Diet pills??



  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Let's see....Headache, Heart pain....HUMMMM why wouldn't you try another. Maybe one can give you a stroke....
    I know this sounds mean but listen to what you said. You had these side effects and your willing to risk it and try another. Just get mad enough about wasting your money and do it right. I'm not saying it will be easy. I am still working on weight loss but you CAN do it the right way. And if you really want to give your money away I know a few good charities....Isn't that why you came to MFP? To get motivated and to lose weight the right way. Here are the tools, the friends, the right way!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • dmariec1704
    I have taken the CTS360 for almost a month now. I was really just looking for something that helped me kick start the weight loss process. Once I see the scale start going down, I get very motivated. In the first month I lost 8 pounds, which I feel is healthy loss. Although I am eating healthier and exercising more, so I did change my habits along with starting the pills. Hard to tell if the pills are working or my hard work and good food choices are paying off. My friend and I, who both work in health and wellness, looked over the ingredients in the pills and did not find anything we felt would be harmful, If anyone knows anything different please let me know. The system comes with a two month supply and I do not intend to purchase any more when they run out. I will say they do make you feel less hungry and help with that urge to snack.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    Although i haven't taken them in years, there are supplements that help curb your appetite, and give you more energy. And when you are first getting started, it might be just the kick you need to get you moving. Once ephedra was removed from them, most became useless. A couple years back i used Meltdown by VPX and had good results.

    Emphasis, diet pills are not a cure. They will not make you lose weight without eating right. They will though, help your appetite be curbed, which can make it easier WHEN YOU START to eat properly. When starting out going from 4000 calories to 1200 calories is going to sting............and if someone wants a little kick in the pants, why not......

    Caution, if you have underlying medical conditions, or haven't had your heart checked out, talk to a DR. Its a few kids with unknown heart conditions that got Ephedra banned for all of us. And Ephedra WORKED.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I don't believe I'm weak for asking everyones opinion. I've lost 30 lbs since I graduated college and another 13 since I joined this site. I loved reading all of the support in all of the blogs and they were a big help. I understand tough love but I don't believe calling someone weak is necessary when I only asked for some advice. I'm struggling just like everyone else.

    You're not weak. Ignorant might be appropriate, but it sounds harsher than it should. But really, how can you know if you don't ask? We're all ignorant of everything at some point. Everyone has to learn.

    If you're struggling, I would encourage you to stick with it. Force yourself to continue exercise and proper nutrition, and you'll feel much MUCH more accomplished than if you had a surgery, forced yourself to vomit, or popped a pill. Celebrate your small victories, and don't focus as much on a number, but rather on that you are doing things "The Right Way" and just trust me. Results will come, and you'll feel a lot better about it when it's changes that you can sustain through the rest of your life.

    I've failed many times, and only now am seeing success because I gave up on the meal replacement shakes, the negative calories food list, the this and the that. I've naturally curbed my appetite over time, by forcing myself to stick with smaller meal sizes, and more of them throughout the day.

    It's not easy, but you can do it! I know you can, because I can. I haven't had a Wendy's burger since the end of March, and I used to eat them practically daily. If I can quit that, anyone can do anything.

    Good luck!
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    I don't believe I'm weak for asking everyones opinion. I've lost 30 lbs since I graduated college and another 13 since I joined this site. I loved reading all of the support in all of the blogs and they were a big help. I understand tough love but I don't believe calling someone weak is necessary when I only asked for some advice. I'm struggling just like everyone else.

