<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3



  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I eat chocolate every day, sometimes twice a day. Mostly in chocolate chip form, mixed with a handful of almonds. Usually does the trick - if it doesn't, then I have a glass or two of wine!

    I also love those cocoa almonds, although, I might like sweaty socks flavored almonds...I JUST LOVE ALMONDS.

    As for sodium - I have super low BP and I'm a sweaty beast, so I need twice the recommended daily allowance, which is actually quite hard to achieve! I didn't even touch the recommended today....and I'm suffering for it - super dizzy.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Giiirrrls did you see this?!?! Is this the "good" tdee monitor? It is right? Omg I am terribly tempted.


    That's me. ;o) I ordered it on Sunday - I posted here that I found this link....but I didn't want to publicly share it in case the deal was too good to be true and the order didn't go through. Another gal in this thread messaged me and ordered one too on Sunday. Mine showed up this evening...is currently charging...and I'm dying to get it on and get some data going!! I was originally looking to get a used one on ebay but they were going for the same price OR MORE, USED, than buying this new through the promo! I was super excited and happy dancing when I found that blog!!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Personally I've been averaging 2000-ish since I started my weight loss last May. Only this past week have I decided to drop my calories, & that was mostly in response to an unexplained decrease in appetite that started a couple weeks ago. I felt like I was force-feeding myself to get to 1900 some days.

    I'm giving the Spike Diet a go. I keep my workout schedule the same - lift 3 days alternated with running 3 days, 1 full rest day - but I have specific calorie targets that are staggered. The running days are my low days, 1350 calories, & the lifting days are the high days, 1850 calories per day. I'm shooting for 144-175g of protein on all days, then eat whatever else I want to get me to the target. Then one day a week I have Spike Day, where I eat/drink a minimum of 3600 calories to create a surplus & reset my metabolism. Been doing the spike day thing every weekend for a while, but am trying out the lower weekday calories to see how it goes. So far so good.

    I don't track food here, I track it elsewhere & I honestly don't have time to go through peoples' diaries. However, I did go low carb for a while & on the other site I would occasionally go through my Atkins friends' food diaries to get ideas for stuff to eat.

    PUMPKIN - I have a friend (from NZ, incidentally) who will put a whole pumpkin in the oven & roast it for several hours, THEN make the flesh into pumpkin soup. I imagine it's much easier to cut into that way.

    I wear a Bodymedia Fit & to me the cost is justified because I keep very detailed records of everything I do. By have a relatively accurate record of what I'm burning each day & comparing it to my intake it helps me figure out what's working & what isn't, especially at times like now when I'm implementing changes to my routine.

    Let us know how it works out with the lower cals during the week and the spike day on the weekend. What do you think your average would be? Is it difficult to eat "normal" the day after spike? Do you eat much "junk" food on spike day? Just curious. I love hearing about how everyone else works their plans. I am in this for the long haul, and am always thinking about maintenance.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    By the way, I just discovered Emerald cocoa-roasted dark chocolate almonds!! Heaven!!

    They also have a dark chocolate/peanut butter sweet and salty mix...SO GOOD.
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    Giiirrrls did you see this?!?! Is this the "good" tdee monitor? It is right? Omg I am terribly tempted.


    That's me. ;o) I ordered it on Sunday - I posted here that I found this link....but I didn't want to publicly share it in case the deal was too good to be true and the order didn't go through. Another gal in this thread messaged me and ordered one too on Sunday. Mine showed up this evening...is currently charging...and I'm dying to get it on and get some data going!! I was originally looking to get a used one on ebay but they were going for the same price OR MORE, USED, than buying this new through the promo! I was super excited and happy dancing when I found that blog!!

    Oh my gosh - I totally want to order one now!!! I've got to start kissing up to the hubby so I can get him to say yes!!!! :smooched:
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    2086 today...I had a yoga class and weightlifting after work, so I had to throw in a few marshmallows with dark chocolate peanut butter to get back to even :-)
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    Jess -- Go gradual, add 200 and give it a couple weeks to see how you do, BUT if yuou're still hungry after the 200 I'd say go ahead and ahve 200 more anyway. Worst thing that can happen is you'll gain a pound one week right? Big deal, you can lose it.

    Strength training makes me HUNGRY - I don't need extra food after cardio (just water) but strength training leaves me hungry for a day or two.

    And I don't actually eat 2k every day - I'm not that big or that active and I'm not in maintenance yet. I'm set to 1680 before exercise. I'm just here because I prefer talking to the ladies who EAT.

    Thanks so much for the input! I ended up a little over 1700 today, but will shoot for 1800 over the next couple of weeks and see how it's working. And I agree - I don't feel hungry after cardio, but I definitely do after lifting! One more question - through my weight loss process, I ate 1500 per day every day (workout or not) until I got to the point of being hungry during the day, then raised to 1600 - which I've been at since then. Should I decrease calories on my rest day (1 per week) or just shoot for 1800 every day?

