<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    how do i put a hyperlink in?

    you can't
    only MFP threads and such show up blue, they have it blocked so external links don't.
    But everyone knows how to copy/paste so it's all good. :wink:

    Confession: Yesterday I ate about 900 over TDEE:ohwell: and it was all crap.
    But I did pick things up and put them down for the first time in a month...
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    It was my birthday yesterday and my eating went a bit weird.

    Had a big, two slice of (homemade, kind of healthy) cake, breakfast and went to London for the day. Ate at a lovely pan-Asian restaurant for lunch: 4 perfectly cooked scallops on a bed of sushi rice with bits in. Had a decidedly mediocre chocolate mousse cake in a cafe, which I shared with dh and ds, then a pesto, mozzarella, tomato baguette from the station on the way home.

    By my calculations, that all came out to around 1875, so I would normally still be hungry. We had walked all day, including the 193 steps they tell you not to climb at Covent Garden tube station ( made me feel pretty fit :happy:), so it wasn't lack of exercise... I just wasn't at all hungry any more.

    I ate a fig just before bed and it REALLY hurt my mouth, so I gave up on eating for the day. I don't want my body to readjust to lower calories, so I don't want days like that too often!

    I pre-plan for things like take-aways and Pizza Hut, so that I'm sensible during the day.

    Love all the traffic on this thread!
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    Today I will be worknig out longer so I can drink more wine tonight!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I've been bad this week, eating way under 2000 calories. Work has been super crazy, so I've been working early and late without much time to eat or snack. I calculated I was probably only taking in 1500-1600 calories plus working out. No wonder I was hungry and grumpy. I'm gonna try to remedy this starting today. Operation eat more food commence!
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Morning all (well it is morning here, anyway. :wink: )
    Cycled the 16 miles to work this morning. MFP says I can have 2003 calories today. Mustn't forget those 3!! :laugh:

    The Pilates class was "interesting" in that we just sat on the floor and the instructor talked... well she wanted us to say a bit about ourselves, too. She's very big on doing everything with the right technique, so this 6-week beginners course is all about that. So next week we get to do something! I did go to the gym beforehand. I'm quite surprised that I'm not sore this morning as it is a while since I did weights. I need to get a notebook and keep a record of what weights I do, rather than just wandering about and picking any machines that are free!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    It was my birthday yesterday

    oh! happy birthday darlin'! :smooched:
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Oh, and my thoughts on the questions asked earlier - I'm also in the fortunate position of never having been overweight, but I'm now a lot more active than I was when I was younger. And at 5' 7" I'm tall-ish. If I'm training hard then I do take one rest day a week - otherwise I'll at least use my folding bike for 20 minutes or so in order to do a bike-train-bike commute. That doesn't burn many calories, though!! (OT, but this IMHO is one of the reasons cycling is so good - it is exercise, but you can also use it to go from A to B to do something else.)

    Edited to add: I guess I like this group because I can post that I cycled 16 miles without anyone thinking I'm some sort of superwoman, or feeling like I'm showing off.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Calorie counting and finding my ideal net calories are in the 2000s has solved a couple of mysteries for me. As a kid I'd get shaky and faint after any unusual amount of exercise (mainly ice-skating) and when I did Duke of Edinburgh hikes (10k a day, carrying tents etc) in order to keep going I had to have a bag of dried fruit and nuts to munch through constantly. I guess I've always been 'high maintenance', and while I still don't know why, it is reassuring to realise it's nothing new.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Today I will be worknig out longer so I can drink more wine tonight!

    A approve of this message!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Check out this website http://www.scoobysworkshop.com/ Great website!!

    I’ve started working out; why am I still gaining weight?!
    Here is the scientific explanation! Read the comments section at the bottom too!



    Will read this later. thanks!
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Good morning everyone! I have to do the kid school run in about 5 minutes, but wanted to say hello!

    Oishii - Happy Birthday! Your day sounded wonderful. Although, I HATE when I waste calories on a mediocre dessert!

    Fimm - I totally agree on the idea of this group thinking that 16 miles is just a pretty normal workout. We're in good company!

    Robin - Good luck on picking up and putting things down! :laugh:

    I'm off to spin class after dropping the kids off. I ate like a horse yesterday. I literally couldn't stop myself. I have no idea how many calories I consumed. I stopped counting after lunchtime and just chose to accept it was one of those days. It did make me think that my body was really asking for it, because I just never felt full! And then, I went to bed at 8 pm! Felt like an old lady, but woke up feeling like a million bucks. Can't wait to go workout!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Oishii..happy belated birthday!

    I love that there are so many people joining us and deciding to try out eating more. It's so much more gratifying to actually eat. To workout AND eat...AND get results! It's so awesome. I know I am losing bodyfat. I can see it, I can feel it, it's really great. My weight is more stable/lower than when I was trying to eat 1800 calories. It just feels awesome!