    I definitely don't think your weak....Not going to lie, when I first saw your post my initial response was to be snarky like everyone else....but then I realized....your just like all of us...someone struggling with their weight and wanting to do whatever you can to get down to place you feel happy within yourself and when you've been doing that for a long time...we get antsy and just want something to fix me...I've been there(and now I'm back shedding baby weight). You'll find the ONLY people on here supporting your suggestion for diet pills are people who are currently taking them.....because they want to believe, just like you, that it's going to work. It's not silly or weak at I've said...I've been there. Bottom line though, diet pills do NOT work long term....because like others said as soon as you stop taking them, you gain it right back. It has taken me YEARS to understand how to properly fuel my body and not abuse it with food. I have tried eating one meal day, only veggies, diet pills ect ect and the only way I have kept the weight off was learning to be accountable for what I put in my mouth. It is a painfully long process but in the end it works...and it is the ONLY way you will EVER permanently keep weight off your body. I know it's not the answer you want to hear, but I am telling you the god's honest truth. Like someone else said....IF there REALLY was a pill that fixed our issues and kept us skinny forever, do you not think the world would be thin???? We're not, because no pill exists. I know it is tempting and stupid drug companies have such alluring, tasty ad's that let us buy into what their selling, but it's all gimmicks and quick fixes. I don't deny some drugs MIGHT actually take weight off you.....absolutely they do...but it's never a long term solultion to why you are over weight and once you stop them, the weight comes right back.....BUT...the good news is, your in the right place.....log your calories, exercise and get support here...and for goodness sake...PUT DOWN THOSE SILLY PILLS!!!!!!!!! :):):)

    Good luck to you!
  • gailellie
    At the end of the day it's up to you ...there are no "diet pills " that will make the weight drop off like magic , I have been yo -yo dieting for some years ...but in the last three years I had the will power to loose just over five stone and kept 3 stone of it off (damn holiday to florida ) lol I did use the maximuscle thermabol pill which did help me loose about a pound extra a week , but I was going to the gym and eating healthy ... so it can work with you but it isn't magic you need to put the hard work too !
  • heidi2004
    heidi2004 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm a diet pill junkie!! my house is like a pharmacy!! Nothing ever seemed to work for me!! I know you don't want to here this but there is no quick fix!! Just keep doing what your doing here!!
  • Queenb62303
    this is my if you dont like it..thats your opinion :) diet pills dont work.. not to mention most are not approved by the fda...and they have not had long enough research to know the effects it will do to your body in the long run! its watching what you eat, andEXERCISE...spend the money you would have on the pills for a jump rope...or a pair of jeans in a smaller size:) good luck!
  • gailellie
    this is my if you dont like it..thats your opinion :) diet pills dont work.. not to mention most are not approved by the fda...and they have not had long enough research to know the effects it will do to your body in the long run! its watching what you eat, andEXERCISE...spend the money you would have on the pills for a jump rope...or a pair of jeans in a smaller size:) good luck!
  • gailellie
    this is my if you dont like it..thats your opinion :) diet pills dont work.. not to mention most are not approved by the fda...and they have not had long enough research to know the effects it will do to your body in the long run! its watching what you eat, andEXERCISE...spend the money you would have on the pills for a jump rope...or a pair of jeans in a smaller size:) good luck!
    oops didn't mean to quote :0/ me brain isn't on form today lol
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I've previously commented on a post similar to this about how I was taking Xtreme Thermoburn. I took it for about 2-1/2 weeks and then got really sick. Both of my arms were going all pins and needles like, I was extremely nauseous, any sort of movement felt like I was about to throw up, not to mention the killer "crash" I felt a couple hours after taking them - to the point where I'd have to sneak off from work to take a 5-10 mins nap because I simply could not stay awake. I've since stopped taking them and are just working on losing the weight the proper - healthy, way. I would recommend you don't take them as once you stop, the weight will slowly creep back up, or heck , you could just take them and get sick like I did. :P
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    You will hear anecdotal evidence from people on both sides, if you want to try it, try it. There are no real studies, just peoples stories, and you never get the whole story anyway. A girl i work with passed out and fell on the ground hitting her head causing a seizure, supposedly from taking "hydroxycut" The seizure is from hitting her head on a concrete floor, will it be attributed to the drug? Probably..............come to find out she wasn't eating at all, she was just drinking black coffee and diet moutain dew and taking the pills, so is it the pills fault? The bottom line is, if you take it as the label describes, and you don't have any medical problems it wont kill you. Is it a lifetime plan? Absolutely not. But it might give you the edge to get moving, or get over a sticking point. They are used all over the athletic world.
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    The bottom line is, if you take it as the label describes, and you don't have any medical problems it wont kill you. Is it a lifetime plan? Absolutely not. But it might give you the edge to get moving, or get over a sticking point.

  • Peacock2468
    The part that cracks me up about diet pills is that the bottle always states that with a proper diet and exercise you will loose weight. You will loose weight with proper diet and exercise with or without the diet pills.