    Thanks again!
  • Jess -- Go gradual, add 200 and give it a couple weeks to see how you do, BUT if yuou're still hungry after the 200 I'd say go ahead and ahve 200 more anyway. Worst thing that can happen is you'll gain a pound one week right? Big deal, you can lose it.

    Strength training makes me HUNGRY - I don't need extra food after cardio (just water) but strength training leaves me hungry for a day or two.

    And I don't actually eat 2k every day - I'm not that big or that active and I'm not in maintenance yet. I'm set to 1680 before exercise. I'm just here because I prefer talking to the ladies who EAT.

    Thanks so much for the input! I ended up a little over 1700 today, but will shoot for 1800 over the next couple of weeks and see how it's working. And I agree - I don't feel hungry after cardio, but I definitely do after lifting! One more question - through my weight loss process, I ate 1500 per day every day (workout or not) until I got to the point of being hungry during the day, then raised to 1600 - which I've been at since then. Should I decrease calories on my rest day (1 per week) or just shoot for 1800 every day?

    Thanks again!
    I think you should just do what feels right for you. If you're hungry then you should eat. If you're not then just stick to 1600 for that day. feel it out and adjust as necessary.
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    *This may have been discussed already, so apologies if it has*
    But I was wondering, how do you ladies get enough calories and maintain a reasonable sodium level? I've recently been trying to pay attention to how much sodium I'm consuming and I'm finding it harder to stay around my goal on the days that I eat more due to working out and even on normal days. I try to stay away from overly processed foods (no one is perfect!) but I'm finding that my beloved dairy products and even eggs contain quite a bit of sodium...help!

    my sodium is through the roof..I add salt to everything. literally. I'm sure with dinner alone, a homemade meal, I have 125% of my daily sodium plus my other food and I'm likely at 300%. I just don't really concern myself with it but that's not a great answer. sorry i couldn't be of better help. I try to drink enough water to stabilize my sodium levels though.

    I never take salt into consideration. I sweat profusely and I add salt to pretty much everything. My blood pressure and heart rate are low as well.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Let us know how it works out with the lower cals during the week and the spike day on the weekend. What do you think your average would be? Is it difficult to eat "normal" the day after spike? Do you eat much "junk" food on spike day? Just curious. I love hearing about how everyone else works their plans. I am in this for the long haul, and am always thinking about maintenance.
    Well, prior to last week I'd been carb cycling since December so my weekday average was right around 2000 & my carb-up/Spike day average was 3600-4000 usually. And I planned my meals very specifically to meet targets for all 3 macronutrients, so Spike Day was always a welcome break from the planning. Personally, I never had an issue getting back on track because 24 hrs was plenty to get all the cravings from the week out of my system. And spike day usually does involve some junk, though I really dig pasta & rice so I tend to carbo load on those days. Plus I always hit up Happy Hour on Fridays. :)

    I envision maintenance to be very similar to what I'm doing now, except with Spike Weekend instead of Spike Day. When I was carb cycling, every once in a while I'd take an extra food day on a long weekend or something & I'd maintain for that week. When I think about it, I've been eating healthier for so long now that I don't want to eat crap during the week, so I'll eat my healthy stuff during the week & take the weekends "off" to eat whatever.

    Sodium isn't a concern for me either...I drink a gallon of water a day.

    Oh, & I'm down 1.8 lbs compared to 1 week ago after only 3 days of reduced calories, & I've still got 2 more weigh-ins before Spike Day on Friday!
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    *This may have been discussed already, so apologies if it has*
    But I was wondering, how do you ladies get enough calories and maintain a reasonable sodium level? I've recently been trying to pay attention to how much sodium I'm consuming and I'm finding it harder to stay around my goal on the days that I eat more due to working out and even on normal days. I try to stay away from overly processed foods (no one is perfect!) but I'm finding that my beloved dairy products and even eggs contain quite a bit of sodium...help!

    I don't really track my sodium, but I've found that as long as I'm not eating processed foods I never have a problem. I'm not a big salt user, I only put pepper on foods at the table, never salt. I cook pretty much everything that I eat myself so I'm pretty confident there isn't too much salt in things. If you stay away from processed foods then you're probably fine with your sodium levels, assuming you aren't dumping spoonfuls of salt into your food, but I don't think people do that anyway.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    So my NROLFW hadn't arrived yet :( should be here next week so hopefully will be ready to go the week after!
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Thank you for all the pumpkin tips :flowerforyou:

    Oishi, I didn't realise you are in the UK. I thought I was the only Brit on this thread.

    To answer some questions - my diary is open to friends - not that I have many. I'm not good at always making good food choices and sometimes feel a bit embarassed about some of the stuff I log (chocolate, and, er, chocolate...) so I'm quite happy that I don't think may people read it.

    Sodium - my grandmother had high blood pressure (and lived to be 99!) so my mum has always been quite careful with the amount of salt she adds to food and I am the same. I ocassionally catch it from my boyfriend for not putting enough (i.e. any) salt in when I'm cooking. He says that as we both do a reasonable amount of exercise and therefore sweat a lot and so loose salt, we need more salt than someone who isn't doing this. So I don't stress about salt/sodium.

