

  • An all-fruit jam is nice, too. Strawberry, peach or apricot are my favorites :) If you tolerate dairy, add a tablespoon of a full-fat cream to help you feel satisfied - and such a small amount adds a LOT of creaminess (which for me equals more satisfying).
  • I don't have anything tried and true here, but can brainstorm a bit :) If she's rushing through to get some reward (ie, free time, read a book, play a game - whatever) maybe you could tie the reward to percentage correct rather than just completion? I know in the past when we've done a little of this rushing to "just get…
  • Thanks, gals. This helps! A local friend recently found the Hakim books. I've seen her science books, as well as a large textbook, but didn't realize she had the smaller history books. They look good! For now, we're going to do a survey using our Core Knowledge books - so far, so good. It's nice to have some new resources…
  • Mine get to do extra chores - like wiping down all the door knobs in the house with a lysol wipe, wiping down the light switches - those tedious, little "spring cleaning" chores. Ideally, I should have a bag with those chores written down in them, but I tend to assign them when the need arises. I'm pretty convinced this…
  • Today is our first day back and we're still eating breakfast. We're all on an earlier routine (including the about-to-be-worked-to-death DH - who absolutely hates mornings!) so we're in a minor fog...but I think it will be a good day back. It's next week I dread, when all the fun of "new" has worn off!
  • We took a trip to Montana this Christmas and my mom came down from AR after we got back, so we have been off since 12/21 and are starting back today. Didn't really plan it, but DH will be working lovely 60+ hour work weeks starting today, so we wanted to enjoy our time with him before we hardly see him for a while. We have…
  • Still new to MFP, but I'm not sure I'd delete them just for being inactive - particularly this time of year when so many people get super busy and often sick, out of town, having visitors, etc. I can see deleting someone for being rude or ugly to you, critical or mean in some way, but just for being inactive? I guess I…
  • We will be traveling out of town for a week, so will have time off then. We are pretty lax about school during December simply b/c we need the break - but more than a couple of days off wreaks havoc with our sense of organization, so we don't truly take a lot of time off unless we are traveling. We don't tend to schedule…
  • I'm a hot tea person, too! BUT if I am still hungry within the hour, I will check my foods eaten and planned foods to make sure I'm balanced on my food intake. I am a high protein person, so often if I am hungry too soon after I've eaten I'm either 1) thirsty or 2) need more protein. If neither of those work, then I'll get…
  • Both. I have a treadmill, husband has a rowing machine. I also have a yoga mat/block/strap for yoga class, as well as a set of hand weights and a set of resistance bands for when time does not allow me to go to the gym. We also have a gym membership. Right now, I run either outside or on the treadmill at home and use the…
  • That is SO exciting!! Enjoy feeling lovely while at the ballet :)
  • Even after a few years (we're on 3rd year) we still change our schedule regularly. I am not an organized person, but we seem to have fallen into the following: Early risers, just naturally this way, so have gotten up and breakfasted by 8 most days. School (on the computer right now) until about 10, take a break, have a…
  • LOL - I swear I hide in the bathroom, just like when they were little! I also will institute "quiet time" where we are each in a separate room for an hour, usually reading or doing something quiet (my daughter likes to write, my son to play with legos). I have been known to tell the kids to just "leave me alone" for a…
  • We are south of Houston, Texas. We've been here for 6 years now, but I lived here for most of my elementary years and high school. I also attended college in Texas. Both kids (and hubby) were born in WA, and hubby and I have lived in TX, WA and OH together. Growing up, I was born in MI, lived in TX, OR, SC and OH (for grad…
  • We are also in our 3rd year at home. We started with a curriculum (Moving Beyond the Page) but I had serious issues with their maps - they were terribly inaccurate! - so I got mad and we have been eclectic since then. We tend to change as we need to, either out of boredom, or out of the need to fill a gap. We have used…
  • This is an area I struggle with. I want my kids to be active more easily than I am, so I am always trying to find things they like to do so they will have life-long habits that are active. We enjoy sit-down games and activities too much! Right now we enjoy walking, some running (as a family ) and yoga. They have never been…
  • I weigh every morning, but I use it as my visual reminder to stay on track. I rather need things "in my face" or I can ignore them pretty well :) I have found that seeing my weight is extra motivation to watch my portion size and meal frequency.
  • I'm Heather, new to MFP, but not new to weight loss, exercise or homeschooling. I'm almost 37 (so is my husband :) ), my son is almost 8 and my daughter is 9. We are in our 3rd year of homeschooling and tend to be quite eclectic in our approach - it seems to change about every 3 weeks! We enjoyed our time in public school,…
  • Whole foods as much as possible, zero artificial sweeteners. That's it. And I don't beat myself up for slipping up - just make a better choice next time! And sometimes I break the rules because rules are made to be broken:)