<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I have a few questions for you guys.

    Do you have your diaries open? Why or why not?

    Do you look at other's diaries? Why or why not?

    I have mine open, but didn't initially. At first I didn't want people making opinions about the food I ate and thought it was none of their business, but then thought, what do I have to hide? Nothing, it's just food, everyone eats, no biggie. I do have days that I am not as proud of as others, so I think that when someone looks, they may not see the bigger picture that I know is happening, kwim?

    I personally don't usually look at other people's diaries, I just think we all like such different foods, I may get a few ideas, but what one person thinks sounds good, I may not. I do think it is easier to pick out problems in someone else's diet then your own though because your own diary gets so familiar looking day after day.
    What do you guys think?

    ETA: you know the more I think about this, I think I avoid hitting the "complete this entry" button at the end of the day because I don't want it to show up in the updates, lol. I think I am trying to avoid showing how much I eat to my low cal/carb friends? Maybe I should just hide it again. Interested you hear your takes on this.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hi everyone :flowerforyou:

    So nice to see a group of other women who are incredibly active and also EAT! A little about me...I am 5'8, weigh 145ish (yay for fluctuation), and am a distance runner who also does P90X. This is actually my second attempt at it, as I got frustrated during the first round with my lack of results...likely due to not eating enough. My calorie totals vary by day, but I try not to go any lower than 1800 on easy/active rest days. Other days, depending on whether I am lifting, running, or both I shoot for 2000-2400.

    Look forward to talking to you!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I have a few questions for you guys.

    Do you have your diaries open? Why or why not?

    Do you look at other's diaries? Why or why not?

    Mine is open so my friends can see it, but not the general MFP public. I leave it open because I really don't have anything to hide. People are going to judge you for one thing or another...who cares. Most days I eat pretty good but there are the occasional days where I am craving something salty or crunchy or whatever and it's processed food that hits the spot. We're all human and I don't claim to eat "clean" so it is what it is. Now, I leave it open in case I do have questions about stalls/gains/whatever and people can check it out and tell me what they think might be causing it. Maybe they're right, maybe not...but really, it all boils down to I just don't care what someone else thinks about my choice in foods. :o) And, I don't want to contribute to any unhealthy relationship with food I may have had in the past (like hiding that I ate something because I know it was bad).

    I do look at other diaries every so often. Not very often but sometimes...to get some new ideas or see how other people (who are successful) are combining foods and snacks. :o)

    Also, I think you can set up your feed so that when you complete your food diary, you can hit that button but the "news" won't show up on everyone's feeds. It's in the settings somewhere, I think? I get tired of seeing all the posts showing who is friends with who...so I removed that from my feed so that when I pick up a new MFP friend, my whole MFP friend world doesn't see it on their feeds (I kinda wish others would do the same so my home page wouldn't be riddled with those posts). ;o)
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Well ladies I took the plunge today and enrolled for 2012 into a nutrition bridging course here at Uni. First step to a Masters! Eek! Decided that I've taken charge of my life in so many areas, it was about time I did so in my career too!

    As they say "a year from now you will have wished you started today"


    This is AWESOME! Good for you. I'm still trying to "study" for the math placement test. Yes, I am that terrible at math. I really only cared to learn it to pass the class, then forget it. But, for a nutritional sciences degree, I need it, and I want to make sure I don't waste money on a really low level math class if I don't need to. Anyway, so glad to hear you enrolled!!
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I have a few questions for you guys.

    Do you have your diaries open? Why or why not?

    Do you look at other's diaries? Why or why not?

    I have mine open to my friends. I used to have it open to the public, but I feel like if people go back and look through my diary and see that it looks like there are weeks where I'm way under or way over, they will be confused. I've changed my calorie goals so much over the past few months to try and break through this plateau, but my friends are really the only ones who care what it looks like anyway. :smile:

    I look at other diaries all the time! Especially my friends' diaries. I love to look at what people are eating. :flowerforyou:
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member

    Do you have your diaries open? Why or why not?

    Do you look at other's diaries? Why or why not?

    Yes, my food diary is open. I don't care who sees what I eat.

    Yes, I look at other's diaries, when I have the time. I like to get food ideas because my knowledge of food, nutrition and recipes is growing. I'm not a good cook; unfortunately, I hate cooking. Seeing other people's meals inspires me. I rarely comment on an mfp friend's food choices because it is THEIR food choice, not mine. I assume that people keep their diary closed because they don't want others commenting on their choices, especially their poor choices. In actuality, it can be helpful to open it because a fresh pair of eyes can spot trends in one's diet, either helpful or harmful.

    If you keep your diary private, that's fine, but it really makes it harder for me to offer support on just one's exercise posts alone. Food and exercise seem to go hand in hand around here.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I don't have my diary open...that's because I just find my food choices kinda personal/private. I don't want people to use my choices as "gospel" because I know I'm not perfect but it doesn't mean that I cannot identify problems with my own/others' eating.

