think I should try it? It would give me about a week to recover in between. I have done 6 so far. Usually two a year.

    BodyMedia says I burned around 800 cals for 6 miles. Can this be right? I am slow so it took me about 1hr 10minutes. If it is right then I have been under calculating my running burn.

    Do my family and friends know? Yes, pretty much. My family just looks at me weird when I say something like "I don't want to eat that...that's all my calories for the day". And my two really good friends think that HCG diet is the answer so we don't talk about it or we will argue, lol!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Morning ladies!
    Robin-sorry about your funk but I'm glad you are feeling better today. Thanks for the info on the bodymedia. You answered a couple questions that I was going to ask. I did notice right when I put it on that it said I had burned 550cals walking from my office to the car, lol! Now I understand why.

    @Olivia-Wow you are fast! I am super slow. Trying to work on my speed but I don't think I could ever be that fast. I can't run that many days in a row either....I would end up lame! I have to be careful because I end up with sore hips. But in my defense I think I'm the only one over 40 on here! All those years of abusing my body has caught up with me....

    Long run today. Weather is perfect but I felt a little blah and didn't feel great the whole way so I was a bit slower than I had planned but I finished. I have a half at the end of January (Tinkerbell in CA) and was thinking about doing the one here that is two weeks
    before that one (PF Changs RNR). so that would be two 1/2 marathons in two weeks. Do you think I should try it? It would give me about a week to recover in between. I have done 6 so far. Usually two a year.

    BodyMedia says I burned around 800 cals for 6 miles. Can this be right? I am slow so it took me about 1hr 10minutes. If it is right
    then I have been under calculating my running burn.

    Do my family and friends know? Yes, pretty much. My family just looks at me weird when I say something like "I don't want to eat that...that's all my calories for the day". And my two really good friends think that HCG diet is the answer so we don't talk about it or
    we will argue, lol!

    First of all, you are not the only one over 40, I am 41 :D
    Second, I am a super slow runner and that burn sounds like it is right on track, I can usually count on about 100 Cals per 10 minutes of running. The faster I go out in the beginning, the more I burn overall. I try to get my burn per minute up above 10 by sprinting right away and then it stays there no matter what speed I settle at!
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks Jomatho! I will try that next time. Glad I'm not the only over 40 chick!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I'm so glad we have this post.

    There is someone asking for 200 calorie MEAL ideas.....
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Thanks Jomatho! I will try that next time. Glad I'm not the only over 40 chick!
    2 months and 2 days til the big 40 here!!!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I'm so glad we have this post.

    There is someone asking for 200 calorie MEAL ideas.....

    200 calories is a small snack.