
I currently weight 350lbs. I want to lose weight but by the time I get home from work everyday I just want to crash. I am always just so tired. I know that there is nothing medically wrong with me (i checked). Does anybody have any advice for me? I have to get moving.....*sigh


  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    I am always exhausted. I feel the same way about after work. I get up early and work out before work.. yes thats at 5am that I wake up, but I make myself do it, the first week or two is hard! but you can do it! You will feel great after your done and then you dont need to worry about it for the rest of the day!
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    I fell like that when I get home too but when I started I told myself I would at least walk one mile a day. It only takes 15 to 20 minutes and when you are done you feel so much better. After a while I increased and now I regularly walk 3 miles a day. I have lost close to 50 pounds walking and eating right since the beginning of the year. Start small and increase it a little at a time and you will be surprised how quickly the weight comes off and how much better your body feels and how much better you feel about your body! :)
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I get up early every morning but cant seam to get into exercise that early. If you have 30 min take a walk on lunch or if you take the subway home get off a few stops early and walk it. Once you start exercising you will get more energy it sounds hard to believe but it is true. You can do this. :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    Start small and slow and do what you can. Slowly over time add more to your routine. over time you'll build up resistance to the activity and you'll feel so much better for it! Just getting started is the hardest part. Go for a 10 minute walk in the beginning. If you're not used to physical activity, this will be plenty to get you started. Do this every day, make it routine and non-negotiable and you'll feel so much better in the end!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Its kinda a catch 22, the bigger you are (I started at 314) the less you can do, but you start small, push yourself little by little, go for a walk and go from there, as you lose more weight you can do more.. I went from barely being able to walk to being able to currently run around a 10 min mile, and I cant wait to see what I can do when I get to my goal weight.
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    Once you start exercising you will get more energy it sounds hard to believe but it is true.

    I wonder when this will become true for me. :-(
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You can loose weight without exercise. Weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. Exercise is important for other reasons though, you can also start with light exercise for 10 minutes and increase it each week until you have the energy to do as much as you want.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    Even if you can't exercise, if your goal is to lose weight. Just continue to monitor what you're eating. Once the pounds start to fall off you'll be motivated to move a little more. I promise it is gets addictive.
  • pchristie
    pchristie Posts: 38
    I also get up at 5 when I am working. It was challenging at first, but once your body gets used to it, it's great. I actually really enjoy that time when the house is quiet and I am the only one up. I have my coffee at 5am and then workout from 5:30 - 6:30.

    If this seems too daunting of a task initially, how about just getting up 20 minutes early and going for a brisk walk or do a short workout dvd. Then, you can increase it gradually.

    Even if you just inc lude activity in your every day life like taking a walk at lunch time. I'm a teacher, and some of the other teachers meet at school before the day begins and they walk together around the field or around the gym. Do you have a dog? You could walk the dog if you have one - my dog loves that I got that idea from someone.

    Baby steps - increase your activity a little bit each day, and before you know it, the weight will begin to come off, and you will gain energy.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    You can loose weight without exercise. Weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. Exercise is important for other reasons though, you can also start with light exercise for 10 minutes and increase it each week until you have the energy to do as much as you want.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Let's see...

    Do you drink coffee or take any sort of stimulants to keep you going? If so, you might want to cut back. Your body becomes accustomed to it and needs more and more to keep you 'up'.

    Are you getting enough sleep? Minimum of 7 hours per night.

    Try eating a small piece of protein an hour before you go home from work. I eat a piece of laughing cow cheese or 1/4 cup of fat free cottage cheese or a half a protein bar (if I'm going to work out).

    Remind yourself that you will get those endorphins flowing when you exercise and it will feel GREAT. Much better than a nap will make you feel. Once you get started on the exercise, you'll be ok.

    I found that I cannot go home and then to the gym. If I do, I will talk myself into staying home because I'm too tired or need to do other things. So I have to go straight to the gym and do my workout, then home. As long as I do that, it works.

    And hang in there! It will get better :)
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Once you start exercising you will get more energy it sounds hard to believe but it is true.

    I wonder when this will become true for me. :-(

    I was not exercising just sticking to calories for a while and stopped loosing weight, I started walking 10-15 mins daily and after a week or two I was able to do more and did not feel as tired by the end of the day. It will come :flowerforyou:
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I agree with some and disagree with others. YOU need exercise in order to lose weight. Calories In and Calories Out. I have CONVINCED myself that I exercise in order to EAT! It works for me. On work-days perhaps you do 20 mnutes and on days off an hour! Ya gotta move!
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    Once you start exercising you will get more energy it sounds hard to believe but it is true.

    I wonder when this will become true for me. :-(

    I was not exercising just sticking to calories for a while and stopped loosing weight, I started walking 10-15 mins daily and after a week or two I was able to do more and did not feel as tired by the end of the day. It will come :flowerforyou:

    Ive been working out since Febuary.. i dont think its coming. lol
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You have to just tell yourself you'll feel better afterwards, this is what I do. I close at work 3 nights a week which gets me home at 7, exercising around 7:15-7:30. I usually get done about 8:30 or 9, shower, eat, then drink my protein shake and relax. I feel better and energized but by the time I get in bed (about 11) I'm just tired enough to sleep. You could also work out in the morning. If you really want this, you just have to do it. No excuses.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    I currently weight 350lbs. I want to lose weight but by the time I get home from work everyday I just want to crash. I am always just so tired. I know that there is nothing medically wrong with me (i checked). Does anybody have any advice for me? I have to get moving.....*sigh

    When I wasn't working out and out of shape.....I felt exhausted from doing nothing all the time...ever since I started working out, I have more energy than I EVER have. Keep that in mind next time you think your too tired to do anything..."Just 20 minutes today is gonna make me feel better in the long run"....
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Squeeze in some exercise in the morning or at lunch. If you work in an office, walk through the halls, up steps, etc.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Once you start exercising you will get more energy it sounds hard to believe but it is true.

    I wonder when this will become true for me. :-(

    I was not exercising just sticking to calories for a while and stopped loosing weight, I started walking 10-15 mins daily and after a week or two I was able to do more and did not feel as tired by the end of the day. It will come :flowerforyou:

    Ive been working out since Febuary.. i dont think its coming. lol

    LOL Can you do more than you did before you lost the 54 pounds? If yes you already have more energy. I still fall into bed exhausted by the end of the day, but through out the day I have more energy and get more done. :bigsmile:
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    I agree with most about doing something. I started walking in the mornings. I added more time slowly both in walking and doing the elliptical. It does give me more energy, and I can walk 2 miles without breathing too hard now. i feel healthier and have more energy.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    If you all keep telling yourself you can't.... Then you won't. It's mind over matter, people! Do it, and tell yourself that YOU CAN! We're here to inspire each other. I have faith in you girls, that you can do it, little by little. Don't let it defeat you anymore!