I pushed myself to exercise after stopping for week
Yes you can
Dounts and milk chocolate:) yummmy
Because they eat rice every single day
Me too
Eat 1400 and watch your macro for weight lose cut suger but not completely switch white flour to whole wheat And eat 50 clean 50 junkie :) thats what work for me with exercise 5 days a week
My dairy open
Me too:(
Splends i only use 3 aday on my 3 cup coffee
I increased my calories to 1500 I do eat 2 eggs everyday with cheese Thank you for your advice
I will up my fat thank you
Because i always read its good to up your protin and low your fat :neutral_face:
Im 5 4 start weight 197 Current 176
50g why thats away too low I love carb i eat 50% carb 30 p 20 fat and lost 20 pound since decmber 10
Smoothies Milk ,banana and protein Or Toast with pb Easy preworkout
Wow 250g carb from bread pasta rice and you still lose weight
Ok thank you guys
Same here i had great 40 days with 19 pounds lost but this week im just not feeling it i ate dounts fries shakes I don't know how to get back on track:(
Add me :)
What i did when i hit 197lb Im 5'4 i cut my calorie down to 1400 start walking 30 minutes every night after my kid sleep on my treadmill 3.3 than amonth later start focusing on my micro and eat clean up my walk to 45 minutes 3.5 and of course cut suger down three month later i went from xxl to l pants size 16 to 12 just…
count me in:)
oats chicken breast yogurt
lol ok ok ppl im not good with spellng i only been here for 7 years sorry about my bad spelling :) thanks all that make me feel better now i was getting really sad when i saw that 7 pounds up but why is it hard to lose weight and soo easy togain weight