Body's hunger Signals are changing

Hey Guys and Gals, Do you find that now that you have lost weight and began or continued to exercise your body's hunger indications have changed. For example, I get up at 5am everymorning for work It used to be by 5:30 I HAD to get something in my stomach because it was growling so bad. Now that I have been exercising and loosing weight I find I am not hungry at 5:30 anymor but can go untill 6 or later before I need to eat. Has anyone experenced this?


  • mooz
    mooz Posts: 101
    I've noticed that too. I started this in April with the intention of really trying to eat when I was hungry. I hadn't felt hunger in a long time. Now that I'm eating better foods, exercising and all that I feel like I'm not starving all the time and running for junk to satisfy that hunger. I honestly thought I would actually be hungrier since I'm exercising 2x a day. Go figure.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hey Guys and Gals, Do you find that now that you have lost weight and began or continued to exercise your body's hunger indications have changed. For example, I get up at 5am everymorning for work It used to be by 5:30 I HAD to get something in my stomach because it was growling so bad. Now that I have been exercising and loosing weight I find I am not hungry at 5:30 anymor but can go untill 6 or later before I need to eat. Has anyone experenced this?


    I put it down to my stomach shrinking. To be honest I am pleased it doesn't demand grub all the time now, makes everything a lot simpler.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Hey Guys and Gals, Do you find that now that you have lost weight and began or continued to exercise your body's hunger indications have changed. For example, I get up at 5am everymorning for work It used to be by 5:30 I HAD to get something in my stomach because it was growling so bad. Now that I have been exercising and loosing weight I find I am not hungry at 5:30 anymor but can go untill 6 or later before I need to eat. Has anyone experenced this?


    I put it down to my stomach shrinking. To be honest I am pleased it doesn't demand grub all the time now, makes everything a lot simpler.

  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    It's funny, in a way I eat more now than I did before.

    But by that I mean in frequency. In the beginning I never ate breakfast and barely snacked other than the occasional bit of junk food. I remember getting up at 8am, going to work, and not eating until 1pm. Lunch wouldn't be anything crazy, but man at dinner time I would cram it in there. Nowadays I'm dying if I don't eat within an hour after I wake up (unless I go exercise) and my body needs the little snacks to keep me going in between the significantly decreased lunch and dinner portions.

    I also barely drank any water, or anything in general for that matter. Now I get parched if I don't get at least 9 cups a day, lol.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    I was gonna say I'm the opposite! hahaha...Because I used to NOT eat all day and then have big giant binge's at night...when I wake up in the morning, I HAVE to eat by 8:30 or I'm a wreck...Since I spread out my eating over the day, I have to have something every few hours....yes it's a lot less than it used to be and I understand real hunger vs bored hunger, but ya...funny, I'm the opposite!hahaha..
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Mine's been just the opposite, too.
    I used to eat breakfast in the mornings because, well, it's what you do ya know? I'd have a bowl of cereal. But I wasn't ravenous.
    Now my metabolism has sped up so much that I have to eat breakfast or I'm starving by the time I get to work. Luckily I keep some steel oats at work just in case I run late out the door in the morning.
    I also used to not have to snack at all. I'd eat 3 square meals, that was it.
    Now I have to have something small and healthy between each meal. Sometimes I don't have to between lunch and dinner, but I do between breakfast and lunch.