    I could open it, I've thought about it. I just don't know..I hesitate to open it because I don't want my every move under scrutiny. I also hate it that people see my workout update and say "wow, 3 hours!" ....no, it's not 3 hours. It includes walking, meaningful cleaning, etc. So it's misleading.

    I look at others' journals to see how many calories they eat and whether or not they are engaging in healthy weight loss. If not I usually unfriend them. Thats my only real reason for looking. I don't like when people are being unhealthy and down the path to develop eating disorders so I remove them.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    My food diary is open, but I don't log in it at the moment. Logging was making me an obsessive, crazy person, so I stopped.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hi everyone :flowerforyou:

    So nice to see a group of other women who are incredibly active and also EAT! A little about me...I am 5'8, weigh 145ish (yay for fluctuation), and am a distance runner who also does P90X. This is actually my second attempt at it, as I got frustrated during the first round with my lack of results...likely due to not eating enough. My calorie totals vary by day, but I try not to go any lower than 1800 on easy/active rest days. Other days, depending on whether I am lifting, running, or both I shoot for 2000-2400.

    Look forward to talking to you!

    wELCOME!! I am 5'8" as well and I am also doing p90x for the second time, and run on cardio days instead of plyo/kenpo. I am wondering if you net 2000-2400 of your total daily intake is 2000-2400??? I didnt have any results after a full 12 weeks doing round 1 of p90x, although I felt stronger my weight and measurements are essentially the same. I am in week 5 of second round. I am 164ish and my goal is 148, but I have been fluctuating 162-166 for the past 8 mos!!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I have a few questions for you guys.

    Do you have your diaries open? Why or why not?

    Do you look at other's diaries? Why or why not?

    My diary is open to friends, and I dont care if they look or not. If they dont like what they see, too bad. I have a bodymedia and usually track there so i dont even track here all the time, although lately I have been tracking here.

    I will occasionally look at someones diary if they are asking for advice, or if someone is close to my goals and is having success, but I dont go in regularly just because I see the post on my wall that says "so and so is below their intake..."
    i will also check out someones diary if they are trying low carb/high protein or something along that line just to see what they are eating. I have never commented on someone elses diary unless they asked for a critique.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hi everyone :flowerforyou:

    So nice to see a group of other women who are incredibly active and also EAT! A little about me...I am 5'8, weigh 145ish (yay for fluctuation), and am a distance runner who also does P90X. This is actually my second attempt at it, as I got frustrated during the first round with my lack of results...likely due to not eating enough. My calorie totals vary by day, but I try not to go any lower than 1800 on easy/active rest days. Other days, depending on whether I am lifting, running, or both I shoot for 2000-2400.

    Look forward to talking to you!

    wELCOME!! I am 5'8" as well and I am also doing p90x for the second time, and run on cardio days instead of plyo/kenpo. I am wondering if you net 2000-2400 of your total daily intake is 2000-2400??? I didnt have any results after a full 12 weeks doing round 1 of p90x, although I felt stronger my weight and measurements are essentially the same. I am in week 5 of second round. I am 164ish and my goal is 148, but I have been fluctuating 162-166 for the past 8 mos!!

    I wear a BodyBugg, so I pretty much shoot for those amounts as a total. But then again, I have my MFP settings to very active so I don't account for exercise cals...I just eat. Yesterday for example, I did Plyometrics and ran. My BB said that I burned about 2800 for the day, and I ate somewhere around 2200.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    My food diary is open, but I don't log in it at the moment. Logging was making me an obsessive, crazy person, so I stopped.

    This is me. Although, when I'm having a real "snacky' day, I will sit down and log just to make sure it doesn't get out of hand and I all of a sudden find myself at 2,600 cals.

    I just realized that my food diary was closed the other day, so I opened it to friends. I really don't log consistently, but I don't care if they see what I eat. I actually want people to know that I eat a lot while maintaining a very healthy weight....but then again, I don't actually have a lot of friends so I doubt many people are even looking at my diary!

    I look at my friend's diaries sometimes - especially when it says, "under their calorie goal". I'm just curious how far under they were. Another calorie issue that bothers me here, is that I think people are so obsessed with seeing "under their calorie goal" that they nitpick down to -1 calories for the day just so they can be rewarded by this meaningless phrase.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    My diary is open to friends, and I dont care if they look or not. If they dont like what they see, too bad. I have a bodymedia and usually track there so i dont even track here all the time, although lately I have been tracking here.

    I will occasionally look at someones diary if they are asking for advice, or if someone is close to my goals and is having success, but I dont go in regularly just because I see the post on my wall that says "so and so is below their intake..."
    i will also check out someones diary if they are trying low carb/high protein or something along that line just to see what they are eating. I have never commented on someone elses diary unless they asked for a critique.

