

  • 2 miles in 30 minutes. This was this time last year. I was doing the C25k program. I loved it. Then the weather got cold and I quit. Now I am trying again in the gym. :) I have a love/hate relationship with running.
  • Thanks I'll look it up.
  • I only did 3 sets of 10 with 30lbs weight. Not much at all. I am a noob at lifting weight. Use to sitting on my butt all the time. My husband said I was pushing my wrist out weird so I was probably had terrible form.
  • Going to google it right now, Thanks!
  • Have you read this thread?
  • Blech that stuff is gross. We have a 50lb back of it for our dogs/rabbits/and cattle. It kills any bug with an exoskeleton. Great for killing cockroaches. If you get the food grade you can put it in your food as well. The advantages of this are several: -regularizes bowel movements (this is the most frequently mentioned…
  • I had the mirena put in right after having my daughter. I was overweight anyways and I saw my weight climb about 10lbs over the next couple years but that could of been from unhealthy eating. However I was stuck on my weight loss and I had my mirena removed. I dropped a couple lbs pretty easily after that. I think it makes…
    in Mirena Comment by ChristyMomx3 June 2013
  • Hello I just turned 31 in June. I have been married 10 years and I have a 11, 9 and 5 year old. I am 55 and I weight 202. I lost from 214lbs down to 189lb then screwed up and gained back to 202. I really want to be 135lbs but at the moment 175 sounds good.
  • I want to see pictures too!
  • I didn't notice a gain with my MIrena. I had it for almost 5 years. However I dropped 5lbs the first week I had it taken out. I am not on birth control pills but that may make me gain too.
  • I have noticed this as well. I have a lot of belly fat and I have lost 2 inches there but only 11lbs over all. I figure the fat underneath is shrinking and the skin has to catch up. I take it as a good thing.
  • I went to week 4 on the treadmill. Then I wanted to run outside and couldn't barely run a min. So I have started over my plan outside. However when I started on the treadmill I barely could run a min and now I can run 13mins straight. :) I am slow though.
  • I did my first 3 weeks on the treadmill. Now I can't run even 3 solid mins outside. I am going back to week 1 and starting over. It is sooo hard.. My legs hurt.. My breathing is terrible. I would say get outside as soon as possible.
  • My husband and I have gave up fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash. We try to not cook with our tap water and we buy purified or spring water. I am sure we still get enough fluoride when we eat outside of the home. Its a personal decision we have researched and decided for our family.
  • I am redoing week 3. I did day 1 of Week 4 and it was tough. I am having a hard time breathing and my legs feel like they are going to fall off. So hopefully redoing week 3 will help.
  • I did Week 4 Day 1 yesterday and struggled. So I am going to repeat Week 3 and hopefully do better next week.
  • This is the one that I am currently doing. However squats and lunges are killing my knees.
  • I have heard good things about lululemon. They are around 40-50 bucks.;women;tops;sportsbras
  • Very informative!
  • 2 different people above you told you WHY you can't. All you are doing is toning up the muscles. To get rid of the actual fat, to reduce the fat you have to have cardio and clean eat. Crunches and weights build muscle..
  • I have a treadmill and some weights at home. I can't afford a gym membership so that's out for me anyways. My only option is running our road which has lots of hills and I am a beginner runner or driving all the way to the Greenway. Oh did I mention today is a cool day but it is 80 degrees and 81% humidity. Which is just…
  • I am. For now at least. I could run my road but there are a lot of hills and I don't' want to get burnt out so fast. Plus I have 3 kids. So treadmill it is. I am running on 1% incline because it seems to be more level. 0% feels like I may be going down a small bit. Anyways I am "running" on 4.5 mph. I want to be able to do…
  • I would love to join as well. I just started Week1 Day 1 yesterday because I wouldn't be able to run this Wednesday. Day 1 went well. I want to complete a 5k October 21st but I want to get a couple weeks in before I spend the money. lol.
  • Thanks for all the great replies! I am going to take all of these suggestions and put them to good use. First I'm going to youtube squats to make sure I am performing them correctly. I have a treadmill but I am going to check into getting a stationary bike for cheap. :) Do you think walking on an incline would help or hurt…
  • Really are you sure about the squats? I mean that is when I hear and feel it the most. It makes all kinds of racket when squatting.
  • That is really a good idea. I have been thinking of doing some strength exercises because even after 3 months of this job I am still sore all over. I figure I would have adjusted by now but I think I need to build up some muscle. I would love to do yoga but it keeps my butt and I can never finish a work out. I am still…
  • I am not actually. The biggest thing I have got to stop doing is grabbing something out of the machines. There is no healthy choices but oh so tempting.
  • I totally want to do that but we are not allowed to have any thing back there. We have to go through security and metal detectors. If they make them without any metal parts then I totally could.
  • Haha, I walk that many miles for my job. I work for Amazon's warehouse and we have to run all over this huge 3 story mod to pull the items. I figured that up and that is close to 3k calories a night that I am burning. I can't possibly make that up in food so I wonder if that is why I have stopped losing. I am kinds stuck…