I want your "are you pregnant?" stories



  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I had two women I was training with approach me during a break and ask me if I was pregnant because they thought maybe I was but they just couldn't tell. I was 30 weeks, so it was a little weird that they couldn't tell.
  • Medtech2004
    Medtech2004 Posts: 55 Member
    I had a coworker ask me that when my daughter was about 1. She asked if I was trying to "hide something"....btw we wear scrubs so it hides alot. Was a wake up call, made me realize that maybe I could stand to lose a few pounds :(
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I have two "are you pregnant?" stories.

    First one was about a year after I got married. I had not seen my parents in months, and had put on maybe 10 pounds since the wedding. I got into a hot tub with my mom and she said I should get out of the hot tub. I asked her why and she responded, "But pregnant women shouldn't be in hot tubs!" I went back to my hotel room and cried.

    Second was when I actually was pregnant a few years later. I didn't ever get really big with my first baby, and never really showed. When my baby shower invites went out to a bunch of co-workers, a few called the hostess asking if it was a joke. I was 7 months along, thought I was huge, and people didn't even think I looked pregnant. I had to bring my ultra-sound pics to the shower to prove that I was actually having a baby.
  • newCourtney
    newCourtney Posts: 168 Member
    I went to have lunch with my sister who had just had a baby and my mother. We had the baby with is next to my sister. The waiter told me congratulations on the baby. :0(
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    A couple of years ago a little girl at my son's daycare asked me if I was having a baby, right in front of everyone....I just told her "nope, I just like candy" and laughed it off....but man was that embarrassing
  • JenRLo
    JenRLo Posts: 95 Member
    About 10 years ago, when I was at my grandmother's funeral a distant relative came up to me, rubbed my belly, and said she was so happy to hear I was pregnant. I wasn't and all I could think was she had "heard it" which means other family members thought so too! After that, I lost 25 pounds and then got pregnant.

    On the reverse, I was working as a cashier at a clothing store about 5 years ago when a woman came up with her friends, talking and laughing and purchasing newborn baby clothes. I made the dreaded comment about her expecting a baby and she promptly told me she wasn't pregnant. Then I (OMG I can't believe I did this!) argued with her about it. I thought she was messing with me because she looked so obviously pregnant. I was so embarrassed and apologetic I gave her a huge discount on the stuff she was buying. I'm still ashamed. :embarassed:

    I recently heard a comedienne say "I don't care if she's crowning, you never ask her if she's pregnant!" Truer words have never been spoken!
  • Mamao7
    I was pregnant with the baby hes is 3 now and at out nieces 1st b-day party and one of my sister in laws boy friends family thought I was really fat. I was talking to them and started telling them I was due in December and told her I was around 6 months and she was like I didn't realize you were pregnant.. I have never met this person and I'm short.. maybe 5'1 (as I'm getting older I seam to be getting shorter or maybe I was never any taller...lol ) but anyway I was like Yea I'm pregnant I'm only ever this big when I am.. I tend to carry all in the front.. as all women do.. some high some low.. me all front.. I don't remember my weight but I remember being really insulted and them suddenly really insecure about being there, went and found my hubby and told him and we laughed it off. But seriouly people who cant tell you are pregnant or just over weight need to have there eyes checked..there are clues the pregnant woman gives off.. and to those who just ask hey are you pregnant and your are not.. they should just get the f* off award and who asks that anyway.. that's just really wrong to ask someone. well vent over.. and there was my story.. have a good day all.
  • Mamao7
    I agree totally!
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    When I was actually smaller than I am now, I was picking up sushi for dinner, and had some lady tell me that she didn't think you were supposed to eat that when you are pregnant. :-/ I guess another reason I don't intend to have children!!
  • Scarlettbird50
    Scarlettbird50 Posts: 45 Member
    got asked this by a client while working for nutri system...double whammy lol
  • karabff
    I get that question ALL time ( or at least when I am chunky-plus I am pre-menapausal so really ppl) as I carry 99% of my weight in my stomach-my reply is always the same-No I am just FAT-it shuts them up every time...
  • tinacrane
    tinacrane Posts: 134 Member
    Mine is a twins story too :) . My last pregnancy was twins and I weighed 128 and gained 80 pounds. They were 7 lb 6 oz and 6lb 12 oz and were delivered at least 2 weeks early. My prego belly was huge when I carried them and took a while to go down. They were just a couple weeks old and in their twin stroller and a lady approached me and said" Cute twins ! And pregnant again already!" Duh...tiny newborns and I am already pregnant enough to be showing again? Hello?..
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I have been mistaken for being preggo many times. I have this pad of fat right on top of my pregnancy spot, still there four years after my last baby.
    I am not in the least bit offended, as pregnant women are quite beautiful.
    I don't mind that look at all.
    It is diminishing all the time, now that I have been eating at a deficit and lifting.
    In the meantime, call me pregnant if you want to ....I'll just smile at you:bigsmile:
  • lorimaas
    lorimaas Posts: 1 Member
    I am a very petite person and have had 2 children. I lost all the baby weight very quickly (not trying to brag). But my problem is that because I am a smaller person, and my son was an enormous baby, my stomach muscles suffered pretty extensive damage, and therefore can't really support my insides as well. I am now back to my regular weight (well, would still like to lose another 7 pounds - that is why I am here), but I always look like I have a "small baby bump" on my tummy. I look about 4 months along in the right shirt :(

