JenRLo Member


  • I'm doing this with my family in May. Great ideas here. I have a son with a slight asthma issue so I'll have to keep an eye on him. I didn't think about sunglasses either.
  • When I am out and nowhere near home (i.e., been gone from my house since 6am and its 5 pm); I have a couple favorites. At McDonald's I'll get the grilled chicken Caesar salad with balsamic vinaigrette and no croutons with a yogurt parfait. Filling and under 500 cals. At Wendy's I get a plain baked potato and small chili.…
  • When I worked in a clothing store, we realized that junior's sizes were about +1 to misses. So, a size 12 misses jeans is a size 13 juniors jeans. Like everyone else said, the cut is completely different. I birthed two kids and wouldn't think of going near junior's jeans! BTW, I'm 5'3, 160 and size 12 jeans that are a…
  • Amazon was running a special at Christmas and I got this one for around $75: Love the Breville brand! It's easy to use and easy to clean up. Whole apples, pears, etc go in. We don't need to de-seed. The only time I take the core out is when I'm going to…
  • OMG Funions! They are amazing stale! Luckily they're a bit hard to find in my area. I like the red wine association. I'll have to try that comparison...with a straight face.
  • Cheetos.....slightly stale. There needs to be more "chew" than "cruch." I will open a bag and leave it out for a day. It's a sickness.
  • My kids go nuts when I squirt some Italian Dressing on the chicken while it's cooking. Since it's oil based you don't need anything else in the pan (ie olive oil or butter). If I actually think before hand, I'll marinade it in the dressing first. I serve this 1-2 times a week EVERY week and I never have leftovers. I never…
  • OP, how much have you been exercising in the past few months? If you haven't really done a lot, 5 days a week of working out may be too much to start with. I would suggest only 3 days a week to start (alternate 2 strength, 1 cardio in a week with 2 cardio, 1 strength the next week). After a few months, add another day and…
  • My father came to visit and he asked for this when I called in an order at our local hoagie place. I refused to order it for fear they would spit in our food! Philly cheesesteaks do not contain "cold" ingredients.
  • I just posted on my page about my new fav Greek yogurt breakfast. Since most fruits I like are out of season, I've been mixing 1 tbsp dried cranberries, 1 tbsp walnuts, chia seeds, cinnamon, allspice, Splenda, and 1/2 c Kashi Go Lean cereal into 1/2 c plain yogurt. It's really good. My favorite hot and easy breakfast is…
  • I didn't see anyone mention jimmies. As in "Can I please have chocolate jimmies on my ice cream?" I had a huge argument with my sister (who grew up in Maryland) when I was visiting and asked for them. She didn't know what I was talking about. I'm not sure if jimmies is a Philly thing or Southern thing. I grew up all over…
  • I used to get HORRIBLE nochturnal leg cramps until I got pregnant. Now, I rarely get them. What worked best was quinine pills from the doctor, and valium. The quinine is horrid, even in pill form. Plus you have to be careful, there are warnings on it. Potassium and hydration are the key. Bananas worked for me, but if…
  • I have the same problem. I am so glad it's not just because I'm overweight! That makes me feel SO much better. I bought cheap ($3-$4) capri leggings from Kohl's to wear under my running shorts for when I wear tighter tanks. I also have compression shorts (Old Navy) that are 9 inches (I think) that I can wear with a longer…
  • Philly sports teams make me want to cry this year. I may have to *gasp* start watching *gulp* basketball. Noooooooooooo!
  • The talkers absolutely tick me off!!!! Shut up and work dammit! If you can carry on a full blown conversation you're not working hard enough and wasting the machine. The other poster was right - my music doesn't go up load enough either when they get next to me! I basically just run at the gym because the "weight section"…
  • People who don't know me are told to look for the chick with the zebra stripped coffee mug .... or the glass of wine ... depending on what time it is! I bow to those that drink it black, alas I am too weak for the full bold taste but add soymilk and Splenda and I'm rockin' it.
  • I had horrible problems when I was younger with TOM and went on birth control. The problems went away, but the weight gain came. After I was done having kids I got an IUD and loved it, except for the weight gain. I finally stopped all medications and had the IUD removed. The weight went away slowly and then I started…
  • I have a 1/2 cup of Fat free Greek yogurt plain with add-ins (fruit, almonds, granola, etc). During the summer I was adding 1/2 c strawberries, 1 packet Splenda, and 1 tsp. chia seeds. Now that it's cooler, I'm adding cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, nuts, high fiber cereal, etc (not all at once!). You can also Google…
  • About 10 years ago, when I was at my grandmother's funeral a distant relative came up to me, rubbed my belly, and said she was so happy to hear I was pregnant. I wasn't and all I could think was she had "heard it" which means other family members thought so too! After that, I lost 25 pounds and then got pregnant. On the…
  • I work in Phila 8 hours a day with an hour commute each way. My daughter (10) is active in dance and my son (8) is active in hockey. I follow a low carb eating plan (loosely based on South Beach) and have been running for about a year. I feel that if I can do this, anyone can! Every once in a while I do have to have a…
  • My favorite at McDonalds that fills me is: Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette (no croutons) and a Fruit & Yogurt Parfait: 363 cals, 9 g fat, 31 g protein, 825 g sodium (yikes!)
  • Have to try a few for my super-picky-always-on-the-go kids! Thanks!
  • My absolute favorite hummus accompaniment is pita chips, but not necessarily good for you. As anyone tried using hummus hot? I was wondering what would happen to the consistency when roasted or melted?
  • Yellow Tail is a good reasonably priced brand. I typically drink reds, but not Merlot. The tannin in the red wine is what usually gives people a headache (and over consumption!). I like both Pinot's (grigio and noir). Another favorite is Redwood Creek. It's a Californian wine. I tend to stay away from Mondavi and Gallo.…
  • I intend to mix it with my plain no-fat greek yogurt as a chocolate treat when I need it! You can also mix it with Ricotta cheese for a mousse like treat. I like the idea of putting it in the coffee grounds, but I'm curious if there would be enough of a "chocolate" taste when done? I'll have to try this weekend. I…
  • TDEE Questions I recently started eating closer to my TDEE, how soon should I start to see results (substained weight loss) to know it's working? If I'm calculating my TDEE to my actual activity level, then I should NOT eat back my exercise calories, right? When I finally get a HRM, can I wear it all day for a week to get…
  • And the natural reason a cow produces milk is to nourish its young. It doesn't need to disseminate anything. Once there is no more young to nourish, the milk goes away and it lives it's life. The sole purpose of a cow's life is NOT to produce milk whereas the sole purpose of the actual zucchini is to disseminate seeds.
  • All female mammals produce milk once they have given birth to provide nourishment for their young. Once the young are old enough to sustain on other foods, they stop nursing and the mother’s milk dries up. The only reason a cow has for producing milk is to feed its young. Some person walked past that calf one day and…
  • I had the same problem about 7 years ago. The doctor tested me for Celiacs and I gave up dairy: turned out to be a dairy intolerance for me. The other poster was correct; it takes at least 2 weeks to notice a complete difference. I would imagine dairy is easier to give up so you might want to eliminate that one first.…
  • I'm on SB and use MFP to log everything too. Most the recipes for SB items are already in here. You just might want to change your Carb/Fat/Protein rations to 30/20/50 or something like that so that protein is higher than carbs and fat. Good luck and feel free to add me if you want! I don't follow SB as strict as I used…