Anyaaaa11 Member


  • I'm going to have to say the opposite of the above poster. Only because I just started working a normal 8 hour day last week where I am constantly standing and moving around. The 2 previous weeks my weight was at a standstill which is fine cause I'm trying to lose slowly. ^no more than a pound a week. Well I listened to…
  • Personally, I love to run but when it comes to running in the hot sun/warm temps..I just can't bring myself to it. I hate the feeling of my face beating red, warm and it's just extremely uncomfortable. I still love running but I don't force myself to do it. Besides, I strongly prefer running in cold weather! In summer, I…
  • Fruits: 1. Blackberries, strawberries, raspberries 2. Mango 3. Oranges 4. Grapes 5. Bananas Veggies 1. Spinach 2. Broccoli/cauli 3. Asparagus, Brussels 4. Carrots 5. Cucumber Protein 1. Fish 2. Chicken breast 3. Cottage cheese 4. Milk 5. Nuts/ peanut butter
  • I don't really care for soda, chips, or fried chicken... Thankfully. I can easily turn that stuff down, it's the sweets that kill me. Lol
  • I'm 5'2 and a half(; and I weigh 111-113. Currently not happy with how I look yet. I have a small frame so I can probably go as low as 102 without looking underweight. It's a hard process though. I want to gain muscle but lose fat but I'm still focused on what the scale says which isn't helping at all. Lol so basically at…
  • 5'2 111-113lbs and net around 1550cals. Trying to increase to lose half a pound but for some reason my body reacts more to the all or nothing approach. In other words, when I lose, I lose either a pound or nothing. Lol weird actually
  • I'm the same way, I dont like doing things if I have to consider them as exercise cause then it just feels like a chore! Anyway what I do is go out with my siblings or friends: biking,rollerblading, running, walking, swim or even yoga. These are all WAY too fun to be classed as exercise(: I think of it as "active play".
  • I'm 5'2 and a half and I currently weigh in the range of 111-113. Not happy with how i look yet. May take a while but I'm planning on losing a bit more weight/fat and eventually gaining muscle. I give it a year before I get the body I want. It has already been 6 months and I've lost around 10lbs (due to stalls and binge…
  • Yes that has recently happened to me... Not once but TWICE! I'm certain that its from dropping it too much cause if you think about it.. Cutting it down 200 cals per day is an extra 1400cal deficit. So I would say you dropped it too fast. If your not losing you may A's well go back to eating 1600. What I do is have a…
  • More thank likely you hav trained you body to get used to the low amount of calories... Still harmful.. Your metabolism is probably at an all time low. I don't know what your net is so icant say for sure. That or your filling up on the healthy and nutritious low cal foods. You might want to throw in some peanut butter or…
  • Okay, I've been the same way. It has to do with personality, behavior, and mentality. Let's face it, we have obsessive behavior..& more than likely your a perfectionist as well (not that that is a bad thing!!). Anyway I get like this from time to time. I've actually only lost around 10lbs because of my ups and downs with…
  • Currently going on 6 months & haven't gone to the doctor yet. I was on birth control for a year.. Started forgetting to take it so I just stopped all together. Ever since then I haven't gotten it. Granted, I've gained and lost weight since then and am way more active than I used to be. Hoping it will come back soon. I…
  • I got in-between an ectomorph and mesomorph (: I'll take that as a positive. Lol
  • MFP underestimated my Cals burned as well. Some by 50 whole others were 200 calories less. Makes a big difference. Maybe this is to be blamed for my weight loss stall :)
  • WOW! Jaw dripping. Looks amazingly good!!!!! & has all of my favorite treats. Butttt if I were ever around that in real life lol (that cake is unbelievable) I would only have half a slice... But dream about eating the whole cake ;)
  • I'm 5'2 and 111lbs. Currently trying to lose another 4. They are a lot harder to lose /: I have to be really careful with sugar/sodium intake. I've also had to lower my net from 1550 to around 1500 or less to keep losing. Right now my weight has stalled out due to binges and eating so many treats. Hopefully this doesn't…
  • Diet: eat food with a bunch of nutrients! Get all your vitamins in. Whenever I don't et enough "nutrients" I've noticed that I'm more likely to binge. Exercise: don't overwork yourself. Don't want to get burnt out too quick. Most people set high expectations (working out everyday, twice a day) and then find themselves…
  • I usually make a cottage cheese salad out of it: chives, tomatoes, avocado & onion. Or I mix it with something sweet like pineapple. You could also put like broccoli in it or something? it tastes good with salt and pepper. Maybe add some meat in it (:
  • Pretty much any (most) types of granola bars! Way to much sugar, carbs.. Barely any nutrients & protein.
  • I always run on Saturday's, occasionally on Fridays as well. I don't workout on Sunday's unless I'm over in cals. Main reasons I workout on Saturday? -so I can eat more. Family always has treats on the weekend and it's hard to resist. -I love going on early morning runs. So refreshing. Not a worry in mind except going for…
  • I usually just like to eat something quick and easy for lunch... - PB and banana sandwich with some carrots or hard boiled egg -turkey/ham/chicken & avocado sandwich. Lots of veggies - egg white omelet with a piece of toast if I'm lacking on protein for that day. -occasionally oatmeal -Tuna salad, bean salad, taco salad.…
  • I'm such a sweets person!! I am always craving something sweet. With that being said, usually a couple pieces of Hershey's dark chocolate suffices. Some chocolate milk maybe even chocolate whey with milk tastes good. Got to try the banana ice cream (recipe is on here somewhere). Um, coffee with creamer helps, so does a…
  • I'm such a sucker for ice cream! Ugh love-hate relationship. My absolute favorites are as listed (; Pralines n cream, cake batter, white chocolate chip mint and cookie dough! YUM
  • I feel the same way. Fortunately my Measurements went down. Not making much progress anymore though. I suggest you up your protein intake and drop carbs to around 150g if your not already. This and cardio/strength is what helped me.
  • I haven't intentionally taken a "day off" since dieting but I have had occasional binging ): Anyway, It never hurt my weight loss but it did take me out of a deficit (obviously). So a whole week of dieting usually gets cancelled out by a couple days of binging. Maybe I'm fortunate to not gain during these times? Idk but I…
  • I got overweight because I was already thin and thought I could eat whatever I wanted. This worked until I got out of high school then I started eating way more. I was still active but eating tons of carbs and crappy food. I would go through an entire bag of m&m's and container of chips and just sit on my bed in my dorm. I…
  • I think this has to do partly with the fact that it's our nature. Just as a man seeks a woman with childbearing curves. Women want to "feel" protected. Someone to watch over them. Tall men make us feel secure. It's embedded in us. Plain and simple. Lol sure they're exceptions but this is generally speaking.
  • For being 280lbs in your after pic you sure look a lot thinner than that. You must have a decent amount of muscle. My dads body look almost exactly like yours and he weighs 190 So be proud!(:
  • Ice cream &Cheese cake Ohhhh and red Robbins chicken sandwich That is all.