Ruptured Cyst..Can I still work out?

Hi...So...Over the weekend I had an ovarian cyst rupture which sent me to the hosptial because I fainted (scaring my dear fiance to death)...My doctor said I could act as normal, just nothing to the point of pain...With that being said...Can I still work out normally? Has anyone had experience with these? I want to work out and I feel much much better I just don't want to cause any damage (creepy as it sounds, I want babies soon and I don't want to do anything to hurt those chances)...let me know what you know! Thanks!


  • dcturcotte
    I'm not going anywhere near this you should ask your doctor
  • aleslie
    I did and all I got was the, take it in moderation unless it hurts answer...what does that even mean...not lashing out at you, just annoyed with that answer...venting per say
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I would say that means work out unless it starts hurting, then stop. I've had a cyst rupture before and I certainly wasn't feeling up to do much of anything afterward. Maybe do the easiest exercise regime you have?
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    awww :cry: