Advice for the Color Run?

I just signed up for my first 5k, the color run which isn't until August. Does anyone who has done it before have any suggestions or anything for me to keep in mind? I seriously can't wait, it looks like so much fun


  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    I just signed up for one in New York in September! It looks like so much fun. My friend did one before and she just said it is a lot of fun and the color sticks to you better if you're wet so I plan on bringing a spray bottlefor your t-shirt (it'll keep us cool too!) but not for my face since I don't want to go to work the next day multicolored.

    As far as the running part, just have fun!

    There are videos on you tube you can watch too. Enjoy!

    Also, I got this from another thread...


    As someone stated before, clothing that you don't really care about- some of the dye does stain
    Bring towels, trash bags, some bottled water- trash bags to cover the seats in your car, towels and water to try and get the color off. I didn't have any of this when I went and payed for it, lol.
    The color stations, hold your breath while walking through as inhaling the dust isn't fantastic.
    HAVE FUN!!! It's an amazing experience! Also, make sure to have your color pouch with you at the end for the color toss- that is awesome as well!
  • lleesmann
    lleesmann Posts: 41
    I brought something to change into after the race last year. They have tips on how to keep the color in your shirt on the Web site. If you have breathing issues, bring something to cover your nose/mouth. Sunglasses help a lot. I was blonde then so some of the color stayed in my hair even after showering. :)

    Ours in KC last year was in August. It was also a record breaking temperature weekend. Be careful about the heat, drink a ton of water beforehand, maybe even bring your own bottle to drink from while running... had to skip one of the water stops because there were waaaay too many people waiting.

    Also, be prepared for a TON of walkers. I'd say that easily over half the people participating were just walking and wanted to get "colored."
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    Just ran one last Saturday. Its a good time and I had fun.

    *Bring a change of clothes as others mentioned and plan on dropping trow in the parking lot. Dress or park with that in mind.
    *Wet naps or something similar so you can clean your hands off and not get color all over your car.
    *Shopping or ziploc bags to put your clothes in.
    *If you have expensive running shoes, use Scotch Guard on them the day before
    *The color bombs did cause me a bit of a breathing issue, but not enough that I had to stop running. More of a nuisance, but if you are sensitive...
    *The walkers will piss you off if you are trying to run the whole thing. Keep your head up so you can avoid them better.
    *Wear something unique (funny hats and tutu's were common) because trying to find your friends afterwards is near impossible.
    *The color came off my skin pretty easy, and my wife and I both have dark hair so not sure about how it would affect hair. My gut says it shouldn't be an issue...
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    I'm doing the one in St Louis April 27th. My friends who have done it say that walking is common especially through the color zones to be able to appreciate the experience. Walkers are common in any 5k that's not a big heated serious computing. Tis is supposed to be fun so just enjoy the experience. I am "running" with my 2 kids (14 and 11) husband, sister and brother in law.
  • RobynDCrossman
    The will spray the cornstarch in your mouth. Which will choke you.
    If you are running it for the sake of running, that will impede your actual running.
  • andeehrdz
    andeehrdz Posts: 59 Member
    Sunglasses to avoid color in the eyes..... :glasses:
  • tlo5
    tlo5 Posts: 16
    yes, so fun! just keep your mouth closed, sunglasses and wear white. :)
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Just ran one last Saturday. Its a good time and I had fun.

    *Bring a change of clothes as others mentioned and plan on dropping trow in the parking lot. Dress or park with that in mind.
    *Wet naps or something similar so you can clean your hands off and not get color all over your car.
    *Shopping or ziploc bags to put your clothes in.
    *If you have expensive running shoes, use Scotch Guard on them the day before
    *The color bombs did cause me a bit of a breathing issue, but not enough that I had to stop running. More of a nuisance, but if you are sensitive...
    *The walkers will piss you off if you are trying to run the whole thing. Keep your head up so you can avoid them better.
    *Wear something unique (funny hats and tutu's were common) because trying to find your friends afterwards is near impossible.
    *The color came off my skin pretty easy, and my wife and I both have dark hair so not sure about how it would affect hair. My gut says it shouldn't be an issue...

    This. Also bring a ziplock baggie for your phone or camera and whatever else you take with you on the run so it doesn't get color bombed. I took wet wipes, but they didn't do much good. Just scrubbed myself in the shower and all the color came right off. You are going to have a blast!
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm doing the one in St Louis April 27th. My friends who have done it say that walking is common especially through the color zones to be able to appreciate the experience. Walkers are common in any 5k that's not a big heated serious computing. Tis is supposed to be fun so just enjoy the experience. I am "running" with my 2 kids (14 and 11) husband, sister and brother in law.

