

  • Good post. It's not all about the number on the scale.
  • In the short term, none really, excess protein is less prone to be converted to fat then say carbohydrates. When I was taking in to much protein I was tired all the time, but rather then take in less protein I took in more carbs to balance it and I was fine (I'm trying to gain weight). In the long term you can be hard on…
  • I know what you mean man, my hip has been hurting for over a week I can't run at all
  • Dang, I'm skippin your house :noway:
  • Awesome post. Think of protein as your muscle fuel, and complex carbs as your brain fuel.
  • Everyone's body is different and will react differently, so its difficult to give you a bang on answer. Your more likely to lose if you eat at least some of your calories back, otherwise you could slow your metabolism right down.
  • If you are having trouble getting all your protein in the day then a protein shake is perfect for you, if you are getting all your protein from your diet already there is no need. Check your food diary it will give you your best answer. It might benefit you on days you work out, maybe everyday, or maybe very little to not…
  • First off, sorry to hear about your injury. Having a similar personality and having undergone surgery on my rotator cuff a few years ago leaving me in a sling for 6 weeks I understand your frustration. The best advice as to what kind of physical activity you should and can undertake will come from your doctor
  • SC2 is ruining my life!! :laugh:
  • How "low" is a typical low sodium diet. I've found very conflicting ideas on how much sodium and average person should take in during the day.
  • I'm not going anywhere near this you should ask your doctor
  • This is just a possibility, but the reason you still feel hungry might be because your eating the wrong foods. Examine your diet and check to make sure you aren't lacking protein or any other macro nutrients in your diet. As far as feeling hungry in the evening goes I am the same way and honestly, I embrace it, kinda, I…
  • I only have like 3 friends :noway: so the amount of time i spend on here i could use a few more :bigsmile:
  • That layer of fat your friend is having trouble losing is the hardest part for any of us to lose, I'm in the process right now and let me tell you that with a body type like mine you have to be 100% dedicated to it, until recently I actually thought it was impossible for me to have a 6 pack. All previous posts are very…
  • Hope you don't mind a male weighing in. My wife had problems with B/C messing with her hormones so about 2 years ago I bought her the IUD and it has proven to be a good option
  • Thanks everyone!
  • How odd is it that some guy came up to me in a public restroom yesterday evening (sept 1) and started rambling about how he didn't have a prostate anymore.
  • I like to do both. I goto the gym 3 -5 times a week and try to do yoga at least once every 2 weeks. Muscle has memory so if you throw it the occasional curve ball and mix it up you might see better results!
  • Are you under your goal weight?
  • A chocolate bar is nothing to complain about. A chocolate bar everyday is a different story. Take the time to indulge in your guilty pleasure foods. Just don't take to much. This isn't about losing weight it's about a lifestyle change. If you don't factor in all foods even the occasional candy bar you are setting up to fail
  • From what you are describing I think a protein shake is perfect for you. They're many different varieties that cater to different applications. Everything from pure protein to straight up meal replacements. In your case you want to reach your protein intake without changing your vegetarian lifestyle. I take a post workout…
  • When your done your workout is typically when you want to eat your biggest most balanced meal of the day. Get a lot of complex carbs and protein, the complex carbs will replenish your energy without spiking your blood sugar and making you even more tired. The protein will feed your muscles. This helps me stay lively after…
  • If you take in more protein then your body needs, in the long run it can be bad for your kidneys, but thats if you go WAY over your daily limit for an EXTENDED period of time (years). Going slightly over your protein limit won't hurt you. And if your exercising lots your body is rapidly breaking down the protein compounds…
  • The first thing you should check is your sodium intake
  • Having lost 20lbs with MFP and now trying to gain it back in muscle I can tell you it's definitely more geared towards weight loss. I found the best way for me help gain was to do my homework on proper weight gain and then customize my food tracker
  • Wow! Thanks Bro! I retain water like a b@stard and I always wondered why. About a month ago, I weighed myself before my workout and after a 2 hour workout and 20 minute steam I lost 6lbs, and I was drinking water during both my workout and in the steam room!
  • good on ya man!
  • MFP does have the limits set pretty low by default. In the short term, excess protein can be converted to fat, but that is far less likely then something like carbs and fat being stored. Your kidneys will work harder if your body takes in to much protein and in the long run you can damage them but thats only if you go way…
  • a 30 minute 3mph walk is more then acceptable on a rest day. I agree you should listen to your body but I think it will certainly allow for a little walk, and if you like the activity then don't feel you have to deprive yourself of that just because it's a rest day, it's not like your running a marathon your just walking…