cardio indoors - why?



  • julieanne0924
    julieanne0924 Posts: 30 Member
    I get my cardio at the gym during my lunch breaks from work. I do get outside on the weekends, but at the gym I can workout and shower and life is good. Everyone is different and at least we're all doing something. That's what counts.
  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    "Dreadmill" that's great! I workout indoors in bad weather and hot and humid to me is bad. I also have medical issues that really should keep me from working out alone. Hard to get family to come with me and do what I want though.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    For starters I am an indoor person and work at a cancer clinic, when you have seen what skin cancer does you don't enjoy the sun the same. Also cardio DVD's can be fun. I have dance ones that don't seem like a work out because its something different and its FUN! Some people feel more comfortable working out in a gym where they feel safe. If I go for a walk my husband wants to know the route I am taking because he worries about me.

    I totally agree about seeing skin cancer ruining the sun for you. I'm a former tanorexic who has given it up in the past year b/c of seeing my dad's basal cell carcinoma on his nose has ruined it for me. It's time to get serious about my health!
  • redcollins78
    redcollins78 Posts: 95 Member
    Well...I workout (treadmill) inside cause in the DFW (TX) it's a hundred and hell outside...last time I went running, either I was having a heat stroke hallucination or I could've sworn I jogged past the Devil pushing little kids, breaking in line at the Ice Cream truck!!
  • SVallatini
    I live between Galveston and Houston where it's not only hot but very humid. The heat index the other day was well above 100 degrees and I played basketball for forty minutes out in that heat. I am still alive but it's what I am used to so it doesn't bother me at all. Plus I keep myself hydrated throughout the day and I think that helps.
  • redcollins78
    redcollins78 Posts: 95 Member
    In my case it is too damn hot. Here in Dallas you are likely to die from heat stroke trying to exercise outside at this time of year. I try to get outside and do my exercise in the Fall when it isn't sitting at 106 in the shade. Gosh I miss California.

    ^^^^^^^^ My point exactly!!!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    For me it's because I can keep my children occupied in another room while I workout; I can put the littlest one into the jogging stroller, but my 5 year old has a difficult time keeping up. And in the winter, the snow makes it impossible to get around our neighborhood (no sidewalks) and I wouldn't want to subject them to that.

    If I had perfect weather all year around and a sitter available at my whim, I'd be out there every chance I got!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I'm surprised how many people there are from Texas.

    Another interesting little tidbit from this thread!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I see all these posts about people doing various at home cardio DVDs (Jillian, insanity, whatever), or spending all this time on machines at the gym. I work at a gym and watch people line up for the cardio equipment on days when if FREAKING BEAUTIFUL outside.


    If you're one of those people, why would you rather be inside in front of a TV or on an eliptical rather than being outside, getting some sun and fresh air? Why would you rather be on a treadmill than out running? Why would you rather be on an eliptical or a stepper rather than hiking? Why would you rather be on an exercise bike rather than an actual bike?

    I'm not criticizing, just something I have never understood. I live in upstate NY where we have a pretty cold/snowy winter (yes, not as cold and snowy as some of you, but...) and I'd rather be outside running or biking in February than be inside on a treadmill or my trainer.

    1. Sometimes I do it for the weather (I live near Boston).

    2. other times I do it because I can zone out & just listen to my music because I'm too paranoid to wear headphones outside for safety reasons (esp. when it's dark).

    3. Mostly when I do cardio @ the gym, I'm on the elliptical or rowing machine (which I can't readily do outside), when I'd MUCH rather be outside running/jogging

    4. Health reason: when I tried to take up running/jogging 3x/week outside, I ended up with achilles tendinitis, so I had to let that heal and now I'm afraid to go back to it regularly.

    5. Even when I use the treadmill @ the gym, I use it mainly for intervals, and it's nice timing & speed control at the push of a button, so it's more measurable to see the progress I'm making.

