

  • You look fab!! What an inspiration!
  • Just going through this myself. October was the beginning of the downward spiral for me. Sadly,I have been at this junction before. For the last 2 years I have lost around 30 pounds and then lost motivation to continue the journey. The end result would be to gain the 30 pounds back. I can't do that this time. My updates…
  • I'm so in. I started October on fire and ended in a fizzle. Today is a new week, a new month, a new beginning! Ready ... set .... let's go!!:smile:
  • You look fabulous! It's great to see someone who started at the same place that I started so close to goal weight. You are certainly an inspiration and motivation to me. Congratulations on the outstanding work!!:smile:
  • Congratulations! Will shout when that day comes for me!!:laugh:
  • Will let you know when I get there. Apparently I haven't lost enough weight yet to have a fav body part. Still no waistline and still double chins :smile: and it seems my butt is shrinking which I don't like!!
  • You're in the right place to find friends and motivation to keep you going on this lifestyle change. I have invited friends and acquaintances to join MFP as well and most were not interested or started and are now no longer up here. Sometimes you can't take any one with you on the journey you have to go by yourself.…
  • Welcome to MFP. I found this site June 12 and it has changed my life. I had just about given up trying to lose weight the conventional way and was about to have lap band surgery. Thank God I found this site. Please read my blog entry "One Pound At a Time". Perhaps it will give you some motivation as you began this…
  • This post is true, contains factual information, and should be perceived in that manner. I have used slim fast shakes occasionally since I started this lifestyle change but I don't really need them.Believe me I would rather have food.:smile: I will just have to find a way to get a healthy breakfast in on the days I work. I…
  • I personally consider myself "plus size" when I can no longer walk in the store and get an out fit from the Misses department ... so I guess for me it is a size 20 or greater. In the Roaman's and other plus size catalogs I receive the sizes start at size 14W. None of them have size 12 in them. I don't consider size 12 or…
  • Carolina Panther fan here and we certainly had nothing to cheer about today. I think it's going to be a long season for us. Sitting here now looking at the Eagles and Packers .....
  • Welcome to my fitness pal. You'll find plenty of friends and motivation on this site. Best wishes on your journey! I've got about 75 more pounds to lose. I found this site by accident in June of this year. It has been a blessing and life saver!
  • I like the flavor of Kellogs Corn Flakes better than the Special K. You can add bananas, strawberries, or blueberries. It's a nice breakfast. Taste best with 2% milk though. Special K is marketed as their "diet" or "low calories" cereal but they have several that taste better and are low cal. I like Product 19 and the Bran…
  • Fantastic job!! You look great and I know you feel great too.:smile:
  • I don't have children so I can't speak to the pickiness of children. But as for my husband he enjoys the healthier meals I am preparing and eats them without complaint. I am so fortunate that any time I have tried to lose weight he was willing to eat whatever I had cooked so I could succeed.
  • Welcome to MFP. Please feel free to add me as a friend! :smile:
  • I have one and it is very good. Purchased it a couple of years ago. The name of it is Power Sculpt 6 Week Program for Maximum Weight Loss. I purchased it from the NBC store on line. The instructor is Jillian.
  • I totally agree. It can be hard to come back from those binge eatings and I'll use myself as an example. On my birthday my family took me out to dinner at a seafood place. I chose well, grilled salmon, shrimp, and scallops. Didn't even eat any birthday cake but on that day I did go over my calorie goal and had went over it…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss. You know how hard you have worked to lose the 20 pounds. Keep up the good work the comments will come. I have lost 20 pounds since June 12. Some of my co-workers have commented that my face is smaller. Some haven't said a thing. One day one co-worker asked me how much weight I had lost…
  • There isn't anything that I know that will reinflate your "boobs" other than regaining weight or breast implants. If mine look to bad when I finish loosing weight I may consider a breast lift. I've lost 20 pounds and they've started sagging already. I have about 70 or so more pounds to go. Who knows what they will look…
  • If I lose 2 pounds a week I will lose 38 pounds by Christmas ... so I will say my goal is to lose 40 pounds by Christmas. What a present that would be!!!
  • Now when popcorn talks ... I usually listen !:laugh:
  • Yes, cake talks as well as other sinfully fattening foods we all love!:laugh: When I came in from work the other night my husband had not cooked and was trying to get me to order some pizza and wings ... NOT ....
  • Welcome back and good luck with your journey. Haven't tried Zumba but many up here have. I am sure they will answer soon!:smile:
  • Looking good lady!
  • One day I logged "cleaning house" just to see how many calories would be allowed. I had mopped, vaccumed, and done some moderate house cleaning. That equaled over 800 calories. I sure didn't think I had 800 exercise calories "to eat". I too don't consider house work, shopping, cooking, etc. and my normal daily activities…
  • I'm in. Have only exercised two days this week and couldn't seem to control my eating when I got in from work. Today I vow to refocus and move on to conquering the 250's! Let me head for the treadmill now!:smile:
  • I drink one from time to time. Not daily but if I want a diet Mount Dew I am going to drink it.:smile: I've just noticed that since I am trying to get 8 to10 glasses of water in a day I don't have "the room" for diet drinks. As far as insulin resistance/ sugar/ and sugar substitutes slowing down weight loss maybe someone…
  • Well today I am making green beans and I am cooking them in chicken broth in the crock pot. I boiled a chicken for some chicken salad and put my green beans in the broth from that. I added a couple of cans of boiled potatoes as well. My husband and I will eat these for the next couple of days.:smile:
  • Great job .. I'll probably break down and cry when that day comes for me!!!:smile: Outstanding and keep up the great work!!!