    I'm doing this one as well with a friend from work :)
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    Sunglasses are a must. If you have lighter color hair and worry about the color staying around a while, I would recommend a hat. I work in a conservative environment and having multicolored hair would do me no favors. So, I wore a hat, but still had a bit of color on the tips of my hair.
  • RaineMarie
    RaineMarie Posts: 158 Member
    I did one last September - wear white, but the color still may not come out. I had a white tshrit on, and a white sports bra - I threw the tshirt away but kept my sports bra - and it is still multicolored after washing it every week since then. I had blonde hair at the time and didnt have any issues with the color in my hair or getting it out afterwards. The walkers were the most annoying part because they would walk in large groups making it hard to pass them - also there were a lot of people cutting across and not following the path which really aggravated me. The color itself is really fun though!
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Bump since I'm doing this in June in LA.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    My experience last July was . . .it was an event, not a race. It was a bit disorganized in Columbus. (Or perhaps just the folks I went with??) In any event, it was hot, slow, and not particularly challenging. If you want to *run* a 5k. . .I'd say pick something else and just go to the Color Run to have fun. It WAS fun. My socks still show a bit of blue & green. And, definitely wear junk for clothes and shoes you don't care about. And bring a chage of clothes and some towels and trash bags to tie it all up in so you don't end up with that powder all over your car (I was crazy about that because I had a 4 month old new car!!!).

    Above all. . .HAVE FUN!!!
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    You will have soooo much fun! It is not a race. They don't time you. It is just a super fun event. I wish I would have brought sunglasses to keep the dust out of my eyes. We covered the seats of our car with super large industrial garbage bags. Even if you change your clothes...that stuff is everywhere!

    We tried to "save" our shirts with spraying vinegar and doing the whole bit that they suggest, but most of the color washed out and the shirt just looked dirty.

    This is a great family event, too. My daughter who hates to run actually enjoyed this race and wants to sign up again.
  • Mandykinz2008
    Mandykinz2008 Posts: 292 Member
    I did this in SA in December! Main recommendation..put trash bags over your car seats BEFORE the race and bring towels. They use liquid along with powder, so to protect your seats it's best to cover while clean!

    Otherwise as far as attire, wear sunglasses and as much white as possible. I made a tutu for about $10 and it was fun. If you want the color to stay in your clothes let them dry, spray with vinegar, and iron BEFORE washing. I had NO issue with getting the color out my hair and I have huge blonde I wouldn't worry about that.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    I did it last year in Hartfod, CT and was not prepared for the whole course to be gravel. I ended up running on the grass, which was fine.

    As others mentioned these are a must-
    - Sunglasses
    - Do not wear anything you care about (my socks still have color on them and I wore a pair of sneakers I was about to replace)
    - Extra clothes to change into and flip flops for after the race
    - If you are not getting your packet mailed to you, pick it up after the race so you dont have to carry it
    - Get their early, traffic was so bad trying to get into ours that we were 2 hours late for our original start time (they didnt care and we stll got to race though)
    - Be prepared for A LOT of walkers
    - Bring wet wipes to whip off your face after and a towel for the seat in your car :)

    Enjoy - it's fun!
  • JenRLo
    JenRLo Posts: 95 Member
    I'm doing this with my family in May. Great ideas here. I have a son with a slight asthma issue so I'll have to keep an eye on him.
    I didn't think about sunglasses either.
  • autniccole
    The Color Run last year here in Dallas was my VERY FIRST 5k. I guess I was one of those "annoying" walkers - but at my heighest-ever weight, it was a fun and non-daunting non-race to start out with!

    We rode the train to/from the race. A friend brought some plastic tablecloths for us to sit on on the ride back to keep from getting the color all over the seats on the train. We got SO many odd looks and people wanted to take pictures with us. Pretty funny stuff!

    The color washed right off of my skin and out of my hair, but it did stay in my shirt! It seems the hot pink color is the most hesitant about washing out!

    And not to be gross, but be prepared for the first time you blow your nose afterwards. It's...colorful to say the least!

    Like some other folks said, definitely make sure to cover your phone or camera with a ziploc bag to keep the colored cornstarch from the nooks and crannies!

    Once we got there and were waiting for the event to start and I saw all the awesome outfits (SO many fun tutus and stuff!) I really wished we had gone all-out on our outfits instead of just wearing boring old workout clothes!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :drinker: Just remember to Have FUN!!
  • sherpasmom
    sherpasmom Posts: 24 Member
    Awesome sauce about the 10 year old is doing this with me (colormerad) and she will be thrilled to know this :) We will be walk / running. I have a heart issue so a 15 minute mile is usually what I walk and that is fantastic for me personally. If runners have a problem with me in any race, you should be really far ahead of me, so hmmmmmmm? ;) I do aspire to eventually run a 5k.

    Thanks for all the tips and to the OP! Very good tips, especially for the spray bottles! We'll be rainbow'd here in SouthAL April 20th! ♥