

  • I thought Led Zepplin was a person........when I was organizing music one day my boyfriend at the time (now my husband...considering he is a die hard Zepplin fan I'm surprised he still married me) died of laughted when I explained it was perfectly logical that it organized as "Zepplin, Led"............................ Up…
  • I definitely don't think your weak....Not going to lie, when I first saw your post my initial response was to be snarky like everyone else....but then I realized....your just like all of us...someone struggling with their weight and wanting to do whatever you can to get down to place you feel happy within yourself and when…
  • Very cuirious about what other's will say about this....I mean...I am by NO means an expert on ANYTHING...hahaha...but, i can't imagine how this would NOT affect your metabolism...and everything else. Your body would be starving all day and then you overload it and then give it nothing else? I just don't get how this…
  • regarding the heart rate monitor:...this machine requires human if you happen to accidentally be off on something. It COULD mess up your I think all he's saying is, it's not the voice of God. It could be off a bit here or there but it is definitely the most accurate machine we have available at our…
  • Hey Pinkstarr.....i hear was hard for me to juggling keeping up healthy calories and breastfeeding because even the smallest change and my milk would plummet....but, when I stopped breastfeeding that's when I gained my weight back! I didnt realize how many calories I really was burning!!!!! I think I have found…
  • wow......I feel bad for people without a sense of humor...cause no matter how thin or healthy you is gonna SUCK for you. We get it....WE are responsible...if we didn't already know that, we wouldn't be here on MFP!!!!!! for the fun part....I blame CHOCOLATE!!!!! ALL and any way it is prepared and…
  • Uhmmmmm....personally...I would rather buy something too big and have it taken in cause that would make me feel better hahhaa.......rather than buy something and have it still be too snug or just fit
  • HEY LADIES!!! I'd love to join. I'm 30 and had my daughter almost 10 months ago. I have about 15 lbs to lose. I gained 30 lbs in total....lost 20 lbs then once I stopped breastfeeding I lost control and gained more back......I am finding it hard to find time to work out....but it's totally my own excuses!hahaha...I am back…
  • My advice.....set small milestones for yourself. I never did the couch to 5k thing but...I literallly was walking one day and decided I had this urge to run. So i started. First time I went for a run, I set a goal...ok...from here to, that lamp post.....then, I would walk and find another marker and say, ok, when I hit…
    in I'm Crazy Comment by chulie January 2012
  • We're going to the Mayan in the end of February with my whole,dad,sister,their kids us and my 9 month of daughter.....honestly, I am not worried at all..Like someone said. The media LOVE to blow this stuff up. If we lived our lives in fear, really, any one of us could get killed in our cars at any given…
  •'s my point of view after reading ALL your posts. First, you married this man, so can I safely assume he was not this way before he went away? Can we agree that you loved everything about this man BEFORE he left for duty? That he was a loving man who respected you? If so, then here's my oppinion. First...I have a…
  • Ya i agree with PP....I know some women who ate soooo healthy, worked out, and gained so much weight...but it was just water weight and bloating cause i swear in no time they had lost every last lbs....hahaha.. I was actually at my goal weight loving life when I got pregnant. I weighted 150lbs(at 5'9). They told me I had…
  • I've been gone from this site for over a year...I was off having a baby and back now ready to get back to work...I saw this and it made me funny to see things haven't changed at all! lmao! I can't wait for people to ask how I lost my baby weight...the answer is ALWAYS dissapointing to them...hard work and…
  • This is my first.....i started out at the gym regularly, then ms sickness hit except mine was ALL day sickness and throwing up at least twice a for 2 months I did nothing except hang over a toilet....the only exercise I got was running back and forth to the washroom. Once it slowed to once a day, i started…
  • Hi ladies.....I used to be a regular here 2 years ago but have weened myself off MFP to try and just live a normal lifestyle. I had actually been able to keep all the weight off I lost until I went on vacation to L.A and I swear it was the most food I've eaten in my life!!hahaha...I gained back 5 lbs JUST from the trip!!!…
  • I just wanted to add something to this conversation off topic. When I hear women say their dr's have put them on the pill to regulate their scares me A LOT....if you ever want children....if you don't...stop reading cause you won't care! hahaha..My best friend had this happen when she was younger, she never got…
  • my FAVORITE is the mocha frappucino, light blend, 1/2's ridiculously 100 calories for a tall or something.....if you can't handle the 1/2 sweet...go for the regular sweet, but just switch to the light blend...even if something tastes "off" at first....after only having it one way you definitely…
  • When I lost my weight I lost anywhere from 4 to 5 lbs a week.....I've had no issues keeping it off. I think it's just a good indicator that your body was really ready to let go of that extra weight on it......
