<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    No, I generally don't have time to workout extra so I can eat more. I just eat more and go over.

    Me too. I might sneak some little extra walks in, but most over indulging is when I'm with the family, so can't really just run off for a bit. Luckily the whole family enjoys walks in the countryside and sharing cakes with mummy :laugh:
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Working out is SO fun! Especially when your spin instructor is hilarious. She had a Halloween class this morning - she kicked our butts - I had a 850 cal burn in 63 minutes. Sheesh. by the way - I've never posted a picture before, so here goes nothing!

  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I'm thinking about trying a spin class on Monday for the first time... I already thought it sounded scary, but that pic is proof!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Happy Birthday to Oishii!

    Do you ever burn MORE calories than planned so that you can fit something indulgent into your day?

    Yes - and since I'm a night-workout-er its usually in the form up "ok that was my 30 minutes....but I ate sooooo many fries at happy hour.. better keep going!"

    I have a side question!

    How would you ladies classify yourselves according to the chart below? This group does have a larger than average contingent of people who only had a bit to lose or none at all to begin with.

    1) Started my journey to get more fit/stronger or just maintain my weight. (probably put yourself here if you had just a couple pounds to lose too)
    2) Started my journey to lose just some extra pounds - I wasn't overweight or was only a bit overweight.
    3) Started my journey with a lot to lose - I was fairly overweight or slightly obese
    4) started my journey with *A LOT* to lose - I was VERY overweight or morbidly obese

    I'm a 3.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I'm thinking about trying a spin class on Monday for the first time... I already thought it sounded scary, but that pic is proof!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You should do it - they're very addicting. Such a huge burn if you really push it.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Happy Birthday to Oishii!

    Do you ever burn MORE calories than planned so that you can fit something indulgent into your day?

    Yes - and since I'm a night-workout-er its usually in the form up "ok that was my 30 minutes....but I ate sooooo many fries at happy hour.. better keep going!"

    I have a side question!

    How would you ladies classify yourselves according to the chart below? This group does have a larger than average contingent of people who only had a bit to lose or none at all to begin with.

    1) Started my journey to get more fit/stronger or just maintain my weight. (probably put yourself here if you had just a couple pounds to lose too)
    2) Started my journey to lose just some extra pounds - I wasn't overweight or was only a bit overweight.
    3) Started my journey with a lot to lose - I was fairly overweight or slightly obese
    4) started my journey with *A LOT* to lose - I was VERY overweight or morbidly obese

    I'm a 3.

    Nice work Tameko. I'm in the #1 category.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Happy Birthday to Oishii!

    Do you ever burn MORE calories than planned so that you can fit something indulgent into your day?

    Yes - and since I'm a night-workout-er its usually in the form up "ok that was my 30 minutes....but I ate sooooo many fries at happy hour.. better keep going!"

    I have a side question!

    How would you ladies classify yourselves according to the chart below? This group does have a larger than average contingent of people who only had a bit to lose or none at all to begin with.

    1) Started my journey to get more fit/stronger or just maintain my weight. (probably put yourself here if you had just a couple pounds to lose too)
    2) Started my journey to lose just some extra pounds - I wasn't overweight or was only a bit overweight.
    3) Started my journey with a lot to lose - I was fairly overweight or slightly obese
    4) started my journey with *A LOT* to lose - I was VERY overweight or morbidly obese

    I'm a 3.

    I actually started losing weight about 16 years ago and at my highest weight was at least 280 (I stopped getting on the scale after that). I have lost over 120 pounds since then, and am struggling with the last 5-10 pounds. It took me about 5+ years to get all the weight off, and I then gained 55 pounds with my pregnancy and lost that as well.
    So I guess I am a 4!!
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    I would put myself in the #2 category this go round but with more of a focus on actually being healthy and fit as opposed to just weight loss.

    I would love to try a spin class but I don't have a clue how to even make the bike work :O
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I would put myself in the #2 category this go round but with more of a focus on actually being healthy and fit as opposed to just weight loss.

    I would love to try a spin class but I don't have a clue how to even make the bike work :O

    You definitely should! A few quick tips: Sit on the bike and put your feet on the pedals. Raise the seat (there are little knobs to do this) so that your knee is creating a 90 degree angle. Then, raise your handle bars to where you feel comfortable - you don't want to be too hunched over, but you also don't want to feel like you're reaching up to get them. You can also adjust your seat to be closer to your handle bars. There are letters on the seat and numbers on the handlebars, so you know where to adjust them next time. For reference, I am 5'10" with a 6'1" arm span and mine are K & 6. Then, on the monitor in front of you, you'll see:
    1) RPM (your speed)
    2) Resistance (you control this with a little lever)
    3) Watts (this is determined by your RPM and your resistance) A decent AVG wattage is about 220-240 for a bigger woman (me) and 200 for a smaller woman. I average around 230 watts and burn about 800-900 cals/hour

    This is different for everyone, but for my resistance, I like:
    12-13 - flat road
    15 - jog
    16 - fast climb
    17 - seated climb
    18-20 - heavy climb

    This won't mean much to you until you go to class. Hope that helps and wasn't too long winded!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    well, I would certainly be #4 !!!!

    Happy Birthday Oishii !!

    I'd like to try a spin class, but I just don't think I'm the group exercise type! lol ! I sweat like a beast! When I completed Insanity we pretty much had to replace the carpet in the lounge room! mmmm I'm so attractive :P

    Today I'm going to head out for a run after work - my legs feel really good even though I did a lot of lifting last night, they're twitching to get out and run!

    Question of the day!
    Absolutely! If its going to be something that I don't normally indulge in then its usually a toss up between "na, just flag it and go over" or trying to make it fit into my calories. I don't deny myself anything so I usually fit treats in every single day!

    How accurate do you think those online body fat calculators like the US Navy one etc are? I don't have body fat scales and I'm interested to know my %. Perhaps I should just go buy some. The calculators I looked at online said my body fat was between 18-24% I actually got 3 readings for 18%....random

    Off to work now, oh yay

    Psych x
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    1) Started my journey to get more fit/stronger or just maintain my weight. (probably put yourself here if you had just a couple pounds to lose too)
    2) Started my journey to lose just some extra pounds - I wasn't overweight or was only a bit overweight.
    3) Started my journey with a lot to lose - I was fairly overweight or slightly obese
    4) started my journey with *A LOT* to lose - I was VERY overweight or morbidly obese

    I'm a 3. I never had a scale throughout and after college, so I guesstimate I was around 120-130lbs. After three kids in a row, I think I put on over thirty pounds. I looked and felt terrible, definitely a shell of the former athlete I prided myself to be.

    So now, I've lost the weight and I'm looking to be more fit and become stronger. Maintenance is very challenging. I'm glad I'm here!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member

    Do you ever burn MORE calories than planned so that you can fit something indulgent into your day?

    How would you ladies classify yourselves according to the chart below? This group does have a larger than average contingent of people who only had a bit to lose or none at all to begin with.

    1) Started my journey to get more fit/stronger or just maintain my weight. (probably put yourself here if you had just a couple pounds to lose too)
    2) Started my journey to lose just some extra pounds - I wasn't overweight or was only a bit overweight.
    3) Started my journey with a lot to lose - I was fairly overweight or slightly obese
    4) started my journey with *A LOT* to lose - I was VERY overweight or morbidly obese

    I'm a 4 - started the "journey" at 220 lbs in late 2009....when I came to MFP this summer, I was (still am since I'm in the overweight BMI at 29.2) a number 3.

    I'm 0.4 lb away from saying I've lost a FULL 50 POUNDS! And that day can't come soon enough! LOL
    And yeah - I'm totally guilty of working a bit harder so I can enjoy something more indulgent if I know it's coming. ;o)

    Today I am craving carbs like crazy. I'm trying to keep it under wraps but man...my kids got out simple saltines earlier and I downed 3 servings (15 crackers) in no time. The salt just hit the spot. :o/ Think I may have to do some extra "Just Dance" tonight with the kids. ;o)
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    #2 for me. At 70kg or so I'd just gone into overweight, but I also had a giant waist, and as heart disease runs in the family, I finally realised I should do something about it.

    My mum's BMI is fine, but her waist measurement puts her at risk. I don't want that to be me.
  • Happy Birthday to Oishii!

    Do you ever burn MORE calories than planned so that you can fit something indulgent into your day?

    Yes - and since I'm a night-workout-er its usually in the form up "ok that was my 30 minutes....but I ate sooooo many fries at happy hour.. better keep going!"

    I have a side question!

    How would you ladies classify yourselves according to the chart below? This group does have a larger than average contingent of people who only had a bit to lose or none at all to begin with.

    1) Started my journey to get more fit/stronger or just maintain my weight. (probably put yourself here if you had just a couple pounds to lose too)
    2) Started my journey to lose just some extra pounds - I wasn't overweight or was only a bit overweight.
    3) Started my journey with a lot to lose - I was fairly overweight or slightly obese
    4) started my journey with *A LOT* to lose - I was VERY overweight or morbidly obese

    I'm a 3.

    I'm a #1. Only 1-3 pounds from goal...maybe 5 TOPS. I want to lift heavy, get strong, and boost my metabolism. So it's an experiment for me!
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Holy calories! How did I just eat 2460 cals?! And I only went over by 71 cals! I was already planning another trip to the gym today but now I'm practically twitching to get there! This is going to take a while to get used to. :laugh:
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I started as #3. I initially thought I wanted to lose 100 lbs, but I've since reevaluated after realizing I'd have to lose more than 20 pounds of muscle to realize my original goal.
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    TluvK-thanks for the info...I will definitely try it soon!

    Feeling a little tired today and didn't run well this am. I did a lot yesterday and it affected my running. Was planning on going to yoga tonight too but thought I better not and just rest. This is how I avoid overtraining....I really listen to my body. Sometimes this is hard because my mind wants to take over!!

    Work tomorrow..Hope everyone has a great day!
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Ladies, I am cringing looking at some of my mfp friends' diaries, the ones that are eating so few calories. I don't want to get preachy on them about eating more, because everyone's situation is different and some of them are not ready to take a lateral step in what they've been doing. Everyone goes through their own hell. I know how it feels to have the 1200 calorie restriction and not eat much for lunch or dinner, feeling miserable because all you want to do is lose weight and it sucks to go hungry. But man, I'm reviewing some of the diaries of those that made them public and I am cringing. I had given a girl suggestions on eating avocados and almonds to get her calories up, that putting better fuel into her body will make her body run better, and she replied that she "just wants to burn more calories than she eats, kwim?" Yes, I do. But her deficits on her 1200 calorie goal are an additional 200-400 cal---->train to starvation diet.

    I guess I'm just glad that this group of ladies WILL EAT and fuel their bodies. I'm glad this group of ladies is open and helpful, not critical and are just being real about how weight loss is hard... but not impossible.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Ladies, I am cringing looking at some of my mfp friends' diaries, the ones that are eating so few calories. I don't want to get preachy on them about eating more, because everyone's situation is different and some of them are not ready to take a lateral step in what they've been doing. Everyone goes through their own hell. I know how it feels to have the 1200 calorie restriction and not eat much for lunch or dinner, feeling miserable because all you want to do is lose weight and it sucks to go hungry. But man, I'm reviewing some of the diaries of those that made them public and I am cringing. I had given a girl suggestions on eating avocados and almonds to get her calories up, that putting better fuel into her body will make her body run better, and she replied that she "just wants to burn more calories than she eats, kwim?" Yes, I do. But her deficits on her 1200 calorie goal are an additional 200-400 cal---->train to starvation diet.

    I guess I'm just glad that this group of ladies WILL EAT and fuel their bodies. I'm glad this group of ladies is open and helpful, not critical and are just being real about how weight loss is hard... but not impossible.

    I am so happy for this thread and the support too. :flowerforyou: It's tough when you try to explain to others that eating more will not make them gain weight and they will feel much better throughout the day if they do, and they simply don't listen or understand. It's also tough to convince people who want to lose weight so badly that they are doing it at the expense of their health. I don't know of any good time to explain it until my MFP friends ask why they aren't losing weight or why they are feeling tired all day. Sometimes you will convince people, others you just never will.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Also, almost 2200 calories today. Woohoo!