<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Heya so I have been hearing a lot about eating small meals through the day instead of large meals. Have heard it is good and also it's a load of donkey poop. Anyone have opinions on this?
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I don't think it makes a difference, personally, & it's more trouble than it's worth for me to eat that frequently. I'm fine with 3 meals & a bedtime snack.
  • Heya so I have been hearing a lot about eating small meals through the day instead of large meals. Have heard it is good and also it's a load of donkey poop. Anyone have opinions on this?

    I eat frequently because I am snacky. I like eating. I like snacking and I eat when I'm not hungry so the smaller meals work for me.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    I looooooooove to eat!

    Next week I think I will steam a heap of veg and meats up for my lunches and also make some snacks. I am constantly snacking when I am at home almonds are my favourite!
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    yey happy for you!! :)
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Hi Kaitlynnme

    I have read all your posts from when you started so as to learn more about your situation.

    Now that I have thought about this some more the more it sounds like what happened to me this past 2 months. If you read my profile and my posts you'll get more of an indepth explanation but basically i was eating 1800 - 2600 gross calories and this worked well for a couple of months and I was losing heaps of centimetres but then for the past 2 months the measurements and the scale slowed down nearly to a halt. So I knew I had to change things. It was then I realised I was starting to eat at a maintenance level. A couple of personal trainers advised me to eat at around 1800 calories so since I started eating at 1800 gross calories thats when I finally broke through my plateau. The scale jumped by a pound at the end of the 1st week!

    I suggest that seeing you have plateaud for the past 2 months that you drop your calories down too. Try 1800 - 1900 for a solid 1 month and see how this works for you!! and dont worry you should still have the energy to continue your heavy lifting. Also with your new heavy lifting routine the scale may take a while to catch up to effort you are putting in. Take note of how your clothes are feeling and also once a fortnight I suggest taking your measurements.

    Btw how many gross calories atm are you eating.

    Also your concern about worrying if your body is concerned you are not feeding it and therefore hanging onto its fat stores. That only really applies if you are in starvation mode... eating a really low amount and exercising excessively. At 1800 your body will know thats its fine and not hang on to the fat.

    Anyway I hope you give the 1800 - 1900 gross calories a go. This is plenty enough of the correct nutrients for your body (even with heavy exercise) I wouldn't worry so much about what your net calorie is for the day as long as you make sure you aren't going hungry.


    Good luck and keep posting here to let us know how your doing with it.

    I am hoping to join in on this group. I hope to be able to learn a lot, get some support, and give back where I can. Within the last two months I have increased my calorie intake. I am now at 1830 plus exercise calories.

    I do weights 3 days and hiit the other 2 or 3 days in between. I have done this for quite some time, so I haven't really changed my routine. The thing I have changed though, is that I started lifting heavier on my lifting days. I realized that I was being a wimp at the gym...haha! I know that I have gained strength because I have increased my weights over time, but I also know that I probably will not be gaining muscle mass because I am eating at a deficit......

    Thank you for your response. I am going to keep waiting to see what happens. It is frustrating but I believe it has to work eventually. What you said does make sense. I got some advice from someone else here who basically said the same thing and to give it another 30 days to see what my body does adjusting to a higher calorie intake and the heavier weight lifting. I have been doing measurements and have seen no changes there at all....sigh. Thanks again!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Heya so I have been hearing a lot about eating small meals through the day instead of large meals. Have heard it is good and also it's a load of donkey poop. Anyone have opinions on this?

    I've done both at various times and my opinion is that it's a personal preference. Right now I'm at a 3 set meals stage + a post workout/nighttime snack, mainly because that's what my schedule allows for.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Since switching a week and a half ago to 1800 gross calories I have lost 1 kg (2.2 lbs).

    I got a huge surprise today when I hopped on the scale at the gym to see i'd gone down another half a kilo to 63 kgs. Totalling 1 kg loss. My body is in losing mode again. I am sooooooo happy!! :D wooohooo

    Goals have changed now. In 8 weeks time (christmas time) I'm hoping to have lost at least 3 kg.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    oh my is it really that close? I can't believe how quickly Christmas has come!

    3kg in 8 weeks is very very doable.

    I have set my alarms for 5am weight lifting days and 5:15 cardiodays that will give me enough time to finish and have a shower before my little ones wake up. May even get to make a cooked breakfast! wooohooo

    Of course the only way I get up this early is if I drink a ton of water pre bed and hold until morning.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    An average of 2000 (with a bucket load of exercise) floats my boat, I'm in :-D
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Heya so I have been hearing a lot about eating small meals through the day instead of large meals. Have heard it is good and also it's a load of donkey poop. Anyone have opinions on this?

    I've done both at various times and my opinion is that it's a personal preference. Right now I'm at a 3 set meals stage + a post workout/nighttime snack, mainly because that's what my schedule allows for.

    I'd go with the personal preference thing - I'm bad for snacking (sitting at a desk all day doesn't help) but someone who struggles to make time to eat (someone up thread was saying this) probably works better on a more set meal plan!! There's also the notion that you should be fueling your exercise and eating the right sort of food to recover from it as well, so that's a whole other set of things to think about!!

    I'm a bit sore this morning from the mad cycling I did yesterday. Got my first ever Pilates class this evening, so we'll see how that goes... I will go to the gym where the class is and lift some weights too.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Heya so I have been hearing a lot about eating small meals through the day instead of large meals. Have heard it is good and also it's a load of donkey poop. Anyone have opinions on this?

    I've done both at various times and my opinion is that it's a personal preference. Right now I'm at a 3 set meals stage + a post workout/nighttime snack, mainly because that's what my schedule allows for.

    I'd go with the personal preference thing - I'm bad for snacking (sitting at a desk all day doesn't help) but someone who struggles to make time to eat (someone up thread was saying this) probably works better on a more set meal plan!! There's also the notion that you should be fueling your exercise and eating the right sort of food to recover from it as well, so that's a whole other set of things to think about!!

    I'm a bit sore this morning from the mad cycling I did yesterday. Got my first ever Pilates class this evening, so we'll see how that goes... I will go to the gym where the class is and lift some weights too.

    Enjoy Pilates! I for one, love Pilates.
  • Morning ladies. So my new plan is 1800 weekdays and 2500 weekends. I will be averaging 2000 minimum and I can ease up on exercise during the week. This past week I logged probably 75-80 miles running. My knees need to rest.


    Do you pre-plan your food for the day or take it as of comes?
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    @love4fitnesslove, I do both, I plan ahead what I know, but eat as I go sometimes too. Once I eat breakfast, I do like to see what an impact dinner is going to have on my calories and ratios so that I can fill in before that with lunch/snacks so if I can fill in dinner, I do.

    So I am getting a little frustrated, I looked back on my spreadsheet and have been bouncing around the same 3 pounds for a month now. I know I am eating under maintenance, trying to keep it at only 500 deficit, but sometimes a little more. I am heavy lifting at least 3 days a week (for about a month now) and I walk, run small mileage, do HIIT or elliptical the other days. I do notice my carbs are creeping back up again, so that may be an area I can work on. I think I will go back 30 days and see what my net has been and go from there. Perhaps I need to eat lower calorie for a week or so to shock my system into weight loss again. I am happy with the amount I am eating, and the exercise I am able to do at these energy levels, but I do still have about 30 pounds to take off, so I need to figure out what is going on.
  • Well...I understand the frustration as you do everything right, calculate a deficit, and nothing happens. I should lose almost half a pound a week following mfp but I will be happy to just not gain.

    Have you thought of zigzagging your calories? That might help move the scale.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Tasty things:
    Saturday night I had killer chinese and sushi. I love that place. They have a "healthy menu" and I can eat a ton and it's the same as if I ate a small amount of the "not so healthy" stuff.
    Yesterday (Sunday) I had a delicious pizza, thin crust with chicken and a ton of veggies. I also had this thing with 2 huge chocolate chip cookies with whoopie pie cream between them, but we won't talk about that. :ohwell:
    Today, well, it's 8AM and I have no idea what I'm doing today....

    Logging in advance?:
    on work days I log as I eat breakfast, normally logging through 4PM, dinner is always up in the air. And half the time my plan gets changed during the day and I move things around. Most often I have to delete half of the stuff I entered because I never had time to eat it. Which makes me have too much left over for dinner and makes me give up and eat crap instead ofhealtyh because "I have the calories". I would be more likely to eat healthy all day if I ate more often. But being starving and tired at night usually results in takeout.:frown:
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Morning ladies. So my new plan is 1800 weekdays and 2500 weekends. I will be averaging 2000 minimum and I can ease up on exercise during the week. This past week I logged probably 75-80 miles running. My knees need to rest.


    Do you pre-plan your food for the day or take it as of comes?

    Wow, lots of running! Are you training for something, or do you just like running? (I do not mean to imply that the two are mutually incompatible, just some people like to have targets and/or enjoy racing, while others just like to run.)

    I have quite a routine when it comes to food on working days, so don't "plan" as such, but I do know what I'm going to eat, if that makes sense...
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! I am at a loss and dont know what to do! I started trying to lose again in February after I gained about 4 pounds going from 158 to 162. Since Feb I have tried increasing cal, decreasing calories. Low carb, high protien, zig zaggging, paleo. You name it, I tried it. I am now up to 164.8:sad:
    I have done a round of insanity with no results. Did a round of p90x, no results. Doing my second round of p90x right now. In the begining of october I tried weight watchers again and continued to track calories and when doing WW I was taking in about 1350-1700 calories. I lost 2.8 pounds. Then I stalled out and increased my calories with goal of 2000 and now I am back up 2.8 pounds. I weigh/measure EVERYTHING!! I drink 90 ounces of water per day. I eat clean. According to my BMF my daily average burn is about 2500 if I am not doing alot of running (which I am not right now due to p90x). If I calculate my TDEE it comes out to 1800 plus exercise. According to MFP my maintenance cals are about 1700, so if anything, even if my workout burns are off, I should at least be maintaining. Should I eat even more?? I dont know what to do anymore other than cut back even more to 1500 or below because that is the only time I seem to see a loss. Interestingly from feb through april I averaged about 1900 intake and my weight was between 161-162. My goal is 148, but I would be happy to get back down to 158 and stay there. My clothes are getting tight and I am getting really depressed with this plateau.
    This has got to be the longest plateua ever!!!! Please someone help me. Even the past week I started doing p90x in the moning, and some walking on the treadmill in the evening just to add some movement.
    also I have had hormones/thyroid checked and its not that.
  • dawnmichelea
    dawnmichelea Posts: 112 Member
    Love this thread! Love being active, love feeling good, and I LOVE eating! I plan what I'm gonna eat the night before, including dessert (which I have every single night). Everything in moderation, and planning it out helps me to make great choices!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I'm a big pre-planner of food. I find that I eat better when I plan out my meals in advance. I'm less likely to give in and just have something convenient, but not so clean or healthy.

    I usually rotate the same few breakfasts, usually some variation of a smoothie, oatmeal or yogurt bowl with fruit, occasionally on weekends I'll make coconut or almond pancakes, but that's pretty rare. Lunches are usually pretty similar, some lean protein with veggies and an apple. I always plan dinners in 3, it's easier to shop for food that way. So basically my days are all pretty planned out, usually about 3 days in advance.