    I think I was under calories yesterday - but I would have been way over the day before as we went round to a friend for dinner and had spagetti bolognese and garlic bread (yum) and ice cream (I love ice cream). So it balances out. Cycled my 16 miles to work again today and then picked the muffin that had chocolate in it rather than the one that didn't :sad:

    So did anyone start the recipie thread? I don't really have anything to share, but I could start it with love4fitness's cheesecake recipie... oh. Hang on. That had pumpkin in it, didn't it...?
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Giiirrrls did you see this?!?! Is this the "good" tdee monitor? It is right? Omg I am terribly tempted.


    I LOVE LOVE LOVE mine. I have the earlier version. That one in the link refers to the one that syncs with a iphone app via bluetooth. It is usually the more expensive version. I paid more for my non-bluetooth version. If you can get that sale price on the newer one, JUMP on it.
    I think I paid about 250. plus it's 7 bucks a month for the subscription, first 3 months free.
  • Thank you for all the pumpkin tips :flowerforyou:

    Oishi, I didn't realise you are in the UK. I thought I was the only Brit on this thread.

    To answer some questions - my diary is open to friends - not that I have many. I'm not good at always making good food choices and sometimes feel a bit embarassed about some of the stuff I log (chocolate, and, er, chocolate...) so I'm quite happy that I don't think may people read it.

    Sodium - my grandmother had high blood pressure (and lived to be 99!) so my mum has always been quite careful with the amount of salt she adds to food and I am the same. I ocassionally catch it from my boyfriend for not putting enough (i.e. any) salt in when I'm cooking. He says that as we both do a reasonable amount of exercise and therefore sweat a lot and so loose salt, we need more salt than someone who isn't doing this. So I don't stress about salt/sodium.

    I think I was under calories yesterday - but I would have been way over the day before as we went round to a friend for dinner and had spagetti bolognese and garlic bread (yum) and ice cream (I love ice cream). So it balances out. Cycled my 16 miles to work again today and then picked the muffin that had chocolate in it rather than the one that didn't :sad:

    So did anyone start the recipie thread? I don't really have anything to share, but I could start it with love4fitness's cheesecake recipie... oh. Hang on. That had pumpkin in it, didn't it...?

    Yep, it had pumpkin. Go ahead...start the thread if you like or I will in about an hour when I get home.
  • Question...

    What is your favorite fitness "gadget?"

    I love my. DVDs because I can workout anytime and anywhere. I also love having a treadmill...it got me through my gymless months before school started.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    My favourite fitness gadget is my iPhone. I'd never have kept up with calorie counting without it. Plus Runkeeper keeps me motivated to run.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    What is your favorite fitness "gadget?"

    My BodyMedia. I wear it all day every day.

    Equipment I use most often: treadmill and free weights.
  • kellylea87
    kellylea87 Posts: 6 Member

    I've never posted on this forum before but I have been reading this thread for two days. I joined mfp after I had my daughter and I lost some weight but I kept giving up logging etc because it was soooo hard sticking to the levels it told me 1200 a day. I'm 5ft2 and 126lb now, think I've lost 10lb since joining.

    I have maintained for a while now but just bought my wedding dress and need to lose 1 inch off my waist for it to fit. So I started following MFP again and suprise I got really hungry and moody and I actually think I've gained an inch on my waist LOL!

    I just don't do diets, I'm a massive cook I love to cook and most of all eat what I've cooked and any kind of diet just seems to get in the way of those things. I also love to eat out once a week not really because of the food but I just love going out to eat as a family ordering food, no washing up, chatting to my kids. This week we went to pizza hut :) I eat well 80% of the time nothing processed in the house but if I go on a diet I start craving and reaching for the naughtys.

    I went on an I'm giving up the diet binge yesterday and eat 4 cakes and a twirl in 2 mins then sat and read all your posts. I thought I'll get back into my exercise and did 30 day shred and half an hour of zumba. My fitness levels are good I find 30 day shred level one pretty easy but I do ache the next day which I love. I walk alot with my nice heavy double pram, 3 year old and 10 month old. Davina fitness dvds are my fave and I have been for a run on occasion.

    I'm here to just say hi because I plan on reading your thread for inspiration. I've upped my goals to maintance and I am going to workout daily and only eat back some of the calories.

    Any advice at all on losing my inch would be great. I'm not interested in changing my size really I'm a UK 10 (apart form the waist with that pesky inch) but I have a post baby jelly belly and love handels. I'd love to tone up and get fitter replace a bit of fat with muscle would be nice. Exercise helps me feel happy and helps me sleep.

    Absolutley admire how healthy you all are and what healthy attitudes you have to food and life.
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member

    By the way, I just discovered Emerald cocoa-roasted dark chocolate almonds!! Heaven!!

    LOVE these. I had some today actually.:heart:

    I love the wasabi & soy sauce ones!!!!