Not much yet from 30 day shred

Granted I just finished day 6 of level one.
I've only seen improvement in my arms. Nothing in my legs or waist.
And truthfully, I don't see how people get much from level one except for their legs and arms.

Are the other levels more work for your waist? Cause I want to lose inches in other places besides my arms.


  • morrowsarah
    morrowsarah Posts: 240 Member
    I'm on level 2. It has a lot of plank type ab work. The ab work is harder on this level. I still have a few more days until I get to level three. Stick with it and you will notice yourself getting stronger. You don't have to do the full 10 days of one level. You can mix them up if you choose!
  • megsasb
    megsasb Posts: 29 Member
    I have gained in my arms and leg, I'm building muscle! I tend to bulk up in muscle in those areas, but I have lost and inch in the chest area and half an inch in the waist
  • JollyJane13
    JollyJane13 Posts: 62 Member
    I am on day 8 of level 1 (no rest days) and I had a 2 inch decrease in my hips and bust and one inch decrease in my waist just in 6 days. I am not sure why you aren't having great results, but check your diet?
  • hedwighigh
    I'm generally under my calorie goals. Very rarely do I go over.
    I think my diet is fine truthfully.
    I mean I worked out before this and I'm not shocked that I'm not getting much in my legs.
    And I am weaker in my arms. I just don't feel much of a burn with the ab exercises.
    I changed by food diary to public though.
  • dkueter94
    Trust me, stick with it and you'll see results!!! Jillian knows her stuff! I lost inches and a few pounds doing the shred. It is worth it! Search for 30 day shred results pics on here and you'll see the proof! Unfortunately I didn't take pics before doing it but I am doing Ripped in 30 right now (another KILLER Jillian workout) and took pics this time. Will post when I'm done. :happy:
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Looking at your food diary, your fat intake is kind of high - the days I looked at were almost all over.
    I also noticed you have a lot of processed foods - those are high in sodium, which can make you retain water.

    I think you might benefit from more protein at breakfast - 2 oatmeal bars that are high in sugar with only a couple of grams of protein are going to throw your blood sugar off big time. Same with the candy - you aren't going over your calories, but those are wasted calories that add fat and again, spike the blood sugar.

    The days I looked at you were under on your carbs, but using the examples above, you are consuming too many BAD carbs.
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    Generally to see results from workouts (the program hold 30% of the success), it is advised to make movements as quickly as you can while maintaining top quality movements (quality over quantity is rule number 1), have an appropriate diet (another 30% of the success) and finally get between 6-8h sleep (last 30% of the success). I started a program (max wokout: 10 min warm up and 20 min intensive workout with very short intervals) after 1 months of pure cardio and my weight loss stopped since then, but my fat decreased and I general shape improved. I am therefore convinced it is better to workout intensively 20 min than slowly for an hour. It would be interesting to know how many % body fat was lost during you program
  • hedwighigh
    For some reason I have a feeling that I'll see more either by the very end of the first level (although I kinda doubt it at the same time) or by the middle of the second level. It seems like the second level is harder too.
  • hedwighigh
    The reason it looks like I went over my calories is because I recently just decreased them which made every other day before look like I went over.
    Again, I generally never go over my calorie goal.
    Also, to be truthful I can't do all the much to change the fats or anything like that because I have to go to a college cafeteria. I can't cook my own food, there is no kitchen to cook at and frankly, as a college student I don't have the money. So I focus on my calories and what is the cheapest and easiest to eat.
    If you have nutrition information that I can do as a poor college kid, then I can do that - otherwise, there's not much I can do.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    its only been 6 days, it takes a bit longer than that. unless your one of these lucky women who do see results after 6 days.

    I just started level 2 of 30ds today. I also do 40 mins of cardio and 20 mins of strength training on top of that everyday.
    Ive noticed a change in my endurance and strength, but not in the physicalness of my body. If you look at yourself every day of course you wont see a change.
    I measured but still no change for me, mostly because i love chocolate and have binged a fair bit, so thats my excuse for not seeing results.
    For me, who seems to be at (sort of) fit level, i cant imagine only doing 30ds and seeing great reults, its not hard enough for me.
    But ive seen fantastic results with some women on here who just do 30ds and look amazing! ( margrobins is a good example of this-look her up)
  • hedwighigh
    It may be best to increase my work outs then.
    It's easier to make time to work out and the swimming pool and gym at school are free. lol.
    I have noticed a increase in strength. I do feel stronger.
  • hedwighigh
    As a quick update, I measured my waist and naval this morning and both have decreased by .5 inches! Total of 1 inch lost at least and I'm on day 8 today.

    I also decreased my calories to 1200-1300 since I'm going to do terrible this weekend for my birthday. Regardless though, an inch is an inch.

    Next Monday will be level 2 with a diet of 1300-1400 calories.

    EDIT: for spelling mistakes