High Protein Foods?

xLyric Posts: 840 Member
Hi, I've started working out doing the 30 day shred (circuit training basically, I think) and I don't think it's enough of a workout to warrant an actual protein shake, but I don't often reach my protein goal anyway, so I think eating something high in protein after the workout to at least meet my goal (of 50-60 or so) would be good, don't you think?

What would anyone suggest?

I'm a vegetarian, so no meats/fish please. :) Eggs are fine, as is milk.


  • dcturcotte
    From what you are describing I think a protein shake is perfect for you. They're many different varieties that cater to different applications. Everything from pure protein to straight up meal replacements. In your case you want to reach your protein intake without changing your vegetarian lifestyle. I take a post workout shake called N.O Synthesize that has 20g of protein. It may work well for you, Or the Pre workout NO Shotgun, (which gives you a ton of energy during your workout!). I take both because I'm trying to gain muscle mass, obviously for you this would be serious overkill. You could take just one of those and that would help you get some protein and possibly help you pre or post workout
  • littlemamajamie
    littlemamajamie Posts: 118 Member
    I always drink a protein shake after I workout. Protein is so good for you and it helps repair your muscles if you drink it after working out. (That's what I've read anyways) I don't think you can really have to much protein as long as its low fat. Hope this helps :)
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Beans and veggie burgers.
  • laf0026
    laf0026 Posts: 32 Member
    Protein shakes and bars (I eat cliff bars) are good, but you can also eat beans, nuts, and seeds for protein.