I want your "are you pregnant?" stories



  • dawLs
    dawLs Posts: 84
    I was at Tim Horton's a few weeks ago and the cashier asked me when I was due.
    Considering I am 5 foot 7 and 126lbs, I can't for the life of me figure out why she would ask that...
    Totally paranoid now though :(
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Seems like I've gotten lucky dodging this bullet. No one believed me when I was pregnant because I looked the same.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    My belly swells up pretty bad when I eat, no joke. I also rub it a lot when it's that swollen. When I weighed 130 (I'm 5'8") I got asked twice when I was due because of my "food babies."

    I'm also a jerk ... When I was 160 and just started dating my husband, we were dating long distance and it had been about 3 months since we had seen each other. I had a massive food baby so I took a picture of me in profile and sent it to him with the message "We need to talk." He did NOT find it as funny as I did.
  • loriaqui
    loriaqui Posts: 55 Member
    When I was 6 I asked my grandma if she was pregnant. She responded "no, honey, I'm just fat"

    Grandmas...gotta love em.
  • DeckerDoll
    A guy I worked with asked me if was pregnant once. I think mostly just because his gf was newly preggers and he was excited so he just thought about it all the time? Not sure.

    He was just so excited...bizarre.
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    I have an opposite story,

    After having my daughter we went to church the following Sunday, and I had people come up to me and tell me that didn't know we were adopting a child and was happy for us...I looked at them and said we didn't adopt, I had her last week, they just looked at me in amazement, I guess I didn't look pregant...
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    When I was 9 months pregnant with my oldest child I was in the mall walking and a lady came up, put her hand on my abdomen and asked "When are you due". Since touching me without permission is one of my pet peeves I replied sarcastically "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat". :bigsmile:

    You should have seen the horrified look on her face; and boy did she snatch her hand back like I'd just bit her.

    That was the only time that ever happened. I think I project an aura of F@#K off, so most people leave me alone.

    I keep telling people when I get knocked up I'm going to just tell people I'm fat, it just seems easier that way hahahahaha...
  • SweetFeather
    SweetFeather Posts: 4 Member
    I have the opposite story... I was about four months pregnant with my fifth child and I was picking up my son from elementary school. A woman in the office said, "SweetFeather? Are you getting FAT?!!!!!!!!!!" I cried for weeks.
  • MrMatt87
    I've got to think this is one of the most horrible things a woman can go through (even if they laugh it off) .. brutal.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I was drinking at a bar - and someone asked me if I was pregnant. Umm. No. I have a Bud Light in my hand. I responded - "No, I'm just fat". I'm surprised I didn't slap him in the face. That was my wake up call.
  • Lozx87
    Lozx87 Posts: 130 Member
    it was last witer snow on the ground .
    i suffer with back problems ad id gone to the shop to get some stuff and whilst standig i line my back twiged so i was rubbing my back where it hurt this little old lady (bless her) said be carefull when yo go outside in them heels yo dont wanna fall over in your condition.
    i was in complete shock and wouldnt of minded bt the shop was full of people :noway: when i said i weren't pregnant she appologised ad left very quickly.
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    I was asked a few times if i was, and walked away in tears. One lady in particular....well...she's gained 50+ in the past few years & is a lot bigger then me, I may be evil but oh do i enjoy it!
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    Was never asked if I was pregnant but I did go to a garage sale to find baby clothes for some friends who did just have a baby and the lady asked how old my daughter was. I think that's when I knew I REALLY needed to start losing weight.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    From the ages of 17-20, EVERY single time I wore this cute pink button-down shirt, I got asked if I was pregnant. Eventually, I just started saying "Nope. Just fat. Thanks for the reminder." Then, I burned the shirt.
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    No one's ever asked me, but I have a few expereinces of the other end...

    My mum once asked someone when her baby was due in Tesco; she wasn't pregnant, but she'd had it the day before so it wasn't that bad!

    I was waiting for a bus once, and this woman came over who was really thin apart from her stomach; she looked about 6 months pregnant. the bus station was shut so i was sat on my suitcase, and i stood up to talk to her. I was going to offer her it to sit on because the bus didn't come for a while; luckily she started talking about her pensioner's bus pass and how active she was so I didn't! She looked nowhere near 55, and had some of the coolest stories to tell. She travelled round the world to understand historical controversies, researching them for authors and theatre companies.
  • jgm379
    jgm379 Posts: 97 Member
    2 years ago I had just lost my weight and was down to 148lbs. (I am 5'7) While I was getting my eyebrows waxed the lady asked me how far along I was. Another time I was in the mall and had just had a baby. My childern were waiting for me by the table in the food court while I was getting the food. The cashier asked when I was due, and that I looked like I could pop at any moment. I was 180lbs at the time. There are many other times I just cant recall right now.
  • LovelyVegetarian
    LovelyVegetarian Posts: 117 Member
    Once, at a company BBQ, the guy operating the smoothy booth said "well, you're eating for two" when he handed me two....I was wearing an empire waist dress. It was so upsetting. And I was on my way to the gym. Then another time, my lovely DH told me that I should not wear a certain sweater as it made me look bigger than I was. Now, he NEVER says anything about my weight. Not even when I was 260 lbs preggo with our second kid - he loves me all the time and is always after my *kitten*. So when he said that, I got rid of all my baggy clothes and bought more tight-fitting clothes. I started to work out and eat better and EVERYONE started to comment how great I was looking. I'm continuing on this journey and the moral is, do NOT wear baggy clothes - they make you look bigger than you are, no matter what size you are. Right now I'm a size 8/10 and weigh 175 lbs-ish.
  • traceepics
    To all Mom's out there. It's ok to be in Maternity clothes for 2 years but the sooner you get off the weight the better. I can help. Message me :) Christina Applegate star of "Up all Night "talks about her experience being a first time Mommy and her weight. http://celebritybabies.people.com/2012/09/25/the-talk-up-all-night-christina-applegate-maternity-jeans/#more-169822
  • ltaylore
    ltaylore Posts: 54 Member
    This happened to me and this was actually the defining moment that promted me to lose weight. I was at the nail salon with my regualar nail tech. He didn't speak english all that well but well enough to make conversation. So he says "You have baby?" and motioned to my stomach. I said no and in disbelief he says "But big belly" while he motions to what a big belly that could only be the result of a pregnancy looked like so I would understand. I said "No, that's just too many cupcakes." He wasn't trying to be malicious actually but boy was I embarrased. I started dieting and excersing shortly after that.
  • deekado
    I had a stupid (rather un-intelligent) custodian at my work that would run around patting my stomach and ask if I was pregnant for years and would tell the other teachers I was pregnant. So for years I would get "congrats and when are you due?". After awhile I had to keep saying, "nope, not pregnant, just fat, you will be the first to know I am pregnant, but thanks". Then when I became pregnant with twins, she pretty much left me alone and no one questioned until I was pretty huge. I am pretty small so when I have a full bladder and am running to the bathroom, it would offend me so much, so rude and ridiculous.

    5 weeks after they were born, I was at a doc appointment for them at the hospital and one of the nurses asked if I was expecting my 3rd?? WHAT???!!! So absolutely ridiculous, all I could say was "no", but was thinking, why don't you carry twins and see how you look 5 weeks pp, ugh!!