I've fallen and I can't get up

I really lost focus the last few months...and it shows....all ten pounds of it :( I feel awful emotionally and physically. I don't even remember what the inside of the gym looks like. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to get back on track...I did very well for a long time...but just can not seem to find the self discipline that I once had. :embarassed:


  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    I posted something similar yesterday! Hopefully the motivation I rec'd will help you as well!

    Good Luck!

  • peales23
    When I get feeling that way, I think back to why I wanted to change my lifestyle in the first place. What motivated you to start your journey? Has anything changed since then? Were you goals too ambitious when you started?

    We all go through blah phases when we feel like giving up, but you're here on MFP asking for support, so you're on the right track!

    Good luck!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    You need to let go of the guilty feelings- they serve no purpose.

    You need to look at your exercise schedule and your planned meals/expected meals and figure out how to make them realistic to you. Getting to the gym 4-6 times a week is a HUGE committment. Why not start committing to one or two sweat sessions where you give it your all? Maybe throw in some yoga or pilates at home- something you can do in front of the TV while you're relaxing or when you get up in the morning. Cutting your calories immediately, too, can feel harsh and drastic, esp when you dont figure in going out. You've only gained 10 lbs. Change your settings to 1/2 lb a week and really try to get yourself into a "maintenence" mode/mindset rather than just constantly trying to lose weight (both in meals and in workouts) - it's just as important a phase as losing.

    And remember- if you can't bring yourself to stick with your routine, maybe it's not you. Maybe your plan needs revising to better suit you (rather than the other way around)

    Good luck!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    You and I are in the same boat. I too have gained back 10 pounds as well. :grumble:

    Yesterday I MADE myself drinks lots of water and eat better. That right there made me feel better. Tonight I have a strength class that I signed up for.

    I wish I had some fabulous advice but sometimes I think you just have to dig down deep and do it. The feeling you get from working out and eating well will motivate you to keep going once your back into it a few days.
  • jschneider
    jschneider Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you so much to everyone for your great words of wisdom...I am already feeling an increase in my motivation and remembering why I LOVE this site :)
  • sherrywoody1
    I have that problem too but I know that there is a way to beat this. Look at all t he success of the wonderful people here on MFP. One thing we need to do is have a goal that helps alot. (I just lost track of mine but am rethinking it). It also helps to have a buddy pal friend to do things with. It is fun to have a friendly competition, which is what I am getting ready to do. I have a friend near the same age, height, and weight and I am gong to see if I can talk her into doing this and having a day of accountability. Even if she doesn't I will post on MFP the days I do a weigh in and I will be honest and do it. It gets to be a little embarrassing for me if I am constantly the one not doing anything. LOL! Good lucky and if you need anyone to do a buddy thing with I would be glad to help. :D
  • jschneider
    jschneider Posts: 41 Member
    I wasn't going to change my ticker to represent my weight gain...but I think that will push me even more to get that number back down
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Don't try to be who you were in your diet and exercise. Be who you are today. Right now. Do not look in the rear view mirror. Look to the present. The past is the past. It's done. Do something today that you love that is good for you. Eat something today that you love that is good for you. Repeat.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • ArmyWife815
    Just going through this myself. October was the beginning of the downward spiral for me. Sadly,I have been at this junction before. For the last 2 years I have lost around 30 pounds and then lost motivation to continue the journey. The end result would be to gain the 30 pounds back. I can't do that this time. My updates have been on facebook and I know there are people just waiting for me to fall flat on my face again. I want to show them, my husband, and most importantly myself that I can conquer this battle with obesity.Yesterday I kicked myself in the butt, got on the scale to see the damage, and started over. You can start over too. You are in the right place to receive encouraging words and motivation! Best wishes!:smile:
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    what i would do in this situation

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and breeeeeeaaaath

    ok so today is day one and were off,

    x best of luck
  • bfrederick3015
    bfrederick3015 Posts: 33 Member
    I'll tell you what worked for me: pictures.

    I started MFP in the spring then slacked off after just a few weeks in... and gained back all the weight plus 10 MORE pounds. My husband and I went to an event with friends recently and there were a lot of pictures taken... when I saw them I was shocked. I didn't look at all how I thought I did. Those pictures didn't lied and I couldn't dismiss the scale or the ill-fitting clothes anymore. I've dropped 9 lbs this month and every time I look at those pictures I get an extra surge of motivation. I just keep thinking that these will make great "before" pictures. :)

    Good Luck!
  • jschneider
    jschneider Posts: 41 Member
    I sooooo agree......Pictures are what motivated me to start my weight loss journey. When I was at my highest weight (183) I had noooo idea ...I hadn't been on the scale in over a year....I was looking at some pictures a friend had posted on Myspace of a night we had went out....I could not believe it was me in the pictures....and then I thought about it for a few minutes....it wasn't me...that is not who I am ....and then I really set my mind to losing the weight....and I did.....53 pounds....i didn't find this site until I had already lost some of the weight...but I am so glad that I did ....times like now...the encouraging words are just what we need. TODAY...that is all we have....lets make it a healthy day :)
  • lastraw
    I fell skiing last winter and the serious concussion I received kind of took my feet out from under me for a while. I got back into my gym routine after a while but still couldn't get really serious. My poor eating habits had crept back in and even tho I was still going to the gym, the weight was creeping back on. I shook things up with another fitness challenge this fall (new instructor and new people although the same gym) and have been able to get back in to the food and workouts. This new instructor is very motivational and the girls have a great team spirit, and we all signed up on this site to motivate each other.

    I guess what I'm saying is SHAKE IT UP! CHANGE IT UP! MAKE IT NEW! and as our instructor says "BRING IT!" You can do it...one workout and one meal at a time!