I did not know! I did NOT know!



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
  • IAM125lbs
    IAM125lbs Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks for this post! This thread was just what I needed to pull me off of this self-defeating roller coaster I've been on recently. I'd loss my motivation but now I'm renewed by the inspiration I gained from each contributor.
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    I did not know:

    1. I do not have to gain weight on vacation if I continue to log my calories and drink my water. I have been on several weekend trips and have come home either the same weight or less.

    2. That exercising regularly for two months time would lower my blood pressure so much.

    3. That I could spend more than 5 min on the elliptical trainer and not drop dead. Lol.

    4. How much energy eating right and exercising could give me. I actually feel my age. Lol.

    5. That I would ever feel like I can REALLY do this once and for all. No joke.

    Bonus: never thought I would enjoy shopping ever again, but now I'm thinking I should lock up my credit cards. Lol.
  • sheyna1983
    sheyna1983 Posts: 137

    2. I did not know that there was something called Almond Butter and Blue Agave - YUMMY.

    :heart: I discovered Almond butter 2 weeks ago too.... :heart:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    1. I did not know that I could ever maintain on nearly 2000 calories a day.
    2. I did not know that eating exercise calories could actually cause me to lose weight more consistently.
    3. I did not know that getting fit before surgery would lead to weight maintenance when I was in bed for 6 weeks.
    4. I did not know that I would love exercise so much.
    5. I did not know that I would ever fit into a size 6.
  • SassyMissDasha
    I didn't know I could LOVE drinking water
    I didn't know I could get up at 5 AM for a 60 minute workout
    I didn't know you can still enjoy the foods you like and not gain
    I didn't know I could inspire someone else
    I didn't know I could look good in new clothes, and actually like what I see
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Thanks for this post! This thread was just what I needed to pull me off of this self-defeating roller coaster I've been on recently. I'd loss my motivation but now I'm renewed by the inspiration I gained from each contributor.

    I totally agree! This whole thread was very encouraging and inspiration!! I agree with a lot of the I did not knows also especially when it comes to exercising. It makes me feel good the whole day when I exercise in the mornings. I never know why it is that I stop. Thanks for the post. i really enjoyed reading all the responses!
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    1. I did not know that changing my own eating habits would cause my husband to lose so much weight just because I cook our dinners. (He has lost as much as I have and doesn't log his food or eat lunch with me since he's at work for lunch.)

    2. I did not know that hearing people comment on my weight loss would make me feel so proud of my accomplishments.

    3. I did not know that even if I don't have a starch or roll with every dinner that it would still be a satisfying meal.

    4. I did not know that I actually have really always liked healthy food options but was too lazy to prepare them.

    5. I did not know how many calories were actually in restaurant and fast food meals or that the portions in most cases were enough for 2 people! I knew they weren't healthy but I never actually looked at the calorie content and was shocked that it's legal to serve them lol.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I did not know that exercise in the morning could change my entire mood and outlook!
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    1. I did NOT know that I could actually love myself again, maybe even enough to change the wife that I am

    2. I did NOT know that I would CRAVE the bonds of friendships and camaraderie that I have formed through MFP

    3. I did NOT know that I can actually SAVE money on groceries by eating the proper serving amounts

    4. I did NOT know that I would ever, EVER learn to love jogging...and look forward to my first 5K!

    5. I did NOT know that my severe depression, after losing my job and gaining so much weight, would be manageable through
    healthier choices, exercise that I crave, and the friendships that I have been so blessed to have made through MFP! I am
    truly blessed, and my life is so enriched! <3
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    I did not know that:
    1 - I AM an attractive and person under the now shed blubber!
    2 - That exerting energy during a workout would give me even more energy
    3 - That the momentary satisfaction of junk food does not outway the long term 'good feeling' of healthy food
    4 - That women won't get bulky from lifting weights
    5 - Just because it is fat free/ sugar free does NOT make it healthy (processed food anyone?)
  • Mommy2Kenzie
    Mommy2Kenzie Posts: 5 Member
    This is a GREAT POST....very inspiring to many people! I just started my journey a week ago, and reading all these "I didnt knows "is really inspiring! I cant wait till I can find out my " I didnt knows". I am determined to lose the rest of this baby weight! 20lbs time to say good bye to my body! YAY to a healthier me....a healthier me to myself, to my family, and to my friends! Hopefully I can inspire them all!
  • SkinnyGal08
    SkinnyGal08 Posts: 56 Member
    I did not know that I could lose 81lbs, I did not know that I would love to workout and make it my favorite hobby, I did not know I was capable of competing in races, I did not know that I would learn everything about a healthy lifestyle and look at the nutritional info when grocery shopping, I did not know I would inspire others, I did not know that I would love to eat healthy foods, I did not know that I would intake in a career in fitness one day, I did not know that my whole life would change and for once I would love myself and be happy with my heart but now I do know and I will know forever cause this is my life!
  • 2daughtermom
    I did not know...

    1. That I would enjoy reading a post as much as I have this one, thank you.
    2. That I could stay on a diet longer than 3 months and not go crazy.
    3. That I would enjoy eating ground turkey instead of ground beef.
    4. That I would look forward to coming home to see what exercise they're playing on Fit/tv.
    5. That I would lose enough weight that more than one person could actually notice that I've lost.
    and one more
    6. That I would have so many friends on MFP that would pick me up, dust me off and get me on my feet again.
  • tara3103
    tara3103 Posts: 107
    bump!! Very inspirational!!
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    I didn't know:

    1.) Yogurt tasted so good, even the fat free kind!!
    2.) I could live without caffienated coffee.
    3.) I could do 40 minutes on the elliptical.
    4.) How happy riding a horse again would make me.
    5.) I could ever get below 200lbs!

    Great topic!!!
  • Honeygirl29
    I hope I have something to share soon. Reading this is so inspiring. Thank you so much for that! I needed it!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    1. I didn't know I'd ever find a protein shake I ENJOY drinking.

    ME EITHER!! Which kind do you use? I found that I really like GNC's Be Buff chocolate malt flavor with milk. I'm looking for some other options to change it up sometimes!

    Pure Protein 100% whey in chocolate. The vanilla cream is also really good & great for customizing if you like to add fruits or need to use up extra calories. I throw natural peanut butter in the chocolate & it tastes like liquid Reese's pieces. YUM!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    I didn't know that: A perfect stranger could boost my confidence more than my family-thanks MFP! Kudo's to you all!

    Thats my thought too. Thats my biggest thing with sticking with it. Getting demotivated and having no reason to stay with something. I think its awesome that there is an entire site with sooo many strangers willing to give advice, motivation and a swift kick in the hinny when necessary. Its awesome and I think all of y'all are great for it.
  • ThatGirl_1968
    ThatGirl_1968 Posts: 47 Member
    Great post! Very inspiring!!