Kamalka Member


  • Good luck!
  • May sound weird but I have to limit my oranges consumption to 4/day (2 squeezed in the morning and eat 2 in the evening) because it is full of carbs and sugars. I also miss my 500g fruit yogurts, but this extra 500 cal (and I could get 3 or 4 of them every day) is definitely impacting weight loss too badly :sad:
  • Yes (but white bread, I like whole grain bread) and I nearly reached my goal...wih the same questions though. My skinny wife is another example we can. This changes may be required for the very last 3-5 lb to your lowest weight but are not required to lose weight. I lost my fat taking habits I want to keep for the rest of…
  • I forgot to mention that on "rest days", I might not train and go for 4000 cal food intake...so I sometimes get back cals I lost for weeks
  • You should not eat back your calories...I mean I try to eat every day like I should eat for the rest of my life. I am therefore never hungry. Sometimes I spend 4000 calories running a long distance followed by a bike ride...imagine if I ate 6000 cal, I would look like Stalone! I mean eat normally and what is important is…
  • I have a clear example that cutting fruits is rubish: my wife. A normal day is 10 fruits (including banana, oranges, kiwi, etc.), and 2-3 times a week is above. She is just crazy bout them and she is so slim (without exercise) that slimmer would be good for hospital with nutrition tubes directly into her blood. Her weight…
  • Honestly, the best gift is to make things easy, good mood and smiles are even beter than an Iphone :flowerforyou: In essence, the gift for me is the evening together
  • I would love to do it...but (have you notice there is always a "but"?) I sweat so much after exercising 5 minutes, how do you handle the smell with your collegues? I am ready to drop my salary by 20% if they give me access to a shower. I dream of getting to my job running or biking. Once I worked closed to a swimming pool,…
  • Depending on the time I spend on the machine, the workouts I had the previous days and the workouts I plan after it, I will feel the burn in the abs, the chest, the arms or the legs. I usually put most efforts on the one I want to while all muscle groups come to support it. I certainly try to keep my back straight and my…
  • My wife and I get about 300g of carbs/daily because of fruits and vegetables (eat about 4 oranges, a banana, 1 or 2 apples, 2 carrots and vegs in every meals)...that is 3 times the recommended amount and she is too skinny even though she NEVER exercises. She gets also a piece of dark chocolate every day and all our other…
  • Monday: Max workout by Shin Ohtake, tabatta on biceps and six pack abs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tDZRogSbbU) Tuesday: cardio (bike or run) and full body weight lifting (2X30sec exercises back to back and 30 sec rest between 3 Rounds) Wednesday: Max workout by Shin Ohtake, tabatta on triceps and six pack abs…
  • Both as well: she is motivating as I just have to copy her fod intake but unfortunately she does not like slim men, so she sometimes try to increase my calories. The worse are actually fruits, she eat 10 of them every day and my carbs and sugar are therefore always too high
  • My father being arabic, I took the habit to stay in the sitting room after a meal and share fruits (there is never a dessert but we always cut fruits). I take the same habit with my wife. This is a quite important for mental health to sit together, talk while sharing an orange, grapes or whatever fruits (a salad bowl…
  • I have to admit I tend to decrease quantity and improve quality: less meat but organic, the most expensive bread as well, etc. In essence our bills went higher step by step over three years, but it is a mix between different tastes, prices increase, new philosophy (several documentaries on cheap meat, level of chemicals in…
  • As every family, we sometimes faced rough economic times, where money was really counted. Though my dad taught me a good philosophy: we might be short, we might have to concede on most things but that is not a reason for not spending money at all. So in such case, if you feel like eating grapes or strawberries (they are…
  • 9% is really great and I would not care too much about figures: I would consider my shape instead. I would also be carefull with time frames, and certainly with comparison: first, % for a 300lbs and a 200lbs people are not comparable, as for men and women, sportive and sedentary, etc. Second, I once went much quicker than…
  • It is much pleasant the other way around....burn it, then eat it. As a child, if you play knowing you still have to study or to do the homeworks, you do not enjoy as much as when you prepared everything and can relax with a game; the same happens with chocolate ^^ Otherwise, what made a real difference for my shape is not…
  • It happened to me several times and do not worry, you will be very happy in about 4 days when you will come back to it. Considering diet or exercise, it is not what you do on a specific day that impacts but what you do on the long term: training every day, even if sometimes it is 10 min only is much better that exausting…
  • Are you guys talking about 2 or 4 hours run assuming long distance? Which frequency? I mean if you run 2h/day 6 days/week, you spend about 14000 cal in the week (if you have some training and are abble to maintain a quick running speed). I would sometimes change it with 2 hours bike or one hour of each. In such a spirit,…
  • I lost 12lb in one month running about 2h/day without changing diet (just stopped 500g yogurts and the daily dark chocolate piece)...since 4 weeks I maintain a small cardio -30min, high intensity intervals- 3 times/week and do some strength training the other 3 days (the weather start to be really bad, I plan another…
  • No, it does as mineral...and you should take off the label (including glue) for your diet
  • Day 20 & 21 complete: workouts, sit-ups, homebiking...body& the hurts in the legs, the abs, the arms the back! Great feeling though :ohwell:
  • I think you should stay away from C25k for 6 months...simply because there are plenty of chances you will put too much efforts into this and will not find the energy to get back to your jogging. I was over 100kg and I can say the begining is hard. The best way to run is to become addicted...and nobody is addicted to…
  • Ok, I mean you are sweet enough to post a list of great fruits and vegetables...I personnaly think that these terms are selling diet and magazine terms. Anyway aliments are great for health and I will try to increase their consumption in the following weeks
  • You could try to add one meal. As an example, put your fist together and consider 1,5 fist as a portion (you should have proteins and carbs in every meal). The easiest is to spend 2h cooking in the week, preparing toperwares that you can heat up when required. You can have five meals a day (for me it was 1 every 3h), wite…
  • The fat contained within coca milk is a good one. I also went through a study where people using it in 80% of their food (still do not know how this is possible but so said the study) were not fat. The study was directing to a low carbs diet and there were not any serious references. Anyway, they claimed that "fat does not…
  • Generally to see results from workouts (the program hold 30% of the success), it is advised to make movements as quickly as you can while maintaining top quality movements (quality over quantity is rule number 1), have an appropriate diet (another 30% of the success) and finally get between 6-8h sleep (last 30% of the…
  • Let's try again
  • Was not a fan...and many people think about food when we talk diet, but drinks are included. Have 5 beers on Friday night, 1 coke on saturday and juices on Sunday...you just gained 1 lb of pure fat. I keep 1 coffee in the morning (coffee deshydrates so I avoid during the day) with homemade fresh orange juice, then it is…