What do you do when you're hungry?



  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Various things. Sometimes I go do the dishes or laundry, or put on some make up for a distraction.
    Sometimes I have a cup of water with sugarfree sirop or a hot tea.
    If it fits with my meal plans I might have a snack, like apple slices sprinkles with cinnamon and sugar substitute or a cup of soup/bowl of muesli.

    Binges? If I feel I'm about to reach for the chocolate I'll eat something healthy first. It puts an end to my cravings.
    not always successful though.
  • MrsJones98
    I'm a hot tea person, too! BUT if I am still hungry within the hour, I will check my foods eaten and planned foods to make sure I'm balanced on my food intake. I am a high protein person, so often if I am hungry too soon after I've eaten I'm either 1) thirsty or 2) need more protein. If neither of those work, then I'll get in some exercise or activity of some sort, b/c then it means I'm just bored! Good luck finding what works for you :)
  • Mamasota
    Mamasota Posts: 144
    Brush your teeth. Try a cup of tea. If all else fails, eat green beans - vitually no calories. At WW they say you know you are really hungry when you are willing to eat green beans. I will admit to having a couple of green been snack days. I was really hungry. I don't chew gum - the sugared kind is terrible for your teeth and the artifical sugars cause me intestinal distress.