inforsey Member


  • The nice thing about Just Dance is you only need the Wiimote.. No fancy mat required. Or, that's the nice bit about it for me anyway. (-:
  • Yes!!!! I hear you!! I pre-ordered mine.. First time I ever did that in my life -laughs- I loved the first one.. Played it so much I think I wore it out.. But this one is just awesome. I know most of the songs and can sing along. It's such a phenomenal workout. I just did 2.5 hours and didn't even notice! I love Just Dance…
  • In most major Canadian cities, we have a 10 k run and a 5 k walk called "The Underwear Affair" - to "Bring Awareness to Down There-Ness". People of all walks of life run or walk in their undies and it is hugely successful. It targets all cancers that are "below the waist", including prostate. It is not as successful as the…
  • With anyone doing any amount of running, you have to buy properly fitting running shoes. It's best to get them at an actual running store. They can tell you if you over or under pronate, or if you have a neutral foot placement. They can also see how high your arch is and if you will need stability in your arch or extra…
  • I put that Banish Fat Boost Metabolism workout in circuit training, as that is what it is.. 7 different circuits. (-:
  • I hit Onderland today... 198... and damn it feels good.
  • Are all of The Hungry Girl's recipes low cal/low fat? Or just some? I am sick of my recipes and looking for something new. Thanks.
  • Quinoa... It's a yummy alternative.. and only has 100 calories per serving. It has a nutty taste and it cooks just like oatmeal. Plus I think it has more fiber in it than pasta and not a whole lot of sodium. I love it. It's my new favourite power food. (-:
  • Ooooh.. I just read the bit about the endorphins and chocolate... Nice thinking.. I like it! (-:
  • Like everyone else before me, I too gain during the week of the dreaded monthly gift.. Mine is 3 pounds. And its consistent for 8 to 9 days. And it's sad and frustrating as all hell. BUT! After nine days, it's done and I weigh myself.. this time around I went down a pound afterwards, in addition to the 3. Bonus! It's mega…
  • Buy Just Dance, ignore the score, and just shake what your momma gave you. It is a serious workout.. you'll sweat your *kitten* off. All you need is a Wiimote.
  • I love "Onderland" - fantastic term. I am so very proud of you.. Puff your chest proudly because you flippin earned it.. You must be over the moon excited. I, like 623Hernandez, will be joining you soon in Onderland.. I have 8 pounds to go til I hit 199... But.. not to rain on your success.. Very good job!
  • I got a high score of 22000 last night on Jin-Go-Loba... woooooo! I have preordered my Just Dance 2.. I am so excited I can't even tell you.. Lame - yes.. But, like everyone else, I sweat my *kitten* off doing that game... and I have all the Wii Fit things.. but I love Just Dance most of all. XBOX is making a Kinect system…
  • I do 90 minutes of this at least twice a week.. And I for sure count it towards cardio.. It is an awesome game. the second installment is coming in the fall with a "Sweat Mode". I am very excited.
  • So is the Polar F6 the one people recommend? I am also in the market for one of these gadgets... How easy are they to use?
  • Didn't make it to the store.. but did do my Jillian Michaels... and yeah.. this weekend, I am going to have to get a HRM... I felt like I burned a million calories.. -laughs-
  • I chew gum.. and drink more water. And then, worst case scenario, I eat a handful or dried fruit (120 calories or less) or a no fat yogurt (usually 120 calories or less). That helps me. You can also drink coffee, but it's later in the day and caffeine may keep you up.
  • -Hee hee- It's okay.. I appreciated the positivity none-the-less. :-)
  • Perfect! Thanks for that.. I will have a peak around the health store later on my way home from work - then onwards to Jillian Michaels. And my weight loss hasn't been great.. I am just getting it jumpstarted after onths of sitting on my duff. :-) I had to find stuff that I liked to do as I am not a gym person at all. To…
  • Yay for Pizza Hut Canada.. this makes me so happy.. My husband has been very good at respecting my "no take away food in our home" rule as I cannot resist the salty goodness... But this means we can have take away! He will be so happy to order a pizza on Friday :-)
  • I left off at Monday... so.. Tuesday: 40 minutes of walking at a moderate pace (3.5 mph) 45 minutes of hiking up and down hills with my dog 50 of latin ballroom dancing Grand total for Tuesday: 135 minutes! And a gut busting 1230 calories burned! Wednesday: 60 minutes of slow paced walking (2.5 mph) 60 minutes of moderate…
  • Not as big a calorie busting day as I wanted yesterday.. but I did manage 1 hour of moderate pace walking and 1 hour of slower paced walking.. for a grand total of 120 minutes of cardio.. I think I earned 680 calories.. so not as impressive as I was hoping, but still progress. I logged allllll of the food I ate including…
  • Please feel free to add me as well... I too fall hard off of that wagon and getting back up on is not always easy.. Good to have people who not only cheer you on but also look around for you and wonderful "Where the heck did she go?" In health and to new friendships! -i.
  • I have them for comfort.. and they are comfortable. I have plantar fasciitis from years of running and high heel wearing. My ortho-tech recommended them (with insoles) for comfort. I have been wearing them since March. I do not notice any difference except the comfort factor. However, if I walk in them the way the DVD that…
  • I used to get a pins and needles sensation on the elliptical. And what was causing it for me was the lacing on my shoes. It was too tight. I had the same sensation running after 10 + miles. If it's a pins and needles sensation, try loosening the laces on the tops of your sneakers right down through to the toes. tie them so…
  • Holy smokes.. You are an inspiration to me, Kelly.. You go girl!!! I am going to try to do half of what she said -hee hee-
  • I too had one of these... I will definitely be in.. especially since my weigh in is on Thursday... ! 2 hours of cardio... Yikes!
  • Everyone's bladders are different sizes too.. so while one person can drink like a horse, another may only be able to drink like a ... bird. But... on the lighter side.. I hope I always get up to pee at night instead of wetting the bed... hee hee.
  • Since I dropped the ball last itme.. I will try to be more faithful.. This week.. so far... Sunday: 75 minutes walking (slow to moderate pace) Monday: 50 minutes of fast paced ballroom dancing, 60 minutes of slow walking. Keep up the good work and stay positive... I think I can I think I can I think I can... -hee hee-
  • It helps if you sip the water throughout the day instead of chugging a glass here and there. If you sip water, your body can absorb it better because it is in more managable doses. If you chug, what the body doesn't absorb and use goes to the bladder, filling it faster. And yes, the more water you drink on a regular basis,…