    I try to hide this by wearing looser fitting shirts, sometimes an empire waist looks great, sometimes it accentuates the whole thing. This crazy woman in my office building who I've seen regularly for years exclaimed in the main lobby - "ARE YOU WITH CHILD!!!) With a huge grin on her face. I answered very harshly, no - and then went up to my office and cried. The only fix for me is a tummy tuck to sew the muscles back together (confirmed by a surgeon) - still trying to decide if I am brave enough, or vain enough to go that route.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I am a very petite person and have had 2 children. I lost all the baby weight very quickly (not trying to brag). But my problem is that because I am a smaller person, and my son was an enormous baby, my stomach muscles suffered pretty extensive damage, and therefore can't really support my insides as well. I am now back to my regular weight (well, would still like to lose another 7 pounds - that is why I am here), but I always look like I have a "small baby bump" on my tummy. I look about 4 months along in the right shirt :(

    I try to hide this by wearing looser fitting shirts, sometimes an empire waist looks great, sometimes it accentuates the whole thing. This crazy woman in my office building who I've seen regularly for years exclaimed in the main lobby - "ARE YOU WITH CHILD!!!) With a huge grin on her face. I answered very harshly, no - and then went up to my office and cried. The only fix for me is a tummy tuck to sew the muscles back together (confirmed by a surgeon) - still trying to decide if I am brave enough, or vain enough to go that route.
    Perhaps a little tummy work in the form of planks/pushups? This is what a trainer told me, in order to bring that particular set of muscles back toward midline. I have been working on that some:) Also any of the compound weight lifting also works the core. Mommies are beautiful, period:)
  • mcsteenie
    I got that question several times over the years. BUT the worst was recently. Twice IN ONE DAY I had two different people ask me "when I was due"and then my 4 y old if "she was exited about the new baby sister or brother." The worst part is this is AFTER i have lost 57 lbs. 0_o
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    I was teaching preschool ages at a private school, my first teaching job, right after graduating college. Every afternoon around 3 the regular pick up time would find most of the teachers out on the playground with the kiddos and the parents would just stop by, chat and play for a bit and then take their kids. I was wearing a pair of my "no longer skinny, they're now just tight" jeans and my tummy at the time would sometimes hang a little bit when I would bend over, which happened frequently when helping my little tykes on the playground. I had one parent at this time of the day (always the fattest and most tired time of day for me) come up to me after watching me for awhile and she said, "Congratulations! I had no idea you were pregnant!"

    Yikes!....blank stare...um, thanks bu no thanks.

    I guess my growing pooch had signaled to her brain "insert foot in mouth". I played it off, especially since she was from another country where, I know, a faux pas like that is not considered as big a deal as it is in USA.

    Side note: Ive also been told by a child that I'm "comfy to sit on...just like a couch". Wow, thanks kid. They do not lie!
  • mom2mini
    mom2mini Posts: 19 Member
    I am pretty sure a lot of students in my college classes just thought I was getting fat through the semester because finally at the end (on finals day before the test) one of the students who usually sat next to me plucked up the courage to ask, "Are you pregnant?". I was 7 months pregnant. Even though I was all tummy I didn't start showing until the last two months, my son must of sat really far back. But then I got huge! Even a few of my professors congratulated me last day of classes! Still, I give props to the one student who was finally brave enough to ask.
  • jackie2866
    jackie2866 Posts: 62 Member
    About 2-3 weeks after my daughter was born, someone asked me "when are you due?" Oops. From that day on I packed up my maternity tops which I was still wearing for a little while because I had a c-section and was still sore.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I was once told "Congratulations!" from a co-worker's husband at a Christmas party. He even patted my effing belly. To top it all off....I was literally drinking a glass of white WINE!

    People. Are. Dumb.