Negative calorie foods!



  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member

    Negative calorie foods: Diet gimmick or weight-loss aid?

    I've heard that eating negative calorie foods might be a good diet strategy. But what exactly are they?


    from Donald Hensrud, M.D. - Mayo Clinic
    The Internet abounds with lists of purported negative calorie foods — foods that supposedly take more energy to process and digest than they provide in calories. The theory is that you can lose weight by eating lots of these negative calorie foods. Proponents claim, for example, that you will burn 80 calories digesting a 25-calorie piece of broccoli, for a net loss of 55 calories.

    Celery is another commonly cited example of a negative calorie food because it's made mainly of water and cellulose, an undigestible vegetable fiber. Other foods sometimes labeled as negative calorie include asparagus, berries, broccoli, cauliflower, grapefruit and cabbage.

    Here's the reality. Throughout the day, about 10 percent of your total energy expenditure goes to digest and store the nutrients in the food you eat. Foods that contain few calories, such as celery, require a relatively large amount of energy to digest compared with the amount of calories they provide. That means it's theoretically possible to have a negative calorie food, but there are no reputable scientific studies to prove that certain foods are negative calorie or that they aid in weight loss.

    The bottom line: Many of the foods touted as negative calorie foods are vegetables and fruits that can aid in losing weight as part of an overall healthy diet plan. But they're probably not negative calorie and they're not a magic bullet for weight loss. In addition, following extreme diets that promote eating only a few foods can cause you to miss out on important nutrients. The key to successful weight loss is adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise.

    I really like this. Thank you.
  • LaLa150
    LaLa150 Posts: 14 Member
    I never understand how people take out the time to post rude comments.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    And with celery (as an example) getting to 10,000 cals is going to be A LOT of celery. So have fun with that! ;-)

    I actually tried this once as an experiment. I got up to about 90 or some calories and frankly I just got bored of eating...

    Bahahahaaa I'm gettin a good laugh at how worked up people are getting about eating healthy foods....ummmm, I'm confused! LOL.

    You're not confused. You're embarrassed that people called you out on the negative calorie thing so you're trying to act like they're the ones with a problem. NO ONE is disputing that fruits and vegetables are healthful, good foods to eat. They've only said that you must count their calories.
    Really now?? Why don't you go back and read a little... cause I'm pretty sure I've seen people post stating "I won't be stuffing my face with these things" and trust me hunny, I have nothing to be embarrassed about, call me otu on whatever you like, I'm not backing down, you don't agree with what I say, that's fine with me no sweat off my back. I will continue to eat endless amounts of fruits and veggies and continue to be fit ad healthy... thank you :wink:

    They had a valid point. If you eat too much of anything, including fruit, it's not going to be "negative." That's why so many people started gaining weight when WW changed their points system. I actually saw people on their forums at the time, so upset because fruit was free so they ate 10 pieces a day on top of their allotted points and started gaining weight. I don't care whether you back down or not. It doesn't make it true. :flowerforyou:

    I never once stated not to log these items... I think people are mis intrepurting what I ment by the word "negative". Everyones body reacts differently to different foods, workouts, etc. All I stated in the OP was what negatie calorie foods are and what they have included, of course there's a debate over this, what isnt there a debate over on MFP, they great thing is we are all entitled to our own opinions, how you chose to use this information is up to you, I or one know that I will continue to log and incorporate even more of the foods on this list into my diet, I also never stated to "only eat these foods" this is just a list of what some people have claimed to be "negative calorie foods", Something I read, something that made me look into it further and something I thought I'd share... bottom line.
  • 76wendyful
    I think if you cook it right, Unicorn meat is a negative calorie food...but that's the only one.

    Good luck!

    Unicorn meat is endangered! That means, if you've never had it before, you better hurry up and find some before it's all gone forever.

    Anyone seen Charlie and Candy Mountain?
    YES! It is so funny...Charlie....Charlie... Great, now I have their voices in my head! :)
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Contradicting a demonstrably false claim is not "rude" or being "negative". The number of ridiculous myths posted on MFP about dieting/nutrition/exercise and so forth is... well... ridiculous.

    Why isn't it enough to say "These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other fantastic stuff. They're low calorie too!"???? Why does everyone have to convert good food into something 'magic'? Why does everyone have to exaggerate the good stuff? Isn't 'good' good enough?
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    And with celery (as an example) getting to 10,000 cals is going to be A LOT of celery. So have fun with that! ;-)

    I actually tried this once as an experiment. I got up to about 90 or some calories and frankly I just got bored of eating...

    Bahahahaaa I'm gettin a good laugh at how worked up people are getting about eating healthy foods....ummmm, I'm confused! LOL.

    I don't think people are debating on whether or not the foods you listed are unhealthy (at least i hope so). :) They are indeed very healthy for you. What people are debating is the "negative" calorie aspect of it. :smile:

    I agree people shouldn't be rude, I believe that people can disagree without being disagreeable but it's hard for some people to grasp that concept. *sigh*
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    While they aren't negative calories per se, these foods are all very good for you and are low in calorie.
    And hey, eating these veggies raw is even better for you! Plus, you eat less to satisfy your nutritional needs when eating a diet rich in fresh raw vegetables. The heat of cooking can minimize vitamins, damage proteins and fats, and destroy enzymes which benefit digestion. Eating more and more raw veggies increases how you feel... you will feel more satisfied and have more energy.

    Eating raw veggies and such also helps with your immune system...can help to eliminate such issues as heartburn, gas, indigestion, etc.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Very well said (I wish there was an applauding happy face) Lol, hey but ya gotta appreciate people having nothing better to do then be all upset about someone posting about fruits and veggies ON A FITNESS SITE. Now I'm gonna go poke around and see how much weight all of these (sarcastic) people have lost!
    You are correct that all of the foods you posted are healthy foods. And you have lost nearly 50 pounds, so are definitely doing some things right (congrats on your weight loss).

    But you should know that ON A FITNESS SITE, perpetuating weight loss myths can have a harmful effect on the community. Maybe that wasn't your intention. But the "negative calorie foods" idea has been around for awhile and misconstrued by many people.

    I don't think this discussion is rude at all. I think it's direct. It's debatable whether the sarcasm is necessary. But no one got sarcastic until you became defensive and flippant yourself. Look back at the early responses. People were simply pointing out the correct information. There are some in the MFP community that feel a responsibility to point out factual inaccuracies and/or challenge unsubstantiated claims. Despite being labeled "mean," "elitist," "know-it-alls" etc., I think most people feel a sense of duty to the truth and want the MFP community to make educated decisions, not follow the latest diet fad.

    I don't think anyone is arguing whether your list of foods are healthy or good for you or low in calories. I think the point is not perpetuating a long-held myth that there are foods that somehow create a real-time calorie deficit. I hope anyone that posts about Negative Calorie Foods will be reminded that it is a myth, so that anyone curious about Negative Calorie Foods will get the truth.

    You can change your wording/intent, tell folks to chill out, and act like this is all a light-hearted laugh for you. That's fine. It doesn't change the fact that your original post did perpetuate a common dieting myth that deserved to be debunked.

    Thanks KG, as always very eloquent.

    I agree, however I posted what I read, what I found to be intresting and something that made me look further into. Like many other posts what people decide to do with the information is up to them. I know this article did not make me go "hmmm well guess I can stop logging fruits and veggies" cmmon sense tells me, well regardless I'm still gonna log, if it does in fact create a defecit, well then that's a bonus and I might just add even some more of these items to my daily diet.

    I never told anyone not to log, again, I posted something I found to be intresting along with the sites I found my information. It is a light hearted debate. I, as I'm sure many have, laughed about many things that were posted (not to mention I love a good debate no matter what the end result) Anyone who knows me, knows I'm not easily offended and will debate my heart out. But I also won't coward when someone is just plain rude to me. For the people who maybe were intrested in this post, and knew nothing about what to do with this information, learned something about it today.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Wow that got ugly fast. I think everyone is just crabby because it is Monday. I already managed to offend a large group on Facebook today over something ridiculous. And who eats dandelion, btw??
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    I remember when I was a (chubby) kid. My grandmother bought some 'diet' chocolate candy. Through the course of the evening and late night, I ate the whole bag. Then the next day told my grandma that I was sure I had lost some weight overnight. As if. :laugh:
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    this is the first of me even hearing the term of "negative calorie"... hmmm time to read up a bit.
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    Did I ever say (when you log your food, to log apple as -80cal Or to not even bother logging these foods?)... Nope, don't think I did.
    No need to get nasty. however, I'm a bit confused. How can you call them "negative calorie" when you admit that you log them and they have positive calories in the database?

    And yes, I know your original argument states that the body uses more energy to digest it - but that digestive "burn" or any natural "burn" is taken into account from your activity level when setting up your profile here. Or if you are using another site, that "burn" is taken into account with your TDEE
  • nkziv
    nkziv Posts: 161 Member
    this is false.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Here we go... I am a bit more educated on the subject now - No such thing, but kinda close, but not really...
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    I believe in negative calorie food. If the food has no calories but your body has to burn calories to digest it then I'd consider that a negative calorie.
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    Ok, I mean you are sweet enough to post a list of great fruits and vegetables...I personnaly think that these terms are selling diet and magazine terms. Anyway aliments are great for health and I will try to increase their consumption in the following weeks
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    I never understand how people take out the time to post rude comments.

    I agree!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I believe in negative calorie food. If the food has no calories but your body has to burn calories to digest it then I'd consider that a negative calorie.

    It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, it's still not true.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    there is only 1 truely freefood....

  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    this is the first of me even hearing the term of "negative calorie"... hmmm time to read up a bit.

    See there we go :) Mission accomplished. I had never heard of them till today either, I'm iffy on it still. But I DEF. will be eating even more of the items and still logging them. Peice of advice though, Just carefully word if you post about them on MFP.:laugh: