<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    Just checking in on the new thread. Made it to 2084 yesterday. I haven't been doing this long but I will say I am surprised that I have not gained any weight eating this much. I feel so much better and I can do more during my workouts. I started out eating 700-900 calories a day and working out like crazy burning 800-1000 calories most days. I lost about 40lbs doing that and my weight loss came to a screeching hault. Not to meantion the hair loss, brittle breaking nails and awful skin!! I will never do that to myself again!! I started slowly upping my calories and I haven't lost any yet but I also have not gained either. I'm gonna continue and find my sweet spot. I do lift pretty heavy so I know I need more food than I was giving myself. I did a nice 30 mile bike ride today, burned 964 calories and now I will probably spend about 2 hours cleaning this house unless someone wants to voluteer and do it for me.:wink: Hopefull I can get in another 30 miin workout before the day ends.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Just checking in on the new thread. Made it to 2084 yesterday. I haven't been doing this long but I will say I am surprised that I have not gained any weight eating this much. I feel so much better and I can do more during my workouts. I started out eating 700-900 calories a day and working out like crazy burning 800-1000 calories most days. I lost about 40lbs doing that and my weight loss came to a screeching hault. Not to meantion the hair loss, brittle breaking nails and awful skin!! I will never do that to myself again!! I started slowly upping my calories and I haven't lost any yet but I also have not gained either. I'm gonna continue and find my sweet spot. I do lift pretty heavy so I know I need more food than I was giving myself. I did a nice 30 mile bike ride today, burned 964 calories and now I will probably spend about 2 hours cleaning this house unless someone wants to voluteer and do it for me.:wink: Hopefull I can get in another 30 miin workout before the day ends.

    awesome job! what's your calorie target for the day. You've got a super high burn so hopefully you treat yourself to something tasty!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    as far as the HRM thing - it depends on your HRM. the fancy new ones take into account your VO2 max I believe and resting heart rate and what not, so they are going to be more accurate than MFP but the cheap models of HRMs may not do those calculations so I agree they *might* underestimate for people in great shape.

    And oishii I agree there's something whacky going on but I'm so jealous of you I don't even want to speculate what it is -- oh ok I will, is it possible you overestimate how much you eat? ever tried going pure food-scale for a week to see? (like weighing everything?). And every time I see your name I think of eating ANYWAY. Nnngh. Also - on the off chance you're currently living in Japan even though your profile doesn't say that, as far as I can tell Japanese calorie tags are whacked out and put in everything at WAY higher calories than they are (which I noticed because I was inputting some soba and the english import label didn't match the Japanese one so I researched like crazy and the english one seemed more accurate) AND they base it on a 2300 calorie/day diet which seems massively high for an average tiny Japanese person.

    I know that's a wild speculation based entirely on your name but there you go.

    And to whoever was asking about whether to put in sedentary or not if you workout 5-6 days a week - I have myself at sedentary and then I eat exercise calories - it MOSTLY works but keep in mind on days when you are generally more active (like on weekends when I tend to do some shopping, go for light walks after meals, etc) you might need to eat mroe. I just let myself go over if I'm hungry. Because I'm not TOTALLY sedentary (not that I work out all day or garden or anything but I'm just generally on my feet more) during my free time but my job IS sedentary.

    Although I actually DIDN'T eat over yesterday and of course today I'm STARVING. I've been so hungry lately.
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Where do you set your macros? I'm sure I've seen it somewhere but now I can't find it again.
    I do have myself set as sedentary because a working day would be literally "get bus, get train, get bus, set at desk, get bus, train, bus, sit in front of computer/TV. So then when I take my folding bike and cycle those sections where I could get the bus (much nicer) I put that down as exercise calories (not many) and then all the triathlon training and so on that I do goes on top of that. TO be honest, at the moment I'm just trying to get into the habit of logging food properly and out of the habit of eating chocolate... then I'll try working on reshaping myself a spot...
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    fimm-you can change your calorie goals and macros at the top under the tab that says "goals" then hit the "custom" goal tab.

    So...as I said a few days ago i did that 30DS video just the one night and hated working out at home. Well, I felt fine the next day but awoke with DOMS yesterday and had to do my long run today. Thought maybe the run would work out the soreness....uh..nope! Felt great cardo-resp wise but my legs felt like tree stumps!! Then I proceeded to go jump my horse and now when I get up out of this chair I look like I'm 90 yrs old :) The moral to this story is...I think I need to switch up some workouts because I thought my legs were strong (they never are sore). Damn lunges and squats in that video, lol! Now I have to go out tonight to a wedding after party and wear high heels and drink....it ain't gonna be pretty!

    Question..I've read that when you workout in heat that even though your heart rate goes up that you are not actually burning any extra calories. What do you ladies think? I do HOT power yoga and my heart rate is way up the whole time probably mostly due to the heat and I workout outside when it's 100 + degrees.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    2357 calories consumed...1000 burned total! woohoo

    I took in 190 grams of protein (which is within my macros 40c-30p-30f)..Is that a bad thing? I heard too much protein being bad for your kidneys.
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    Just checking in on the new thread. Made it to 2084 yesterday. I haven't been doing this long but I will say I am surprised that I have not gained any weight eating this much. I feel so much better and I can do more during my workouts. I started out eating 700-900 calories a day and working out like crazy burning 800-1000 calories most days. I lost about 40lbs doing that and my weight loss came to a screeching hault. Not to meantion the hair loss, brittle breaking nails and awful skin!! I will never do that to myself again!! I started slowly upping my calories and I haven't lost any yet but I also have not gained either. I'm gonna continue and find my sweet spot. I do lift pretty heavy so I know I need more food than I was giving myself. I did a nice 30 mile bike ride today, burned 964 calories and now I will probably spend about 2 hours cleaning this house unless someone wants to voluteer and do it for me.:wink: Hopefull I can get in another 30 miin workout before the day ends.

    awesome job! what's your calorie target for the day. You've got a super high burn so hopefully you treat yourself to something tasty!
    I'm aiming for 2000 even but I've only gotten 1294 so far. I've got some eating to do!!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    2357 calories consumed...1000 burned total! woohoo

    I took in 190 grams of protein (which is within my macros 40c-30p-30f)..Is that a bad thing? I heard too much protein being bad for your kidneys.

    It's only bad if you have issues with your kidneys already. Sounds like a good day! Congrats!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    fimm-you can change your calorie goals and macros at the top under the tab that says "goals" then hit the "custom" goal tab.

    So...as I said a few days ago i did that 30DS video just the one night and hated working out at home. Well, I felt fine the next day but awoke with DOMS yesterday and had to do my long run today. Thought maybe the run would work out the soreness....uh..nope! Felt great cardo-resp wise but my legs felt like tree stumps!! Then I proceeded to go jump my horse and now when I get up out of this chair I look like I'm 90 yrs old :) The moral to this story is...I think I need to switch up some workouts because I thought my legs were strong (they never are sore). Damn lunges and squats in that video, lol! Now I have to go out tonight to a wedding after party and wear high heels and drink....it ain't gonna be pretty!

    Question..I've read that when you workout in heat that even though your heart rate goes up that you are not actually burning any extra calories. What do you ladies think? I do HOT power yoga and my heart rate is way up the whole time probably mostly due to the heat and I workout outside when it's 100 + degrees.

    I'd say that maybe the burn is slightly higher but not significantly so. I wouldn't bank on it. I love DOMS! :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    My macros are 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. But I was told that as long as I eat 120ish grams of protein and I think 60 grams of fat that I could use the rest of my calories however I wanted.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I think I have mine set to 50/30/20 (carbs/protein/fat) ...not sure though. I do a lot of endurance training though so the higher carbs are fine. Since I'm small I don't mind if I don't hit my macros.

    30% of 2200 calories is 660 calories...or 165 grams of protein a day which is more than enough for me. If I fall short I'm likely still getting enough!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    So I earned about 909 calories in exercise....and I ate over 2138 calories. I may have actually eaten a bit more...as we had pizza for dinner and the brand we had didn't have good nutrition info available so I looked up Pizza Hut's info for the same pizza and went with that (I'm thinking Pizza Hut is more caloric though but I could be wrong). I am STUFFED. That pizza isn't sitting well in my stomach ...although I'm sure jumping around playing Just Dance with my kids didn't help it much. hah
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    2300 for me today. I ate the entire cheesecake. Going to make a pumpkin cheesecake tomorrow! :)
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    My macros are 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. But I was told that as long as I eat 120ish grams of protein and I think 60 grams of fat that I could use the rest of my calories however I wanted.
    I have mine set at the same. MFP gives me 109 grams of protein but usually end up between 120-140. Most days I get about 40-50 at breakfast.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    So, I've been at 2400 calories total for a month now, and it looks like I have not lost any inches and actually gained 2-3 lbs. At this point, with 25-30 more lbs to lose, I don't think I should be eating this much and I probably shouldn't focus too much on muscle gain. So, I've lowered my net calories to 1800, with exercise it will be a total of 2000-2200, so I'll still be around! I just need to focus on my loss and continue trying to figure out what is going to get me through this plateau. :flowerforyou:

    I am having a huge problem with a plateau for monthes now as well. What I can tell is about increasing muscle is that you cant gain muscle with a calorie defecit. I just got Burn the fat Feed the muscle and thats one of the big points they discuss!! If you find something that works let me know!!!

    Also for macros I am set for 40/30/30 but dont sweat it if I dont hit that exactly.

    Did a 5 mile run this morning and calories are gonna be at 2000 when all is said and done!!! Hope you all have a great night!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I use to micromanage my macros & just this past week decided to simplify. Before I was doing 100g fat/60g net carbs/198g protein (idk what that comes out to percentagewise) but it always came out to about 2000 calories a day give or take. Then I'd do a spike day for a 24 hr period on the weekends to create a calorie surplus, & that has been very effective in supporting the heavy strength training I do as well as the running. Plus I never have to wait more than 6 days to eat anything that doesn't fit my weekday plan & the "day off" from dieting every week is a great mental break.

    The meal planning was getting tedious & the high protein target was becoming more challenging, plus the whey protein I liked is no longer available so I've had to switch to one double the price. I've decided to keep the spike day & simplify by focusing on 175g protein a day, keeping my net carbs around 100g, & total calories around 1900-2000. I'm a big nerd so I keep a spreadsheet with all of my numbers in it & there's a running weekly average deficit, so as long as it's right around 1000 I'm good. It's hard to track day by day because I don't eat back my calories, I just try to stay consistently around 2000 during the week.

    Today I had a kickass burn since I ran almost 6 miles. Per my Bodymedia Fit I burned about 1300 calories. W00t! Back on plan now tho since I started my spike yesterday afternoon @ happy hour. >:)
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    I ran 5 miles today too and will hit 2000 cals tonight. woo hoo! I also ordered a bodymedia and can't wait to see what I'm actually burning. I just go by the 100cal/mile. I'm also really excited to see what I'm burning while riding my horse...I'm thinking it's more than I think, I work hard! Hope so!

    Stubbysticks-Love your name! Wishing that I burn what you are while running, lol! and Dang, I would not be able to eat that much protein in a day. I shoot for 150 which is tough...so kudos!

    Love4fit-I want your pumpkin cheesecake recipe..sounds yummy
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    It's really easy...here's the recipe..I always make a smaller cheesecake because I will likely eat 1/2 of it at least...

    Cooking spray
    1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs (about 4 cookie sheets)
    1/4 cup granulated sugar
    1/4 cup packed brown sugar
    1 (8-ounce) block 1/3-less-fat cream cheese
    1/2 cup canned pumpkin
    1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
    1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
    3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 large egg

    Preheat oven to 325°.
    Coat a pan with cooking spray, and sprinkle pan evenly with crumbs.
    Combine sugars and cream cheeses in a large bowl; beat with a mixer at medium speed until smooth. Add other ingredients and mix well.
    Pour cheese mixture into prepared pan. Bake at 325° for 35 minutes or until center is just set. Turn oven off, and partially open oven door. Cool cheesecake in oven 1 hour.
    Remove cheesecake from oven, and cover. Chill at least 8 hours or overnight.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    mmm cheesecake....

    Hi ladies, just a quick note from me today!!

    Had a fabulous run yesterday and managed some great lifting today! Weighing each morning as I do and I'm losing about 200g a day...will wait for the weekly weigh in to assess, I just don't want to lose too fast!

    Have ordered NROLFW so can't wait for that to arrive!! Would love a bodymedia thingee, but don't know where I'd get one from in NZ....plus I've recently purchased a Garmin Forerunner, new workout clothes, oodles of clothes (as mine keep falling off!!), and a new barbell, dumbbells and weight plates, so perhaps I better let hubby buy himself something special hehe ;)

    Have a great day all!

  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Thanks xcjumper! :D Well, I burn that cuz I've still got a considerable amount of weight to lose & I run slow so it took me 1:20 to burn that. Enjoying it while it lasts, lol. Though as I continue running & losing I'll get faster, so maybe it'll keep up, who knows?

    psych101, I have a Garmin too & I LOVE. IT. Now I can structure my runs & not be chained to the treadmill to monitor my distance. Would love to hear what you think about it.