    in too fast Comment by chulie July 2010
  • I think I ask this questions every time someone mentions Alli so I truely apologize but the FIRST thing i notice is EVERYONE says..they took Alli, watched what they ate, cut out the fat and my question do realize even if you'd done the diet and exercise without Alli you'd have the same…
  • I did not know: 1) that all it took to lose weight, was to be accountable for what I ate and how I lived 2)that the naughty voice in my head telling me I couldn't run 10k or couldnt keep the weight off could be silenced every time I made the right choice 3) that I would look back 2 years from now and have kept EVERY pound…
  • When I wasn't working out and out of shape.....I felt exhausted from doing nothing all the time...ever since I started working out, I have more energy than I EVER have. Keep that in mind next time you think your too tired to do anything..."Just 20 minutes today is gonna make me feel better in the long run"....
    in Exhausted!! Comment by chulie July 2010
  •'s not going to show that quickly I'm afraid...hahaha...that being said....As YOU said in your post "it's a lifestyle change" and I KNOW I could never live any lifestyle if I had to give up my full bodied red's !!!! So, personally, since it's all about moderation. As long as you aren't drinking a bottle a…
    in Wine Comment by chulie July 2010
  • Ditto!!!!!! Everyone wants a quick fix...or has the excuse "I just need to get it started".....why not START properly.......It makes no sense to me...
  • I don't smoke but my husband did so I just wanted to say congrats! and good for you for not using a smoke aid. Before he quit he did some reasearch and realized that those smoke aids are actually just prolonging the addiction. I think it's something small like a few days and the nicotine is completely out of your system…
  • I just wanted to say congrats on all the weight loss...and I think wether you lose 25 lbs or 200 lbs....everyone has an identity crisis...haha...i know 25 lbs isn't a lot..but on my body frame it was especially once I toned up. There are times I'd walk by my reflection and not even realize it was me...or catch my…
  • I didn't follow any of the above suggestion of cutting stuff out and my stomach did shrink a fair bit....along with the rest of my body when I lost weight.......basically the person who said time is will eventually come off..that...and of course some good core exercises to strengthen the muscles underneath will…
  • Outlet stores!!!!Their a great place for off season clothes...that's why their cheaper because they're usually the wrong season..haha... we always vacation in January and that's where I buy everything I need!
  • Sorry but i 100% have to disagree here.....cramps are from your breathing!!! My pilates instructor told me this as the poster above put it is due to shallow, uncontrolled breathing and IF you get a cramp during running you don't have to stop...keep running but put one hand on each of your ribs and…
  • I am a choco-holic and take it from me...trying to NEVER eat chocolate again is a sure fire way to find yourself curled up in a corner snarling as you scarf an entire bag of m&m's.....HAHAHAHAHAHA.........MY personal favorite is Breyers 100 calorie double churned chocolate brownie ice cream...I admittedly have no self…
  • I was gonna say I'm the opposite! hahaha...Because I used to NOT eat all day and then have big giant binge's at night...when I wake up in the morning, I HAVE to eat by 8:30 or I'm a wreck...Since I spread out my eating over the day, I have to have something every few hours....yes it's a lot less than it used to be and I…