    ^^This is also how I think, too. But I don't have the bodymedia [yet].
    I don't comment on someone else's diary unless they ask for a critique, or unless I've gotten comfy with the person and it's a give and take.

    ETA: I posted about the 1200 calorie eaters earlier (page 9, I think) and I was lamenting over how little calories they eat. I thought about dropping them from my friend list because, like many, I don't want to surround myself with unhealthy eaters or people on the road to eating disorders. Everyone's certainly entitled to tailor their list to people that are like-minded and able to support them back. I love that kind of energy, like the kind of energy here.

    But maybe some of those poor-choice eaters could benefit from a good example. They may not be ready right now to see it, but it could get some wheels turning. It's not my job to turn everyone into a believer of eating 2000+ calories or to make healthy food choices, since I don't always make the healthiest ones either. I decided NOT to un-friend the 1200 calorie-and-less eater on my list because hey, she can always un-friend ME if she's sick of hearing how much I ate. Sure enough, today on her status I saw: I am going to try really hard to reach my calorie goal today! Maybe she will, maybe she won't. But it's a good attitude.
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Maybe we could have a recipe thread? "Healthy and nutritious food for active people" or something?

    Anyway, I need your help!! I have a PUMPKIN sitting in my kitchen! What on earth do I do with a pumpkin?? I've never prepared one before... (I know I can google, but I don't even know if I need to peel the thing or not, and what is inside it and can I eat all of it??

  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Maybe we could have a recipe thread? "Healthy and nutritious food for active people" or something?

    Anyway, I need your help!! I have a PUMPKIN sitting in my kitchen! What on earth do I do with a pumpkin?? I've never prepared one before... (I know I can google, but I don't even know if I need to peel the thing or not, and what is inside it and can I eat all of it??


    GREAT idea on the recipe thread.
    Now for the pumpkin: Make your own pumpkin puree! All you have to do is cut the pumpkin in quarters (carefully!). Scoop out the seeds and the stringy stuff. Put on a baking pan, flesh side up. Add a little water to the pan. Roast at 350 degrees for 70-90 minutes. Take out of oven, let cool and then scoop out flesh with a spoon and put in food processor until smooth. If you don't have a processor, use a blender or immersion blender.

    Then, make this: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2011/10/crockpot-turkey-white-bean-pumpkin.html
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Maybe we could have a recipe thread? "Healthy and nutritious food for active people" or something?

    Anyway, I need your help!! I have a PUMPKIN sitting in my kitchen! What on earth do I do with a pumpkin?? I've never prepared one before... (I know I can google, but I don't even know if I need to peel the thing or not, and what is inside it and can I eat all of it??


    I love the idea of a recipe thread, but I'm useless as far as knowing how to prepare a pumpkin. LOL. I only ever use the canned stuff.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Wow, I was gone from the forums for a few days and this thread rolled and is already up to 11 pages :-) So I'm just commenting to get it into my topics.

    Had an off day Saturday - logged "breakfast" and "lunch" from my trip to a Mud Run (5K) and a rough estimate of the cals, but then we went to a Brazilian Steakhouse and I have no idea how much meat I ate. So I gave up trying to log for that day. Sunday was a total rest day and then I've been at 1700-1900 the past two days.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    MFP never told me to eat 1200 calories - the lowest it ever put me was 1440 and 1440 was the point at which I said "that's it" and upped my cals by dropping my goal to .5lb/week.

    As far as open diaries or eating junk - I have an open diary to friends (add me if you like) and I eat junk food fairly often (a few times a week for sure). I suspect that the reason my diary completes get like 3 "good jobs" and some of my friends get 30 is because I eat junk by a lot of dieters standards. But for me I am a) satisfied when I eat b) make a conscientious effort to order veggies or fruit as a side instead of mashed potatoes/chips/fries and c) I am eating the way I plan to eat the rest of my life, which is NORMALLY. I don't have to order my veggies with no butter or my salad with fat free dressing (I don't use all the dressing anyway but a tablespoon of most dressings is like 50 calories, whoopdeefreakingdoo).

    BUT because I eat more than 1200 calories I can have BOTH junk AND nutritious food. I had a mini snickers 2 days in a row (my coworker brought candy) and that's FINE because I also had things like vegetable soup with sausage, dark leafy salad, etc etc.

    I do look at people's diaries and (I think I said this already) I praise them based on the person, not the diary. If I know the person is having a hrd time logging every dya then I will tell them "Good job for logging" no matter what is in there. But if I know someone is trying to eat more fruits and veggies I might say "hey what happened to the veggies" if there aren't any on their diary.

    By the way I would love a recipe thread that is nutritious but not DIET food - I don't *need* 200 calorie meals so those recipes just annoy me.
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I'm totally in for a recipe thread. I love to cook, but most of my recipes wouldn't fly for a lot of people on this site, too much real food in them, too many calories, etc. Haha