    6. Finally, walking outside is too slow/boring (by myself @ 5 am - walking with other people during normal daylight hours is much more pleasant).
  • SgtMindy
    SgtMindy Posts: 53
    I live in San Antonio Texas but I'm originally from Pennsylvania. Trust me, during the winter here I'm all about being outside doing everything and anything, but come the summer, sure a native may think it's gorgeous outside at 102 degrees but I can't walk two feet without dripping sweat and needing a break from the heat! Thankfully my gym has an indoor running track.
  • maspicantexfa
    maspicantexfa Posts: 73 Member
    Everything's bigger in Texas! Including the MFP population. And my booty :(
  • TrainWithMo
    I love to run on a treadmill because I do interval runs and they are easier to control on a treadmill. Also, I love the controled atmosphere of air conditioning, not to mention a place to house my water bottle. I consume LOTS while taking in a 4 miles bout.
  • Jetsternut
    It's 118 degrees outside. Besides, who wouldn't want the people watching available at Golds Gym? It is inspiring! (:
  • TeeDeezy
    TeeDeezy Posts: 40 Member
    Personally it's an impact thing for me. Gym equipment is generally much easier on your body than running or jogging. Plus, it's dangerous to run or bike around here (Atlanta) unless you drive to a park or something first. And, I don't feel like driving 30 minutes to get 5 miles to a park and then have to take a 30 minute trip back. Who has time for that? It's unnecessary.

    And w t f difference does it make anyway? Most of us are here to keep motivated and hold ourselves accountable for our diets and our overall health. And, so long as we're doing that and are happy with our workout and our progress then so be it. There is no one way to exercise. And, if you don't tailor a workout to your individual needs you'll likely fail and stop exercising altogether. The right way is the way that works for ones life and surroundings. And surely you have seen enough responses by now that you get the idea.

    As far as arrogance goes, believe it or not, words can have a tone and convey emotion (kind of like my words are right now conveying the thought "Hey, I work out inside 99% of the time and I don't need some d-tard telling me that's wrong.") You're original post obviously conveyed that you thought exercising outside was somehow superior to exercising inside. And, maybe that's true for you. But, as you can see it's definitely not for many others. So, people get defensive. What did you expect?
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    I am a Minnesota girl and a proud gym rat!
    I do like to play outside but with my coordination, the gym is just safer for me. :)
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    I agree! Though only when the weather is nice here in the UK, which is in small drabs :grumble:

    I love running/lifting outside when it is nice, my Gym must be wondering where I have gone as I have not been for a month, as all my exercise has been outside due to small periods of really nice weather.

    Although nearly getting run down by taxis and buses adds a whole new challenge and adrenalin rush to going cycling :laugh:

    I suspect that within the next month I will be back in the Gym as it will be too cold and wet again! :ohwell:
  • dawnagetsfit
    I would rather use my treadmill indoors because:

    1) I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and I am wobbly when I walk. I use the bars on my treadmill to help "guide" me and be there in case I need to catch my balance.
    2) I have osteoarthritis in my knees and hips (from Ehlers-Danlos) and it is PAINFUL to walk on a cement sidewalk.
    3) I have asthma and allergies and live in an area that often has very poor air quality in the summer. That isn't fun.
    4) I have POTS and I fear I might have a POTS attack while I am far away from home (sometimes POTS decides midway through my workout that today isn't the day for me to be exercising).
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    1)You are not being judgmental. Anyone who says you are is an idiot (that is judgment – see the difference people?)

    2)Even if you were being judgmental, no one should care what some random person from the internet cares something as trivial as working out inside or outside.

    3)We will have to agree to disagree on the idea of treadmills being used for HIIT. I have done (admittedly little) research, but it is hard to find a standard HR% to aim for or standard interval times (I see that they should be no longer than 30 secs and others say 60-90. I do the one that I think works best for me, but I usually switch it up every month or so). But because I feel like my legs are going to fall off after 20 minutes – and I say that in a good way -, I feel that I am doing something right.

    4)One more reason I don’t like being outside during workouts (and I know most people won’t agree with this) – I hate the sun. I don’t like how I look tan, and I always forget to put on sunblock and when I do I sweat a lot and the mixture of sweat and grease grosses me out and burns if it gets in my eyes. I spend time outside walking the dogs and am already darker than I think looks good on me.
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    Ha. Move to Florida and find out. I used to run outside and would feel nearly faint after about 30 minutes.
  • ChristyMomx3
    I have a treadmill and some weights at home. I can't afford a gym membership so that's out for me anyways. My only option is running our road which has lots of hills and I am a beginner runner or driving all the way to the Greenway.

    Oh did I mention today is a cool day but it is 80 degrees and 81% humidity. Which is just freaking ridiculous!