

  • Oooh no sorry, wasn't responding to you. With the hypo and a non-existant thyroid that's completely possible. I was saying for strictly hyperthyroidism, it would be unlikely.
  • 40 pounds in 2 months simply due to a thyroid problem? Seems excessive. Your appetite does increase a lot, but in order to gain 40 pounds in addition to the increased metabolism is extreme. It means an intake of a lot of food. I'm not saying there is another underlying issue, but that is definitely NOT typical. Possible,…
  • I think that it is worth the investment, but remember, HRM's estimate calories burned just like elliptical machines and this website. It is slightly more tailored to you but it is still an investment. I had the Timex Ironman one and returned it because I felt it severely overestimated the amount of calories that I burned…
  • Yeaaah I would say that is definitely wrong. Maybe its defective? Did Polar say they would replace it?
  • As far as the calorie counts that MFP gives, they're generalized and often really high. I don't know what exercises you did and what the HRM read but it still might be accurate just because it is lower than MFP. For cardio, you should be burning about 8 to 9 calories a minute. Edit: Just saw you said less than…
  • I've noticed that things from BJ's will have the same exact name but are larger in size. For instance, I bought the Boca Burgers there and they were listed the same exact way, but they were larger than the normal ones and therefore more calories, etc. It's weird and kind of annoying...
  • Also not a DD, but I still do this. Regular underwire bra and a sports bra on top.
  • No haha I was approximately the same weight in high school that I am now. Sucks to be overweight your whole life...
  • I've noticed that if I eat basically the same thing and exercise the same for two days, I'll lose more on the day that I have increased water consumption. Definitely necessary!
  • :laugh: Maybe stepping on and off the scale so much makes you lose a few ounces. haha just kidding...mine does that too though... I tend to way everyday, but only record on Sundays. I go with the first reading I get. As long as it is only a couple of ounces and not off by pounds each time I don't worry too much. Maybe I'll…
  • This happens to me all the time. I think it's a combination of my shoes being to tight and having a tendency to do the elliptical on my tip toes. This keeps the blood from fully reaching my toes and making them tingle when I put my foot down. When it happens I just keep my foot flat for a few minutes to allow the blood to…
  • Diet and exercise are actually the best things for people who actually have type 2 diabetes! There are often times when type 2 diabetics can manage through that alone, without the need for medication. I had a similar scare about a year ago, thought I might be pre-diabetic. Turns out I just ate too much pizza too close to…
  • I believe you simply tested too early. A reading of 234 is in fact a high reading, but the fact that you tested a half hour after eating a high carb meal is what most likely caused such a high BG level. Although, it is commonly believed that a non-diabetic should not go above 140. Based on your post-prandial testing your…
  • Reaaaaally Random, but you're dog is absolutely beautiful! Annd yeah that article does not sound like something I'd ever want to do...
    in HCG Diet Comment by SFinn August 2010
  • I had looked into that as well....and it seemed really interesting, but the only problem is I am a poor college student :(. To pay for that seriously takes me like two full days of work to earn.
  • Just click on that person's picture/name and hit add friend!
  • Welcome! This site is full of support and is actually slightly addictive :)
  • Hey! The amount of weight that I want to lose is approximately the same. I don't have kids but I definitely understand by being a everything eater. I tend to overeat when I'm happy, sad, stressed, in a rush, etc. This site definitely helps with controlling that! Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I think that it is recommended less often...anywhere from every two weeks to every month. I've been doing every two weeks, just because for me seeing the number either way is a motivator. If it goes up, it motivates me to work harder to lose what I gained and if it goes down I work harder to continue losing. Depends on how…
  • You seriously just made me laugh with that one. The seed used to make Chia pets. :) Interesting. I really don't know much about the omegas, except that their good for us. I'll have to research it a little bit. Thanks!
  • Chia seed? Where would you get that? Actually to be honest, what is that? I've never heard of it...
  • Ugh that always happens to me, and it sucks because I don't even feel like exercising at that time, which makes it worse. I think that you burn slightly more calories during menstruation, but not a lot. I would sa if you're body is hungry to eat, but eat healthy and not give in to all your cravings. For instance, if you…
  • Hmm I never would have thought to mix those two. I'll have to try it!
  • I didn't even think of bananas...thanks! By the way...your back muscles are amazing!
  • By dimples do you mean cellulite? While you might be able to make their appearance less noticeable, they are ultimately due to genetics and other factors than cannot be changed. Even super skinny people have cellulite. Exercise and weight loss will help diminish them, but nothing will necessarily get rid of them. Certain…
  • I don't even have the DVD's yet, me and my sister just ordered them so I can't be sure, but do you mean like how would you begin a more strenuous exercise program? I would try starting the DVD, but taking breaks as needed and not pushing yourself too hard. While your body does need exercise and movement, pushing yourself…
  • Oh I basically already do that, minus the five meals a day thing. That could easily be adjusted though. I won't complain about eating more often, I enjoy eating obviously haha. Thanks so much though! I have what seems like a stupid question though. By processed foods, does that mean all frozen foods? For example, I've been…
  • So if you are already eating fairly healthy (not a lot of processed, frozen foods, high protein and carbs) would this be following the Insanity diet?
  • Unfortunately I have the same problem with soda, except it's worse because I prefer diet which has more crazy chemicals in it. Honestly though, I've found that stopping it altogether works best. Or I limit myself to one can/glass a day. I feel the more I drink it, the more it makes me crave it. When I don't have it for a…
  • Thanks! And yeah I deducted a little more than 500 from my BMR but not much.