    Do you ever burn MORE calories than planned so that you can fit something indulgent into your day?
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    I also can't wait to go get on the track this morning. But the only thing that may keep me from it is my oldest son, 5, who had a temperature yesterday and I kept home from school. He's fine today EXCEPT for an occasional cough/hack that I think the teachers might shake their heads about. He's otherwise acting same as usual, so hell I'm sending him to school! While my daughter is in her 1.5 hr. preschool class, I have an opportunity to run on a track. But if I keep my son home, just because of his "occasional" cough, then I can't go run. And I was so crabby yesterday because it was a rest day for me and I couldn't exercise to get more burned calories to eat more. Less food = crabby me. So am I really selfish for wanting to pawn my kid off onto the school? :huh:

    I'm taking the rugrats to their schools, then run, then picking some of them up, dragging them along to get an oil change, and finally will be home. And hopefully I can eat along the way. Have a great day, ladies!
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Do you ever burn MORE calories than planned so that you can fit something indulgent into your day?

    I did that over the weekend, with my back-to-back workouts for two days. I was pretty sore and decided on a rest day yesterday because of it. I am not blessed with a fast metabolism; it's pretty middle-of-the-road, so I have to work out a lot to create a huge burn. A regular burn for me is 200-300 cal. A big-*kitten* burn is 500 cal. And lately, I have to burn more to eat more. If I don't, I get GRUMPY!:explode:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I'm almost there. I think I got up to about 1800 calories yesterday (I didn't log everything, so a guesstimate). I'm shooting for the stars today!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Do you ever burn MORE calories than planned so that you can fit something indulgent into your day?

    I did that over the weekend, with my back-to-back workouts for two days. I was pretty sore and decided on a rest day yesterday because of it. I am not blessed with a fast metabolism; it's pretty middle-of-the-road, so I have to work out a lot to create a huge burn. A regular burn for me is 200-300 cal. A big-*kitten* burn is 500 cal. And lately, I have to burn more to eat more. If I don't, I get GRUMPY!:explode:

    HAHA...ditto. I love to eat and 1350 calories is NOT going to cut it. I hate being so frickin small sometimes. But..on the bright side, I can always get a calorie torching workout in and make up for it! :)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I was over 1900 calories yesterday and today I will hit 2000!!!!

    Re: question of the day;
    I do that all the time, if I know that I am going to be going out to eat or eating more than usual I will do a longer run or workout harder!!!

    Hope you all have a great day!!!
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Crew!
    Happy Late BD Oishii. Sounds like you had a fun one!

    Well, I was grossly under cals goal after dinner last night, plus I worked out so I had to stuff some skinny cows in my face after dinner, lol! It was pure torture :)

    Yes, it is nice to tell people what you do for exercise without being looked at like you have two heads or something. I will tell someone that I ran ten miles and they will either think I'm crazy or cool! haha

    Question of the day...yes I will work out more if I know I have something special going on and especially if it involves drinking too.

    Have a great day all!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    No, I generally don't have time to workout extra so I can eat more. I just eat more and go over.
  • kaitlynnme
    kaitlynnme Posts: 19 Member
    "I love this thread..........there are so many success stories here, and I have no doubt that if I stick to it and take advice from people who have been there, that I will be able to do it to"

    Hi :)

    I think everyone is different and what may work for someone in losing weight might not for another. So I guess its a case of experimenting and tweaking things to find out what works for you as an individual! I think it does take time though to figure this out and people need to make sure they have the patience and perserverence to figure things out as they go along because goalposts can and do change and what might be working at one point during the journey may stop working and a new plan would have to be implemented.

    Anyway... yeah I reckon this is a great thread to share advice and tips and people can let others know how they have achieved success. Its good too, to listen to people who have been losing for a long period of time as well because they will have a lot of experience and be able to share their stories. Since April 2010 my weight loss has been a slow one averaging 3/4 kg a month. This is how my body likes to lose the weight. Its always been slow for me. But thats ok because this is a lifestyle change for me not just some diet i'm going on. When I get to a weight i'm happy with I'll continue to eat the same foods and the only thing that will change will be that i'll increase my calories a few hundred more each day.

    In a nutshell what it comes down to basically is - calories in versus calories out and over time if people follow this through consistently at a defecit with regular daily exercise *fat loss* will happen. People wont always have a loss every week. The body just does not work like that. If you look at it on the long term the body always catches up to the efforts you are doing. The body needs time during some stages of the journey to adapt to its new self. You might lose nothing on the scale, however lose centimetres. Its normal. Thats why I think its so important to make sure you track everything going in so you can be sure you are in defecit. Also regularly track your measurements along with the scale weight.

    ps. I will be stoked if I can get to my goal weight of 58 kg (127 lbs) by my 2nd year anniversary date April 8, 2012

    That works out as 33 kg lost in 2 years. Not bad hey! I think a 2 year time frame is a healthy one. If someone were to lose this amount in 6 - 12 months I would then wonder how much muscle did they lose during the process and are they going to be able to maintain their new weight now as it came off so fast. If they went on a special diet, how will they maintain once they go if their diet!!

    Wow I didnt mean to write so much. My fingers have a mind of their own.

    Kim55555...I agree with you that not everyone will lose in the same way and I have to find what works for me. And really, I am wanting this to be a lifestyle change.

    I think losing 33 kg in two years is great! I imagine that when you lose slower, you have a better chance of keeping the weight off for good?? I am sure you can meet your goal by April!

    Again, thanks for your input

    And thanks for the link you posted in another post.....I will have to check it out later.