I did not know! I did NOT know!

1. I did not know that eating every three hours would help me LOSE weight:noway: !
2. I did not know that there was something called Almond Butter and Blue Agave - YUMMY.
3. I did not know that my heart would keep beating if I did NOT drink soda and SWEET TEA!
4. I did not know that a tiny heart rate monitor could take my weight loss to new heights.
5. I did not know that a 2 piece was a bathing suit and not what I ordered at Church's and Popeye's! I have one now:blushing: .

102 days later this is my epiphany - WOW-O! Do you have five that you are willing to share?


  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    That is awesome! :) Good for you! :) I don't have anything to share as of yet, but very inspiring! :)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I did not know that I'd ever enjoy running so much, let alone look forward to it.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    1. I didn't know that I could use skim milk in my cereal and not die.... I can't even tell the difference.
    2. I didn't know that eventually, exercising would become part of my routine again... now I feel weird without working out.
    3. I didn't know that not eating was bad for me and would make my weight loss slower... weeeeird!
    4. I didn't know how much I absolutely LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE riding my bike and brisk walking.
    5. I didn't know that I would feel so much more confidence, even though I have only lost 6 lbs so far....

    Awesome, post. It made me think :) Thanks! Wish I would have known these things! And I wish I would have found this site 3 years ago after having my first child and not knowing anything about weight loss. But I just didn't know!
    JUSTFORME2010 Posts: 125 Member
    I love this posting thanks for the laugh
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    i love this!!!! good for u! and now u know =]

    i did not know even healthy food should have portions! i thought it was a free-for-all as long as i didnt have any fried foods or cake.
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    I did not know:
    1. That I could really enjoy choosing what to wear
    2. That my clothes that I have hidden in the wardrobe would all fit if I would take some time to make some small changes
    3. That I would actually feel more in control at work if I start my day with exercise
    4. That I would be a nicer Mum to my kids if I wasn't so unhappy with myself
    5. That when I took away the weight I would realise the problem is how I see myself, not how others see me

    Thought provoking topic - thanks x
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    1. I didn't know that 1% milk is actually not that bad
    2. I didn't know that not eating McDonald's would actually not make me sad
    3. I didn't know that I could actually JOG
    4. I didn't know that I could actually not eat after 7pm and still be alive the next morning!!!

    Great post!!! I want to be at 175lbs let's go!!!
  • KellieMcMurdy
    KellieMcMurdy Posts: 49 Member
    Being relatively new, this was GREAT to read ... it's like there's a light coming on in the tunnel ... thank you!
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    1 - I did not know I could actually lose weight (more than those 5 that I would lose and gain and lose...)
    2 - I did not know how awesome I felt to hear that I inspired someone
    3 - I did not know I could actually finish a marathon (5k down, 10k next!)
    4 - I did not know how much of my self-perception was based on being fat
    5 - I did not know that light at the end of the tunnel was hope, not a train :smile:
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I did not know:

    1) that I couldn't eat all the veggies I wanted to. Some of those suckers are filled with calories!
    2) that all that healthy stuff I was eating added up to 2400 calories per day. YIKES!
    3) this site existed until I googled "champagne calories" and discovered I was drinking half my calories per day.
    4) how many calories it took to burn a pound. It's a lot!
    5) that when I cut my calorie intake back I would for some odd reason start craving CHOCOLATE...which I do not normally like.
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    1- I did not know that I would ever in a million years eat tofu
    2- I did not know that fast food would make me so sick after not eating it for months
    3- I did not know that I could lose so many inches so fast and have the scale stay at the same number
    4- I did not know that I would have the stamina and determination to finish the 30 day shred and challenge myself to Chalean Extreme
    5- I did not know that while working on my goals of finishing Chalean extreme I would secretly want to push myself to do P90X next.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    1. I did NOT know: a person typically eats 1,000 MORE calories at Subway than they originally intend to. (I actually proved this theory when i realized that my 2 cookies and soda with my healthy sandwich was costing me an extra 900 calories):sad:
    2. I did NOT know: That i could actually run a mile, or TWO, and not die. :noway:
    3. I did NOT know: That i could make myself look BETTER than my wedding photos if I just made an effort. :love:
    4. I did NOT know: That my sweet tooth could actually be pretty much defeated, and I would one day no longer crave sweets and junk food the way I once did.:tongue:
    5. I did NOT know: That working out just once a day for 20-30 minutes could actually improve my mood & productivity as well as my health. :happy:
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    1- I did not know that eating breakfast could feel so good!
    2- I did not know that even walking for exercise can make a difference.
    3- I did not know that I could still go out drinking with my friends on occasion! (Light beer is not so bad when you don't over indulge!)
    4- I did not know that working out could be fun! Running endorphins are the best :)
    5- I did not know that it could be this easy to live this healthy.
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Great top...hope to add some on here one day!
  • Iorns78
    Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member
    I didn't know:

    I actually like to work out (most of the time, LOL)
    Eating healthier and at home has brought my family closer (we actually cook together and its fun)
    How working out lowered my stress levels
    That doing simple 50 squats a day really helped the dreaded "love handles" (each bathroom break just knock out 10 or so)
    That I could lose more than 10 pounds and keep it off, even if I did fall off the "diet" but because of the lifestyle change I committed to I got into better eating habits.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    1. I didn't know I'd ever find a protein shake I ENJOY drinking.
    2. I didn't know I'd ever actually sign up for a race.
    3. I didn't know I could be so knowledgable and confident about my weight loss.
    4. I didn't know I could lose 20 lbs doing something I LOVE!
    5. I didn't know I could fall in love with food and cooking all over again...and that food be healthy.
  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member

    4. I did NOT know: That my sweet tooth could actually be pretty much defeated, and I would one day no longer crave sweets and junk food the way I once did.:tongue:

    Okay, how did this happen?????!!!!!??????
  • czar1978
    czar1978 Posts: 83
    So many of you have already hit on the things I've learned along this journey that I did not know before I started! I just want to add a few more...

    I did not know that I could get my lazy butt out of bed at 5:00 a.m. and go to the gym for a 60-minute workout before heading to work.

    I did not know that I could lose 5.5 inches from lower body and 9.2% of my body fat in eight weeks! (I joined a body challenge at my gym.)

    I did not know that I would ever get to the point with my running when I could say, "I'm going for a quick run; only four miles."

    I did not know that I would be running a 10-mile race this August and a half-marathon in October!
  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    I did not know that one day my thighs wouldn't jiggle
    I did not know that I'd need to set a new weight lose goal having achieved the one I'd never dreamed possible
    I did not know I could run 25 minutes non-stop
    I did not know that my arms could grow. I can now scratch any part of my back.
    I did not know that anything other than a hot flash caused sweating
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    I did not know:
    1) that all it took to lose weight, was to be accountable for what I ate and how I lived
    2)that the naughty voice in my head telling me I couldn't run 10k or couldnt keep the weight off could be silenced every time I made the right choice
    3) that I would look back 2 years from now and have kept EVERY pound I had lost off!!!
    4) that weight loss happens one tiny decisions at a time...yes I will go to the gym, No I will not have a cookie, yes I will walk home from work
    5) that there are some food/drinks SO high in calories...they are just NOT even worth eating or drinking....no matter HOW much I "think" I deserve it....